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i ... . <br />�� _ . <br />� r � <br /> ► . <br />, <br /> i <br /> tiiARRANTY DEE D <br />� <br /> KNpW ALL 1�IEN BY THESE PRES�1'PS: <br />�� That I� Helen Connell� and W. W. Connell� her husband� of Hall Connty and <br />'� State of Nebraska� in consideration of the s� oY THIR'!'Y THOUSAND NINE HUNDRID <br /> THIRTY-THREE & 58/100 DOLLAFiS in harid paid by FAR4EG PROPERTIES� INCORPORATID, <br /> I� of Aatl County and State ot Nebraska, do hereby grsnt, bargafn� sell� convey <br />! and confi.rm unto the said FAR.VF�L PROPERTIFS, INCOF�ORATED, the follo�ring described <br /> pre�aises aituated in ths County of Hall and State of Nebraska� to�►it: <br /> Fractional Lot Five (5) in Block Nine (9) in Baker'a Additiaai to the <br /> City of Grar� Island as surveyed, platted and recorded; alao <br /> Lot Five (5) in Block Eight (8) of Wiebe's Addition to Grand Island� <br /> aa surveyed� platted and reoorded; also <br /> All of the eastarly Ts�ro I�vndred Ninety-five and Three-tenths (295.3) <br /> feet of the �esterly Seven Hundred Seventy-seven and Threa-tentha (?77.3) <br /> ieet of Lot Six (6) of Voss Subdivision of that par�t of the East Half <br /> oP the Southweat Quarter (Fi�Si�) and the West Hatt of the 5outheast <br /> Quarter (W�SF.�g) of Section Eleven (11), Ta�nat�iP �-e�e� {1,1) xorth� <br /> Range xine (91 west os tne btn P.P�., lying so�th or the vineoln xighway, <br /> �hich tract hereby canveyed ia more particvlarl� described as folloxs: <br /> Commencing at a point on the South line oY said I�ot Six (6)� rhich <br /> point of beginning is Fonr Himdred EightY-two (lt82) Yeet East of the <br /> West point or tip of sa3d Lot Six (6) and �hich point of beginning ia <br /> the sontheast coraer of the tract described in the deed recorded in <br /> Book 101 at Pag� 359 of the Deed Reeor�a of Hall Covnty, Nebraska, <br /> running the�ce North a distance oi 3t�o Hundred �irty-five and Eight- <br /> te.nths �235.8) Yeet alang the West line oi the tract described in the <br /> deed recorded in Book 101 at Page 359 bereinbefora aentioned to the <br /> Soath botu�dary line of the Lincoln Higtnray� also lrno�n as II. S. Highvay <br /> No. 30, running thence northeasterly along and upon the aouthern boun- <br /> dary of said U. S. High�ray No. 30� a distance oY Three Hva'idred <br /> Twenty-eight a�d Three-tenths (328.3) feet to the northirest corner oY <br /> the tract coavey� by warranty deed recorded in Book 112 at Page 165 <br /> of the Deed Records of Hall Co�mty� Nebraska, ruaming thence South <br /> along and upon the West bouadar� line of aaid tract described in the <br /> deed recoi*ded in Book 112 at Page 16$ last above mmentioned, a distance <br /> of Three Hundred Seve� and F�ight-tenths (379.8) feet to the South <br /> boandary line of sa3d Lot Six (b), r�ning thence West along and t�pon <br /> the South boundary liae ot' sai.d Lo�t Six (6) a distance of �ro Hundred <br /> Ninety-five and Three-tenths (295•3) feet to the pZace of beginning; <br /> this comayanee is anb3ec�t to the provision for pro�e� street over <br /> the South portion oi said premiaes shoWa on the plat recorded in Book <br /> $1 at Page 72 oY the Deed Records in the offics oY the Register of Deeds <br /> of Hall Cov�ty� Nebraska� ared fvrther avb3ect to t�he easemeut recorded <br /> in Book 2 at Page 325 or �acellaneoua Recorda ixi ths office of the <br /> &egfster oP Deeda ot Hall Coroart�� Nebra�ka; also <br /> All 'of the Northesat 4�'tei' oY the Northrrest Qusrter (NE1IVW�) of Sec- <br /> tion Twelve (12) in Ta�mship E].even (11) North, Range Nine (9)� West <br /> of the 6th P.2�. excepting the tract cassveyed to the State oi Nebraska <br /> by deed recorded in Book 71 at Page !allt� of Deed Recorda of Hall County, <br /> Nebraska and also e�cepting the IInion Pacific Railroad Cowpany r].8ht- <br /> oP way l��0 fest vide as anr��yred and shc�rn in the plat of sm�►e� of <br /> eaid NorEt�ast Qaarter oi the Nortlarest Ruart�r (NE��aT4) on Dece�ber <br /> 21� ],951t b� E. W. geiss, Coanty Surveyor of Hall County, Neb�asks� and <br /> also e�ocepting theref�oan that part heretofore conveyed to the County <br /> oY Hall� Nebraska� naa oY record; <br /> TOgether iti�h' all the tene�euta� hereditam�ta and appmtenancea to the aa� be- <br /> longin6� and al], the Estate� Bight� Title, Intereat, Claim or Demand xhatsoever <br /> iacluding Dower� Cm�tssy an�d Hom�estead Rights of the said W. W. Co�mell of, i.n <br /> or to the sam8� or ar� part thersol. � �� <br /> �� <br /> �� � � <br /> f <br /> „ <br /> 5 1 <br /> 1 <br /> �' yl <br /> I I I I I ' <br /> . _ fl <br /> ,�. <br />