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ty.v��,�!t 5 i _..r ..-.. Le�'. � �! - - . . <br /> t L C 3 � • <br /> . WARRg1� TY DEED <br /> KN()id AT.I, M�l+T B7C THffiE PRESSNTS: <br /> That �e� Hele�► B. Connell and Warren N. Coanell� each in her and hia orn <br /> right snd as spouse of each ather� of Hall Covnty and State of Nebraska, in con- <br /> sideration oY the s� o� FIFTY-FIVE TfiOUSAAD NINErY-I�It3�iT & O5/100 DOLLARS in <br /> hand paid by FAR9EL PROPERTIES� Il�iDQFQ'ORATBD, of Hall Covaty and State of Nebraska, <br /> = do heraby grant� bargain� aell� comrey and confira unto the sai,d F�RVSG PROPERTIFS� <br /> INCORPORATED� the Yollowing described preaai.sea� eitnated in the Com�ty of Ha11 <br /> and State of Nebraaka� ta•wit: <br /> �� <br /> ' All that parb of the East Half of the Southweat Qnarter (B�T�) �"n <br /> �ying betxeen a line l�00 Feat Sonth of the center line o! the Union <br /> Pacific Ra3lroad Cpapany'a right-of-�y and paralleling the said - <br /> center line of the Union Pacific Railroad Ccm�pat�►�a right-of vay amd <br /> lying ttorth ot the State and Federal Higlnray No. 30� comnanly lasoxn <br /> , aa "Lincoln Highway", and a11 that part of the West Half af the South- <br /> east Quarter (W�SE4) lying South of the TTnion Pacific Railroad Co�npany�s Q]j , �j <br /> Q]j I �ght-of aay and lying North oi the State and Federal Higtraay No. 30� <br /> coa�aonly lmc�n aa "Lincoln High�taJr"� and all being in Section Eleven ,, ,. <br /> �� (11), in Township Elmven (11) North, Rauge Nine (9), Weat or the 6th <br /> P.M.� vhich tract is �aore�jr deacribad as follo�rs: Commenc- <br /> , : in at the northeast corner oi the West Half of the Soatheast Quarter <br /> (W�SF�) of said 3ection Eleven (11)� rimning thence South aloa$ and <br /> upon the Eaet line oY aaid Weat Half of the SoutheaaL Qaarter (W�SE�) � <br /> oY said Sectiori Eleven (11) a distance oY 586.1� feet to the North line �y�� <br /> oP the State a�nd Federal Highxay No. 30 right-of�ay� rnnning tflence <br /> � � southneater]y along aad �on the northerly line of aaid Hip�►�taqr No. 30 � � <br /> right-of vay a distance of 2932.6 Pse�t to a poiirt xhere the northerly <br /> line oP said Highway right-of-xay intereecta �ith the West line of the � �� <br /> � � �+ East Ha3f oY the South�reat Rnarter (E�,SW�) of said Section Ele�ven (11)� <br /> running thenc� North along and on the said Weat line of said East <br /> Half of the Souths►eat Qnarter (�) of said Section Elevea (11) a <br /> distance oY 8T1.8 feet� r�ning thence northeaaterly a distance of 1lt75 <br /> feet to a point on the Esst line of the Southxeat Quarter (�) o� said <br /> Section &leven (11), running thence North along and upon said Bast line <br /> of the Sotithweat Quarter (SFF�) of said Sectiaai II.even (11) a distance � ,; : � <br /> � of 223.5 feet to the aoutherly line oY the IInion Pacific Railroad Com- <br /> par�'s right-of•xap in the West Ha]t of the Southeaat �2narter (W�SE�) ,� <br /> ` of said Section Eleven (11), running thence nar�theaaterly along and <br /> upon the aoutherly line of the IInion Pacific Railrnad Canpany�a right- •�• <br /> ; of-way in said West Iialf of the Southeast Quarter (WZSF}) of said Section <br /> = ; Eleven (11) a distance of 293feet to a point on the North line of the <br /> West Half of the Sovtheast Quarter (W�SF�) of said Sectian Eleven (11)� <br /> xronning thence East along and an the North line of the West Half <br /> oY the Southeast Quarter (W�SE4� of said Section Flgven (11) a distance <br /> of 1058.l� feet to tbe place of begirming� and 54.1lj acrea; <br /> � � according to the plat prepared by Glenn Anderson, CoUnty Su�rveyor of <br /> Hall Cot�aty, Nei�aska, dated Feb�uary 13t 1952; <br /> Together �ith all the tene�nents� hereditamesit8 ar�d appurte�ancea to the same <br /> belonging, snd all the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Claisi or Demsnd xhataoever, <br /> includr�ng DaWer� Cvrteey and Homestead R3ghts ot the said grantors of� in or to <br /> the sane or a�r part thereor. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the abcve described premiaes vith the appurtenances� vnto <br /> the said FARVEL PROPERTIES� INCORPONAT�D ar�d to its ancceaeore aucl asaigns forever; <br /> And we herebp► covenant xith the said FAR4EL PAA�BRTIffi, INCORPORATED that we <br /> hold said premises by good and pertect title; that xe ba�e good right and laxtvl <br /> authoMty to se12 aad canvey the same; that tbey are free and elear of a11 liene <br /> and e�cuabraacea vhataoever excepLing only thoae nar ot record. <br /> Sigt►ed this lsth day o! March, 1957. `��� � . <br /> In re ence oi: — - --�—i— <br /> - --------_. <br /> � <br /> _ - ----- <br /> ... , . — . ..�_� T. . . . � _ ,.. ... ._ . .._.. �.. <br />
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