<br /> titiAR.RAI�iTY DEED - VESTIi�iv Ei;TIRE TITL� I:d Si1RVIVOR
<br /> KI�?0'�'� ALL 1�EN �`_' TH�� PRESEI�TS, That r.'lz.ry Feierstein, a lvidovr, of
<br /> Grand Tsland, Nebraska�_ in consideration of Eight Zhousand Three Hundred Fifty-
<br /> Six and no�100 Dollars in hand paid, do hereby grant, baraain, sell, convey
<br /> and confirm unto Roy A. Youngs and �elen F. Youn�s, husband and wife� of Grand
<br /> Island, Nebraska, as JOINT TENAPJTS, and not as tenants in cor.unon; the following
<br /> described real estate, situate .in the County of Aall and State of Plebraska, to—v:2t:
<br /> All of Fractional Lot 6 and the P�ortherly !l3.1 feet of �ractional Lots 7 and 8,
<br /> in Fractional Block 1l�8, in Union Pacific fiaili,;av Compan,v's Second Addition to
<br /> the City of Grand Island; also a right—of—SYayr over and upon the Northerly 6 feet
<br /> on that part remaining of' said Fractional Lots 7 and 8 retained and rnmed by
<br /> the grantor for a joint driveti•ray to ar.� from South Oak Street to the garage on
<br /> said premises for the use and benefit of the occupants thereof and subject to
<br /> a right—of—wav reserved over and upon the Southerly 6 feet of the tiortherly
<br /> l�3.1 feet of said Fractional Lots 7 and 8 �or a joint drivevray to and from
<br /> said South Oak Street to the garage on tnat paxt remaining of said Fractional
<br /> Lots 7 and 8 retained and owned by the grantor for the use and benefit of the
<br /> occupants thereof, said rig�t—of—xay to be used exclusively for a driveway
<br /> by the occupants of said lots�and the grantor and grantees herein, their heirs,
<br /> executors� administrators and assigns covenant and tivarrant that they will not
<br /> park their o;��n cars or permit others to park their �ars in said drivewa;� or
<br /> do anytI:ing to obstruct the free and continuous use of said richt—of—:Ra.;� as
<br /> a joint drivevray at all times, J
<br /> together tivith all t:�e tenements, neredit�..ents, and apFartenances tc the same
<br /> belonging, and all the est�ie, title, rio;��er, ri�;ht of ho:�es�e�d, claim or •�emand
<br /> whatsoever of the said �rar.t�r, o�, ir. or to t',^.e sa-r�e, or an;� part t'r:ereoi.
<br /> IT 13EI;dG ThE Iy''Ei��TIO:; Or �iL FHR;T::3 i:�RE'I"3i , ;'�;p`i �,� `�-;� r;;t�;d'� OF THE
<br /> DEATH OF EIIHLR OF SAIi7 GR�;dTEES, T't:�� �:`"TRE -EE jjh`PI.; TITLF, i0 Ti-IE Rr;Ai, ESTl�?'E
<br /> DESCRIr'3ED HEFM:;II1 SHALL 6'rST 11� T�ir� SURVI'JiiJG GR1ti12r;E.
<br /> TO H�VE AidD iU �?OLD the aboce described pr mises, 1Y1�:? the �purtenances,
<br /> unto the said grantees as JOI?1T i'�;i�dAi�TS, an3 not as tenanis in common, and to
<br /> their assi�s, or to the heirs and assigns of the survivor of them� forever�
<br /> and the f^rantor named herein for herself an� ner !�eirs, executors, and administrators,
<br /> does co;�enaat tivi�n the gra..�ees named �erein ar�� :vith their assi�ns an•� with the
<br /> heirs ar�� assi�ns o� the surcivor oi the:r:, �ha� s;�e is la�fuil;� seized oi' said
<br /> premise; that the�r are �ree �rom incun�rance except as s�ated 'nerein, and that
<br /> the sai�i �;z�antor Y�as good rig.ht and la:�rf�..� author:_t� to sell the sa*ne, and that
<br /> sne will and her heirs, executors an.� a:j:ai:iistrators shall ti�arrant and defend
<br /> -1-
<br /> �.
<br />