. . .. . , r ' � •' . . ' f . - '_. � .. _ . _-_ _ _� ' f _ �-_
<br /> ��__ ' _ � __ u�_.��� _. . __A� _ ._.�._.... _. '_.__._a_J�..�_�.�_ _ . ...___� . ._..� . .�.�..�. �-�...��T_--__ _.. - ._. _
<br /> . � ^_ .i :..'� - ' .-:.-
<br /> Y�� ��/O�O�.� .. .. —_.__"_ _ ._
<br /> f ' _
<br /> pdndpal amount af the indebtedness secured by this Deed o1 Trust,noi including sums advartced to protect the security of lhls Deed of � , , _,
<br /> � TrusE,excesd the origlnai prinapal amount sbted herein,or S 50.000.OQ ,whichever is greater. ._ •
<br /> 16.Misceifansaus Provtstona. ,- �• `� , . -
<br /> � (�)Borrotvar Not Released.Extension of th�dme Tor payment or modificaUon oi amorUzetion oi the sums secured by thLs • u:��
<br />' � Deed of Trust granted by Lender to any successor In interest oi Borrower shalt not opsrate to release,in any manrtar,the liabitl- • � ' �-
<br /> ty of the original Borto•r�er and Borrower's successors in interest. Lender shail not be requlrad to commence prooeadings � . ' ��
<br /> against such suooessor or refuse to e�dend Ume tor payment or o4hervvise moddy amorGzatlon of the sums secured by lhis , :-
<br /> Deed af Trust by teason of any demands made by the odginai Barrower and Borrower's sur.cessors in interest � • '
<br /> (b)Lender's Powers.Without affectlng the liability oi any other person tiabte for the payment of any obligation herein men- '
<br /> � toned,and without aftecting the lian or charge ot this Deed of Trust upon any portion of iha Property not then ot theretofore � ''' �-
<br /> re{eased as sec�cdty for the fuN amount of all unpaid obiigations,Lender may,from tlme to time an�f without noHce(�retease . , � �
<br /> any parson so liable,(ii)extend the maturity or alter arty of the terms of any suah obligations,(ili)grant other indutgences,(iv) ,
<br /> - - reiease or reconvey.or cause fi be released or reciss�vey8d at any tims ai Lende�s option arry patcei. �ortion or a!!af the -- - ---_-
<br />- Property,(v)�ka or release any other or additionai security for any obiiga�on herein menUonsd,or(vi)make compositions or • • �
<br /> ' other arrangements with debtors in reladon theretu. - � ,
<br /> (c)Forbearance by Leader SVot a Watver.Any for6earance by Lender in exercising any right or remeQy hereunder,or oth- _
<br /> erwise affarded by appticab!e law,shall not be a waiver of or prsclude the exercise of any such right or►emedy.The procure- , __. ` -
<br />. ment of insurance or the paymont of taxes or other Ile�or d�arges by Lender shall not be a waiver or Lendets right to acaeler- ' � �-�- � •-•
<br /> ate the matudty of the indebfedness secured by this Desd of Trust � , . =
<br /> (d)Suecessors and Assigns Bound;Joint and Severat LIabllity;Ca�►tlor�.The covenants and agreements herein oon- ' . .
<br /> tained shali b(nd, and the righis hereunder shall inure to,the respecGve sua�ssors and assigns of Lender and Tnistor.Aii . , ,�_��._ �.
<br /> covenants and agreemants of Trustar shaii be Joint and several.The qptions and headings of the paragraphs of ffiis Deed oi . .' •.=,;:;�.:
<br /> Trust are for convenienoe onl y and are not tn be used to inte r pret or define the pmvtsions hereof. •�`_.'>�„"��y.-
<br /> • (e)Request for Notfces.Tha parrties hereb�request t�at a�py of any notice of defautt hereunder and a copy oi any noUce • � �- �
<br /> � of saie hereunder be mailed tn each parry to thi3 Dee�ef Trust at the address set forth above in the manner prescribed by . : `= �. "�
<br /> � epplicabte law.Except for any otfier notice required und��,�plicabla law to be given in another manner,any natice provided for "
<br /> • in this Qeed of Trust shali be given by mailing such no��by certffied mail addresssd to the other parties,at tha aQdress set . , �II
<br /> forih above.Any notica provided tor in this Deed of Trust shall be effec5ve upon mafling in the manner designated herein. ti - , �.;�'r�:.,`_
<br /> Trusbor is more than one person,notice sent to tha address set brth above shall be notice to ali such persons. •'� '-�-:.;--
<br /> � (�Inspectlon.Lender may make ar rause tu be made reasonable entries upon and(nspedions of the Pcoperty,provldsd ��::.�-�-�
<br /> �'t.�-�-�------
<br /> , � that Lender shali give Trustor notice prior to any such inspecdon specitying reasonabte cause therefar related to Lenda�s intar- ---- - ��-=
<br /> . ' �c� est in the Property. , ^ �`
<br /> Reoonve nce.U on a ent of all sums secured b this Deed of Tn�st,Lender shail request Trustee to reoonve the � • � . `��' `
<br /> (9) Ya P P Y�►� Y y � ' � '�. •���,
<br /> :�. % Properry and shall surrender this Deed of Trust and all notas eviQancing indebtedness secured by this Oeed of Trust to ,. :
<br /> Tnistee.Trustee shall reconvey the Property,writhout warranry and�ti-:thaut charge to the person or perso»s legalty enUUed •.�.�•�.
<br /> ` � thereto.Trustor shall pay all costs of reoordaUon,if any. �. ;_;".. �...
<br /> � (h)Personal Property;Seeudty Agreemant As additional security for the payment of the Note, TrusWr hereby grants �
<br /> � Lender under the(Vebraska Unifortn Commerdai Code a security interest in ait fixWres,equipmenL and other personai property � . - ��'; .
<br /> used in connadton with the real e.,�te or im rovements located thereon,and not otherwise declared or deeme0 to be a paR oi ' '�:.' . .
<br /> P ,�,'+f.� ,° :•
<br /> tha reai estats secured hereby.This insVw�snt shali be coristrued as a Security Agreament under said Code,and the Lender `�'"
<br /> . shall have aSi tt�rights and remedies of a secured party under said Cr.�a in additton to the dghts and remedies created under
<br /> • and accorded the Lender pursuant to this Deed of Trusx provided that Lenders rights and remedies under this paragcaph sha11 t�
<br /> � be cumutative wi4h,and in no way a IimitaUon on,Lender's rights and remedies under any other security agreement s(gned by ,? �.,
<br /> Borrower or 7rustor. Y;'
<br /> • (i)Uens and Encumbrazres.Trustor hereby warr�nts and represents that there is no defautt under the provisions of any • .
<br /> � mortgage,deed ot trust,tease or purchase contract desaibing all ar any part of the Property,or otner contrdct,instrument or j� ;�:
<br /> • - agreement consiituUng a lien or encumbrance against atl or any part of tha Property(vollectively.'Lisns7,e�dsting as at tha �
<br /> data of this Deed of Trust,and that any and all exisUng Uens remaln unmod'rfied except as disGosed to Lender in Trustor's wri4- • ��' ', `�
<br /> ' ten disctosure oi Ilens and ertcumbrances provided for herein. Tnistor shati timety perform alt of Trustors obligatlons, �" �'' �
<br /> _ cc�enants,representatlons end v�arran�es under any and all exlsdng and tuture Uens,shall promptly forward to Lender oopies ___- _ ��L�-
<br /> . of all notices of default sent in connectlon with any and atl existlng or future Uens,and shalt rtot withoui Lendats prior written �� '
<br /> oc�nsent In any manner modify the provistons of or allow any future advances under any extsting or future Ilems. -
<br /> • , (j)Applicatton oi Payments.Untess otherwlse required by law,sums paid to Lender hereunder,inGuding without IimitaUon �.'`='"=
<br /> payments of prinGpal and tnterest, insurance proceeds,condemnaUon proceeds and renb and profits,shali be apptied by =, �_�,•==�--s
<br /> '. Lender to the amounts due and owing irom Trustor and Borrower in such order as Lender in its sole discretlon deems desir- ��r:
<br /> able. ��----
<br /> � � (k)Savarabiitty.If any provlsion o!thls Daed ot Trust oonflicts with applicabta law or is deciared invalid or otherwise unen- r:=_
<br /> tarceabte,such confliG or imalidity shall not aftect the other provisions of this Deed oi Trust or the Note which can be given ,�,T._ _+ •�
<br /> � effect witfiou!tha wnflicting provision.and to this end the provisions of this Deed oi Trust and the Note are dedared to be sev- ---
<br /> � erable. '. -•��r�':
<br /> . �' ` (q 7erm,.Trie terms�'Trustor end'Borrower shall Include both singutar and ptural,and when the Trustor and Borrower are _ _-
<br /> • . 'Y ths same person(s),those terms as used fn this Deed of Trust shall be intetchangeable. ��
<br /> (m)Goveming Law.This Deed of Trust shall Ue govemed by the lawa oi the Stata of Nebraska. �'°��� ��"�"�' -
<br /> � ._ ...»n...
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