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<br /> d MARCH .19 g� .by and among P . -.._.`_-F.r.";, .-_
<br /> � THIS DEED OF TRUST,is made as of tt�e 7TM day of ` ., ` ��., - . _
<br /> . . _�J.
<br /> � theTrustnr, . , =-.-
<br /> �..n..=
<br /> vrhose maiiing address is 571 E 20TH STREET, 6RAND ISLAHD, NE 68801 (herein"Tn�stof.whether onz cr anore). �' -_�-::���
<br /> � � theTn,stee FIVE POINTS BANK, A NEBRASKA CORPORATION - -. ��-:��._
<br /> . whose mailing address is P•0. BOX 1507, GRAND ISLAND, NE 68802-1507 (herain`Tn�stea7.and ��_,_
<br /> ._��' �___-.
<br /> '.�� ._ ;;'3`�':
<br /> - the Beneficiary, -s-----•—'--°
<br /> whosema+iingaddressis 2015 N. BROAOWELL, GRAND ISLAND, NE 68801
<br /> (herein'Lende�. � � . �
<br /> r .
<br /> . LOGUE ��- : ���• "
<br /> FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION,inGuding Lenders extension of c.�edit ideniified herein to RYAN E • •,..�,�.g`�:.;
<br /> •: . `....1"�'.,:�
<br /> - (herein"Borrower;whether one or mare)and the trust herein created,the teceipi '" • ^�•-
<br /> -�..� :
<br /> ':1.� ��yY �
<br /> of which is hereby acknowledged, Trustor hereby irravocabiy grants,transfers, conveys and assigns to Trustee, IN TRUST,WtTH ,.�_ ,.;�.�°�; _' ' .�. _
<br /> • P O W E R O F S A L E.f o r the benefit and securtiy of Lender,under and subjed W the terms and cond i U o n s h e r e i n aftar set tortti,the reaf •T��� :� ; :
<br /> . proparty dascribed as follows: _ . �`•
<br />� GRANO ISLANO IN DEEO B001( 139, PAGE 41 �:. :
<br /> • ' To�etn�rV�RhOn'ouitaUrg��lmprovemellSEY�ct�r�,'�t�8i�'aI16Yj�Epa���eways,easements.dghts,priw"iegesandappurtenances �S ;±li..•
<br /> - �acated thereon or in anywise pertaining thereto,and th0 rents,issues and profi�,raversions and ramaindess thereof,and such per- -Nr ���,:.�c
<br /> :..;r:
<br /> sonai property that is attached to the improvements so as to constitute a fixture,including,but not Iimited to,heating and 000ling equi� ,_,;. ,,�,
<br /> �;
<br /> ��• ment;and together w+th�tions thereto is he ebyidec ared to be a pa'rt of thee eal restate ecur�d by the Idie of this 0�eed of Trus a d �� t'-` '-
<br /> � ing replacements and add .
<br /> all of the foregoing being referted to here(n as the'Propertyr. �``
<br /> This Deed ot Trust shatl secure ja)the payment of the prinGpal sum and interest evidenced by a promissory note or credit agree- � ��� �;.,_^Y
<br /> ment datad MARCH_L 1997 .h a vin g a matud t y date of MARCH 7, ZOOZ _ - �-.
<br /> • �..�. .� —--
<br /> � in the original prindpal amount of$ 34,834.45 ,and any and all modiflcatlons, extenstons and renewats ��
<br /> � y��..,�
<br /> � thareoi or thereto and any and all future edvances and readvances to Borrower(or any oi them if more than one)heneunder pursuant �„��-,_�:«
<br /> � to one or mote promissory notes or credit agreements(herein calted'Note�:(b)the payment of other sums advanoed by Lender to �
<br /> • protect the security of the Note;(c)the performance of all covenants and agreements of Trustor set torth herein;and(d)all present and ;,�_
<br /> future indebtedness and obUgaUons oi Borrower(or any of them it more than one)to Lender whether direct,indirect,absolute or cnnUo- .;�iw::_
<br /> � , gent and whather ar�sing by note,guaranty,overdraft or otherwise.The Note,this Oeed of Trust and any and ail other documerRs that ";,v
<br /> „ • secure the Note or otherwise executed in connecUon therewfth, inGudiog v�ithout tlm(taUon guarantees. security agreements and •�- . ,, ;�- �"
<br /> assignments ot leases and rents,shall be reterred to herein as the"Loan Instruments'. "�'�x °—
<br /> Trustor covenants and agrees with Lender as to0ows ��.'�%..
<br /> '- 1. Payment ot Indebtadness.All indebtedr.ess secured hereby shail be paid when due. "�'�"""-
<br /> t�*�- �
<br /> 2. T[tie.Trustor is the owner of the Property,has the right and authotity to convey the PropeAy.and warranTs th2t the lien creat _ '• '
<br /> ed hereby is a first and prlor Ilen on the Proparly.except tor Iiens and encumbrances set forth by Trustor in writing and delivered to ' �""
<br /> Lender before execuUon of this Oeed of Trust,and the execution and detivery of this Deed ot Trust does not violate any contract or .' _�R
<br /> other obli�aUon to which Trustor is subject. �.- `:;" �`.. �
<br /> • 3.Taxes.Assessmenb.To pay before Cetinquency all taxes,special assessments and all other charges agalnst tt►e Piroperty :�ty`�'__,,,: .,
<br /> noworhereafterlevied. '� ''� "``�'���
<br /> -�:_:
<br /> 4.Insuran�e.To keep the Properry insured against damage by flre,hazerds included within the term'extended coverage',an .,_,,,�,�,,.-_ '_
<br /> such othar harards as Lender may require, in amounts and with companies acceptable to Lendor, naming Lender as an addiNonal ��-�t:•-. __
<br /> named insured, with loss payable to the Lender. In qse of loss under such polidas,the Lender is authorized to adjust,collect and .
<br /> compromise,all Gaims thereundar and shall have the opUon of applying all or part of the insuranca proce�ds(i)to any indebtedness ;::;,, �, - --
<br /> � secured hereby and in such order as Lender may determine,(ii)to the Trustor to be used tor the repair or reswraUon oi tha PropeRy or � _
<br /> (lii)for any other puryose or object saUstactory to Lender without affecting the lien of this Deed of Trust for the fuli 2mount secured !
<br /> ,. hereby betore such payment ever taok ptace.My appilcaUons of proceeds to indebtedness shait not extend or postpone the due date `
<br />� . of any payments under the Note,or cure any default theteunder or hereunder. ,.
<br /> 5. Escrovsr.Upon written demand by Lender.Trustor shall pay to Lender,in such manner as Lender may designate,sufficient
<br /> sums to enable Lender to pay as they become due one or more of the following:(i)all taxes,assessments and other charges against
<br /> . the Property. (il)the premiums on the property insurance required hereunder,and pii) the premiums on any mortgage insuranCe f•�
<br /> • required by Lender. m ood condipon and repair, shall �-
<br /> ' 8. Maintonanee,Ropalrs and Compllance wYth Laws. Trustor shall keep the Proparty' g , =
<br /> prompUy repalr,or replace any improvement which may be damaged or desVOyed;shall not commit or pertnit any waste or deteriora- �"'
<br /> tian o4 the Property:shall not remove,demolish or substantially aiter any oi the impravements on the Property;shali not commit,sufter
<br /> � q or permit any act to be done in or upon the Property in violation oi any law,ordinance,or reguiation;and shail pay and prompUy dis-
<br /> 1 charge at Trustor's cost and expense atl liens.encumbrances and charges levied,imposed or accessed against the Properiy or any ,__
<br /> I part thereoi. �
<br /> .__
<br />-�---�� 7. �mine�+i Dc,�ai:a.Lsr�sr i�h^rrb�assigne�a!�r�m�ensation.aNards.damaqes and other payments or relief(herelnafter _ _ _ _,
<br /> . � .rt7c Hs�RtwoK,m.at o.,ae�w,s�'s ,1fecem�ur.ou�.uv,,,a •• . � —_
<br /> � o,vWru�ra�,u6vaaGa�n�ui1usiowsamp+ y . . -
<br /> i .,, a � . ... .. _�'.�. . -' � .
<br />. . . � � � � . . � ' . 7' . - ' ' • l .
<br />.. - ' ' . . . � � � ' . . . ` � � .. . . .i. . �, . . ii ' � -
<br /> . '. .. n('—"l�tl�WYtiW-Ta'` �• . ,. . .1 _ ... - - - ' • '. , � ' .. . .
<br /> ♦ai++.t-�++tiJ....' +�^FJ+—:5..,+...t�:_a1'.:�. .. . . . . _J'..._ � .. . _ . � ... • • _ - t . � . . .
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