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<br /> i R�R �T- --_' . — :�_
<br /> . . E�ORDED - �-- --
<br /> � • ��`�i7.��i� APPL# 3Q2-6061 201 3 `.. -,--__- .__.�
<br /> � • 96— ���'�°6 � = ,�` ���.
<br /> � V.E4.GUARANTEED LOAI�i MiD A��iJ1�PZ'IOIei F�LICX R��I� � ° � .' " . °"
<br /> N�TICE: THIS I.OAI� IS N�T ASS�JMABLE WITI30UT . .� � � `l�
<br /> AFFAIRS OlZ I'I'S AU'I'H�RIZED AGENT. ' � . �
<br /> C .
<br /> ' THIS V.A.GUARAIVTEED LOA1�1 AND ASSUMP'I'ION POLICY RIDER is made this 25TH day of � ' � .
<br /> �._� Jtrt,Y 1996 ,and is incorporated into and shall be dcemed to amend and supplement the � � ;
<br /> • Mortgage, Deed of Trust or U�d to Secure Debt(herein "Security Ins�umer►t") dated of even date herewith, • . ,
<br /> � givcn by the undersigned(herein'`Boaower")to secure Borrower's Note to ; .
<br /> � HOME FEDERAL SAVINGS & IAAN (h�� �����) � � .- . ,
<br /> and covering the Property described in ihe Seauity Instrument and Incated at ` . .
<br /> 913 SOUTH LOCUST
<br /> . GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA 68801 • ''"*°�
<br /> ' (Properry Addtcss) �
<br /> VA. GUARHIVTEED LOAN COVENANT:ln addition w the covenanCS and agreements made in the Security � � . �-��
<br /> • Insaument,Borrower and Lender further coveAant and agree as follows �:�
<br /> .` If the indebt�dness secured hereby be guaranteed or insured under Tide 38,United States Cade,such Tifle and - ; :��,;, '
<br /> Regulations issued thereunder and in effect on the date hereof shall govem the rights, duties and liabillties of • ' ,,-
<br /> �`� Borrower and Lender.Any provisions of the Sesurity Instrument or otfier inslmmeuu executed in connection with -. -• • �;�;�,_
<br /> :� said indebtedness which are inconsistent with said�de or Regulatians,including,but not limited to,the provision • - , • �• �
<br /> ; .,(i for payment of any sum in wnnection with prepayment of the secured indebtedness and the grovision that the � , �� �--
<br /> Lendcr may accsleiate payment of We secuted indebtedness pnrsuant w Coce�ant 17 of the Secauity Instrument,are •� ��;.--�,—
<br /> .i hereby amended or negatcd w tke extent necessary w conform such instruments w said Tule or Regulations. . , - �--�'�`�
<br /> I . ' , �,.
<br /> � LATE CHARGE: At Lender's option,Borrower will pay a"late charge"not exceed�g four pea cenh�m(4%)of
<br /> ' . the overdue paymznt whea paid more t�an fifteen(1�days after the due date theaeof to covear the extra eapense
<br /> an
<br /> involved in hand�g delinquent payments.but sucb"late charge"ssbaall nos be payable oui of the proceeds of any �' .�;�t E"��_•
<br /> ; sale made tn sarisfy the indebtedness secured hcrebY.unless such procesals are suf�cia�t w discharge the entue - :
<br /> indebtedness�nd all proper costs and expenses secured hereby. •
<br />� GUARAIVTY:Should the Deparnnent of Ve,terans Affairs fail or refnse to issue its guaranty in f�ill amount wiihin .,: .�
<br /> 60 days from the date that this Ioan would normally become elig�'ble for such guatanty commiued upon by the . . �
<br /> ,,�
<br /> Deparnment af Veterans Affaus under the provisions of Tide 38 of the U.S. Code 'Veteaans Bene6ts, the • .
<br /> � � Mortgagee may der�� re the indebtedness hereby secured at once due and payable and may foreclose immediately or '
<br /> may exercise any other rights hereunder or ta4e any other proper action as by law provid�d. •' . �; ;• :'.j. �
<br /> • TRANSFER OF TI�PROPERTY:If all or any part of the Property or any inte�est in it is sold or uansfeared,this .`�'�` ` �t
<br /> t loan may be dectared immediately due and payable upon transfer("assumpuon")of the property se�tIIing sucb ��. ` �:�
<br /> � loan w any transferee (••assumer„). unless the acceptability of the as��umpfion and t:ansfer of this loan is '•�•=•,� . •-
<br /> established by the Department of Veteaans Attairs or its authorized agent putsaant to Section 3714 of Chapfer 37, �,.�,:�_;, •;',� y-�
<br /> Tide 38,United States Code. . . .,� :3��'-:
<br /> r.�.4„��: =�—
<br /> M authorizcd transfer(``assumptian")of the praperty shall also be subject w addidanal covenants and agreeauents -. �
<br /> • as scc forth below: �=-�" �'
<br />. ,;��',:,� :�,
<br /> (a)ASSUMP'TION FUNDWG FEE: A fee equal w one-half of 1 g�ceent(SO'%)of the w�paid bzr;�ce of this
<br /> loan as of the datc of uansfer of the property shall be payable at the�ne of Uaasfer to the mar,�ee or its �-z�`
<br /> anthorized agent,as wstee for the De ent of Veterans Affa'vs.tf thc assurnes fails w pay this fee at the time of �_.;Y•��,
<br /> transfer,the fec shall constiwte an ad itional debt to that already seGUed by this uutru�e�za,shall bear inteaest at the --
<br /> • .. ratc herein provided, and,ai the option of the mortgagee of the indebtednes9 hereby secured or a�y tiansFeree ��'�`F'�'
<br /> thereof,shall be immediately due and payabie.77�is fee is automaticaUy waived if the assumer is ex��t under the "'' _!'`"'�� '_
<br /> � provisions of 38 U.S.C.3729(c). ' '�'.. .�. ;�,
<br /> „
<br /> (b) ASSUMPTION PROCESSING CHARGE: U n a lication for val w allow assum don and �' �`���
<br /> Po PP aPPro. P •...�,�;;�-�-
<br /> transfer of this loan,a processing fee may be charged by the mortgagee or its authon�d agent for detemm�ing the �� . . ,��,
<br /> • creditworthiness of the assumer and subsequenUy rev�smg the holder's ownership records when an approved ' '�''�. � •
<br /> .. � transfer is com pleted.The amount of this charge shall not eaceed the lesser of the maximum esiz�Us.hed by the � .. �
<br /> � Department of Veterans Affairs for a loan w which Secdon 3714 of Chapt�37,Tide 38.Unit� Ssates Cade
<br /> applies or any maximum yrescribed by applicable State law.
<br /> � (c)ASSUNIP'I'fON IIVDE'.VWITY LIAB�ITX:If ahis obli�aation is assumed,then the assumer herebya�s .
<br /> ti
<br /> ; • co�sume ffiI of the obligadons of the veteran under the tams of U�e inswments cresoing and securing the loan, • •
<br /> ' inclnding the o1�Lgation of the veteran to andemnify the Deparunent of Vetea�ans Affairs to the eatent of any claim .
<br /> payment arising fram the guaranty or insurance of the indebtedness created by this inslrument �
<br /> IN�VITNESS WHEREOF,Borrowcr(s)has exccutcd this V.A.Guaranteed Loan and Assumpdon Policy Rida. .
<br /> ' �� '� �D.�G%E�� ' . . " _
<br /> EDWIN D STILLINGER -Bortoorer -Borroa'�* . '
<br /> , •
<br /> , � � � .. ,
<br /> � ��J,(.-�c. . ����L i lc..l.G t • '
<br /> �j PATRICIA JEAN STILLINGER -Bp wer -Horrower
<br /> , ; ��VMPB ORT6AGE FORMS•(8001521�729 5/9� IIIIIIII IIIIII III IIII�I I�II Illll611 �_ ,� � _ � .�.� -
<br />, I � .
<br /> ,{ �
<br /> -- j � �- ----, ,. _ .---
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