:. ._ . . . . t . _
<br /> � p$-11-1899 DEED OF TRUST i. ���.����� Pege g �:-�-,,=.(_.:_-->.=-v iF'_
<br /> (CoMl�ue�) F,�.
<br /> tsan Ka 432&� _ ; �"�
<br /> —T-r.--
<br /> ,,..
<br /> p��n�p��g�, �w�rd��parsortel Properfy'moan nn ogu:�m3nt,PoRures.�nd ctnnr nrUCles ot personal Grcperty now or noro�ftar
<br /> awr�6 by Tru.tor,and nc.v ar 1s;rca�;r aueons4 or aKixad�o tnv Renl Proporty:IogJihLr w�ih 811 eCC135SlOns,RB�.end add�tions to, au ,
<br /> � �rocsods n d etunds of Oremlums)o any sale orot a ptl spas Uan ot tt�i98Prapertyh ell prp�tls prtUudi�g wrthout UmitaGOn a0 insurnnce ; , .
<br /> ��:,
<br /> � Pimarrty►. ThA wotd�reRerhP mgans coRectively the Real P►operty nnd the Perso�.at Property. ' _ _�
<br /> R!�RropEItY.The words�teai PrOpert�'mean►he PropsrtY.Intprests and dOhts descnbed above m the'COnveyance ano urenP secuon. .
<br /> � f agreemen�v(ro mentc+l9aD eeme��9�������89��ents,ortgag6s,d eds�of trustpand all othe�irutrumen�ts,eg�reem9nk'and . , ..
<br /> dccuments,whetRer now ar hereaftsr e�dstlng.executed in tonnection with the InEebtednass_ � _
<br /> Rents. Ths vrard'Ftents'means aD OresBnt end future rents,revenues,inCOme,issues,royalties,profits,and othsr benefits derivfld from the �
<br /> i � '`-�-
<br /> . Praperty. •
<br /> TNSte6. Tha v�otd'rNStee"means UlJffED tQEBRASKA BANK and any Substitute or su�o��siees• .
<br /> �. Trusfor. The word'frusto�"means any and ell persons end entitias executlng this�eed of Trust.�nciuding wiihout timitation all Trustors named � __
<br /> � 8hov9.
<br /> �.
<br /> • � . . .;.
<br /> ,' pI�1 T1E FOLLOWING T�FilYlS: .
<br /> ; ppY��p�ggpFpyi�7pR►(�, Exoept es othervrise Dro�ded in this Ueed of Trust,Trustor shail pay to Lender aJl amounts secured by ths Osed . . �,.
<br /> j ot Trwt as they become dae,and shall stricdy end in a timely manner peAorm ail of Trustors obligabons under ths Note,this Deed of Tn�St,and the _ �.;:��
<br /> Retated Oxumerrts.
<br /> � ppSSESS(pN AldD NUIIHTENAHCE OF T1�PROPERYY. Trustor agrees that Trustors possession and use o!the Property shall be govemed by '�;r
<br /> � thetoQOwing pro�slons: �
<br /> � Posses�lan artd lise. Un47 the occurtence of an Event of Default,Trustor may (a)remair.in possession snd cordroi of the Properly, (b)use. , �:'�'
<br /> ! aparate or manage the Property,8nd (C)CoCeat eny Rents trom Me Ptop9Ay. ' � �� � - -
<br /> � � Duiy to MaL�'talr�. TNStor shaU maintain tha PrcpeAY in tenantabte condition and prompUy perform a11 repairs,reptacenients.and mafntenance . -�i `•�`�:':y
<br /> n a c e s s a r y ta pa^�erve Ns value. • ' .. . �
<br /> Fi�rdous Subst�ees, Tha terrtr�'ha�srdous waste;"haztudous substanoe.""disposal,-'Yelease;and'threatened retease;as us9 d in t h i s �
<br /> � Deed of Tnat,shaU have tha same meaninqs es sef fortfi in the Comprehensive Environmental Respanse,Compensation,and Liabil'dy Act of � . .. . �,
<br /> • i 1980,as amended,42 U.S.C-Sedion 9601.et seq.('CERCIA'.the Supertund Amendment�and ResuthorizaUon Ad of 1386, Pub.L. No. ! ��Y
<br /> ! gg..4gg C3AFi0.',the Ftt+zsrdous Materials Transporfation Act,49 U.S.C.Sectlon 7801,et seq.,the Resource Conservation and Recovery Ac6 ` ` � .' ���f �
<br /> t r �r ' :...'p:v':�`
<br /> 42 U.S.C.Sectlon 6901,et seq.or othar ap�'.'.cabts state or Federal laws,ndes.or regulattons adopted pursuant to eny of the forogoing. The , �.. .�.:::^Y,
<br /> • tertns'hazardous waste'snd"he�rdous subsfance"shail also include,without Iimitation,petro!eum and petroteum byr�roducts or eny fraction � r.�,,, , �, •
<br /> Uieteof and asbestos. Trustor represents and wertants to Lender thar (a)Uuring the period of Trustors ownership of the Piroperly,there has ,
<br /> Deen no use,peneratlun.manufacture,storage.ireatment,B�s�asai,release or threatsned release ot any hazardous waste or substance by any f : .
<br /> person on,under.aboul or from the Properly; (b)Tnutor has no knowledge of,or recson to believe that there has been,mccept es previousry .;:��: .�
<br /> :; i discfosed to and ecknowledged by Lender in wrifing, (i)any use,generation,manufaciure,slorage,treatment,dlsposal,release.or threatened , ; �,,�
<br /> , i retease o!any hazardous vraste or substance on,under,about or from the Property by any pAor owners or occupants of the Property or (i)any � � � . -
<br /> acival or threatened uUgaUon or dsims of any kind by any Derson retaling to such matters;and (c)Eucept as previously disGosed to and i t �
<br /> edcnawtadpod by lsnder in wrtUng, p) neither Trustor nor any tenant,contractar,agent or other auihorized user oi ihe Properiy shall use. ,,•�.;.-;�( .
<br /> g e n e r a t e,m a n u f a c t u r e,s t o r e,Vea L dis pose of,or release any haaardous waste or substance on,under,about or hom the Praperty and (i)any
<br /> ' guCA qCtiv(ty shall be conducted in comptianCe with eli applicable feAeral,sta te,an d loCa l laws,r e gu l a t i o n s a n d o r d i n a n c e s,i n c i u d i n g w i t h o u l r S —��
<br /> pmi{adon those laws,repuiations,and ordlnances described above. Trwfor authorizss Lender and ds a�enis to enter upon the Property to �.`:., .�
<br /> rnaica cuch inspacttons and tesls,at Trust o rs e�ense,am Lender may deom appropriate to determinv complianco of t►se Propaty with this E�
<br /> ' • sacUon ot lha Oaad ot Tnisl. My InsDacUons or tests made by Lender shal1 be for Lentlers purposes only and staU not bs cor�strued to aeate =�••:- t. r��
<br /> trry wspor►sID➢ity a Uabi�ty on the part ot Lender to Trustor or to any other person• The reprosentaUons and warranUes contelned heretn are �•
<br /> • • nce In investl Unfl the Propertyr for harardous waste and hezardous substaneec. Trustor hereby (a)relaa5as and �'` �•
<br /> b a s a c 9 a n T t u s t o f s d w d i A p e 9 a �"'�'!�;.�--�
<br /> W�Qny tutun q�irtq apafnst lender(or Indemnity or can m b u Uon In t h s even t T r u s t a r b e c o m s s l i a b t e f o r c i e a n u�a o t h e r e o s b u n 0 e r a n y • ;; • � :z._ _-
<br /> sucA(aws,arA (b)a�to indamnity nnd hdd t►l►mtess Lender aqelnst any and all daims,losses, Ila6iliUes,damages,penaltles, and ti('. . -
<br /> �wNCh Londer may dlreeUy ar IndUOCUy sustain or sufter �esNUnp trom e breaen of this sectlon ot ihe Ooed of Trust or as a , . � },�y�-�--
<br /> COrw4twnC�of sny iue,qeneratlon,mnnufacture,storape,disposal,relesse or threatened release occurrinp OAc►to Tnutors ownership or � —_-
<br /> u
<br /> InUrast in the Property.wheShar or nol the same was a sfiould have been known to Trustor.The provlsions o1 this secllon ot the Oaad of Trusl, _;���"� '
<br /> Ind��ry ihe ob0�atton to Indemnity,sheD suMw the payment o1 the Indebtedness en0 the 9aUs(acUOn and reconveyance ot the lien o1 this �_ .�
<br /> pead cf Tn�t and shetl not be attecled by Lendefs acqulstUOn of any interesl in the Ptoperty,whether by forectosure a otherwise. _
<br /> ���,Wss�. l�rustor shaH not causo.conduct or permN eny ni�ISance nor commii,Permlt.or suNer any stdpylnp of or waste on or to the . ., .__.'_..i_- ,.
<br /> prop�rty or any poAton ot the Property VYAhON Qm�Unp!he generelity ot the toregofng,Truslor wlU not remove,or yrant to any other party the :.�„---—
<br /> Apht to�tmov+e,arry UmDur.rtYnerels Qnd�dirW oil and pas),soil,qravel ar rock products withou1 the pdor written consent of Lender. •'`.4.• _ ��-
<br /> � - Removal of(mptowmOntL Trustor ahall nol6emdish or remove any Improvements hom the Reai PropeRy uWthout the pda written consenl . -:��_
<br /> of Landet. AS a condition to the removal of eny Improvements,Lender may require Trustor to make arrengements saUsfactory to Lender to �
<br /> replace such Improveme�s w1th Improvemenb of at least equal vatue. �
<br /> 5 Ltnd�r'a Rtptlt to En4CT. Lender end its apents end represenlaUves msy enter upon the Real Property et atl reasonable tlmes to attend lo i
<br /> .. LenQars interests and to Inspect the Properly fa purpos�ot Trustors complience with the terms and condiUons o}ihis Deed o}Trust.
<br /> ;` Compllane�wilh(iovemmentd iiequtrementa. Tnutor shatl pwmptty compry wlth atl laws,ordinances,and regulattons,now or hereattar in � .--__
<br /> eHect,of e11 govsmment�l authoritles appllcabte to the use or occupancy of the Property. Trustor may wntest In good falth any such taw,
<br /> � ordirurtce,w�ulaUon and withhdd compllance during any proceed�ng,incfuding approydate eppesis,so Iong as Trustor has notifled Lender � : ��:
<br /> in wriUrp pdor to ddng so nnd so long as,In Lenders sole opinion,Lenders Interests in the Properly ere no!jeopardized. Lender may require : , .
<br /> Tnrsta to post adeqvate saeurity or e surery bond,teesonably sallsiactory to Lender,to protect Lendels ioteres� � � �_-.
<br /> � Duty to Otot�et. Trusta oprees neithw to abanQOn nor leava unattended the Property. Trustor shau do all other acfs.M addidon to thoss acts . a�
<br /> sot faRA nbove in tTds sectlon,whlch hom the character and use ot the Properfy are reasonabty necessery to prote�t end preserve tAe Property. � . �,.,
<br /> p�E pp$ALE-CQMSQIT BY l.ENGER. Lendet m8y,at iis opUOO,deClare immediately due end pnyabie ai1 sum9 59CUred by lhis Oeed o1 Trust . ' �
<br /> �ppn ths ssie pr transter,withouf tha Lenders prlor written consent,of all or any part of the Real PropeAy,or any interest in the Rea1 Property. A , _-
<br /> '�i�pr barKlpr'means thH CamreYence of Real Property or any dghl,tiUe or interest thereln;whethsr legel.beneftclal or equitabie:whether votu�tary
<br /> K
<br /> or InvotuntarY,M►helher by outrpht sato,deed,Instaliment sate conVact,land conhacl.conVact tor deed,teasehold interest with a term groaler than
<br /> � thtae(3)yeat9.taase-oPUon conUact,Or by Sale.ass�9nmeat,or transier of any beneflcial Interest in or to any tand trust holdinp GUe to the Real
<br /> ProyeAy,m by any other method of convoyance ot Roal PropeAy tnterest. If any Trustor is a corporaUon,partnership or Ilmited Ilabifity company,
<br /> : transier USO Indudes any Ch4npe►n ownership of more than twenty-five percent(25%)ot the voting stcek,partnei5hip iaterests or Iimitod Ilab�tiy . _
<br /> � Comparty Interest9,as the case msY be,of Trustor. Howaver,this optton shall not be exercised by LenAer if such exercise Is prohiDited by federal
<br /> . , ����
<br /> It►w u Dy Nshraska law. .
<br /> . TAXES AR1D LtENS.The toilowing proNslons retaUng to the taxes and liens on Ihe Property are a part of this Oaed of Trust. ! . ��'°`
<br /> Payment. Trusta sAafl pay when due(and In elt events pdor to delinquency)a�l taxes,sDeda�lexes.assessments,charges(including water � �
<br /> � end sewer),flnas and ImpoS�Uons levied againsl or on account of the Property,and s:o.^.�I pay when due a!!clalms tor work do�o on or tor , ____
<br /> intetest�?�e�der undet ihb t0oed o'f Tnu�exoeD�t for the lie�n o1 texes arid assess entps ncl due�ex'cett o t en�Ung indebt dn�aeterted �
<br /> to betow,�.ad enoept as oltionr+lse provided in thts Oeed ot Trust. = �
<br /> i Fiight To Contest. Tnu'.cr may v�ilhhold peyment of eny tax,ass�smenl,or ctaim in connection with e good faith d"�c.�te over the obligaUOn _
<br /> ' to pay.50 long as Lenders interest in ihe Property is not�eopardaed. II a I�en arisgs or�s hled as e result of nonpayment,7rustor shall within S�_
<br /> � fift8en(15)days afte�the lien e�or,if e lien is fiied,within fifteen(15)days afler Trustor has notice of the fi0ng,secure the discharge of ihe
<br /> ; I?en,or if requested Dy Lender,depasit vdth Lender cash or a sutficient corporate surety bond or otRar setuaty satisffictory to Lender�n an
<br /> ! amount sufficlent to dischatge the tien pius any Costs and attorneys'�ee5 or other charges tnat cou�d accrue as e result of a foreclosure or sals :
<br /> ; �
<br /> . ' , .
<br /> � : . ��_:-
<br /> . . .�--�.--- .._ ... -
<br /> . ,. - _,--,---^-'.._
<br /> _ ... . .
<br /> „_, � _,....�i , . . ' ' � • ' '
<br /> .- . .. . � . . . .. •. , . � .
<br /> . � .. � . .. . , . ,.��� ' . '.T-;�._.-'— ' • ' . . _ .. � .
<br /> . � : . �+." ' .' . ' • � ` . .. � . ° . • � . . .. .. • . , . '_ , . . :. .. . . . • . . . .
<br />