.. .. . . . . . . .. . - -_.<._ ..-f . . . . .
<br /> - , .-. : . . --.� - .. _ . . . �, . --
<br /> Pa�e 4 E'• -�--" ---_--_�-
<br /> �7-9997 DEED AF TAUSY ` _ . � ' � .; �
<br /> Loan Fi�430599 (GonUnu�� 9�� �Q��� r . . .
<br /> ��,�;
<br /> . � paymants on Uw In4abtadasss secured by tt�t1�Pe of Oeed o!Trw't (c)a tex on th:s type of Qeed ot Trust enar�eable a9a�rst►�e tsndsr or : � , G
<br /> qta h04dAr oi ihe Noie;Md (d)a Specti6G iex o��1 Qr any par4on ot ths In�ebtedness or on paymsnis of pr�ccipal and mtorest made by
<br /> TrUStor. � . -
<br /> $ubMqltafll Ti�[s�. �f arry ffix ta wh[eh ihis sedton�piies is eriac�ed subsaquent to th9 dats ot this Oegd of Trus�this ewant�hall have thg , ,
<br /> . �afi�IOw�Noss Truste�r�tl�er� a)paYs Ine taz bsfore it beCOmes d69�nqu�e�ar�(b�eon�tests�fn�e btvc 8s pro�d dreho ov n�the T�u'e d �—
<br /> • W��dsaeUon end 6oposils wtih Lender cash ar a suN'.dent ccrporate sivatybond ar otner security satisfactory to�ender• • � _ _
<br /> ��Ry w���ry�tql�Q�TATE�IIENTS.The toitowinp provtsions�etr+tlng to thls Oead ot Trust as a s°curlly e8ieement ere e pad ot , ` ;-'"_
<br /> thls Oeed o!Tnst. �
<br /> �;
<br /> . � g.,.,,,�y/,�yeernen4. Thls instrument sha�ll constitute a securttY egreement to the eztent any of the Property constitutes foRures os ot er ' - -_
<br /> petsonal property.and Lender shaD have�0 of the rghts of a secured pBAY unEot th3 Un]lofm Commercial Code as e�nended hom�me to
<br /> • tirtRt. ' . ,
<br /> ' Sequlty Interest.Upon reques!by Lender.Tntsta shsll execute finand�p stetertrerrts e^^additio hto ceco�ng this Deed of Trwt m t e real f '
<br /> � tp p�+feq and contirue Lender's security interest in the Rents and Personal PropertY. tes or reproductions ot : •:.�..
<br /> � prpyerty records.Lender maY.flt arry time 8nd without turther autho�at2on from Trustar,file execuced counterparts.CoD . _
<br /> Ws Deed of Trust es a 8nandn9 Statement Trustar sAall reimburse Lender for aU e�enses tncurred in perted[np or wntinuiag this sewrity f .
<br /> j lrtisr6,�t Upon dat8uit.Trosfor shaD essembla tRe Personal PropeAy in a manner and at a plac:e reasonabfy convenient to Trustor and Lendsr { . ��
<br /> and make it ava3lebie to�en6ar wRhin Uiree(3)days after receipt ot written Qemand irom Lender. ' . ��y,�.
<br /> ' �nter�st �
<br /> �+S�•.S9d. Thp m8�8 a.�1dr?5�'�°o!Trtest:r(de6to:)end L�sd2�(sseweb ps�f).from whirfi infocmatioi eancerning lhe secwih� f , :
<br /> ' �arfted by thfs peed of Trust may be obtatned(each es reQu,red by the Uniform Commerciei Cade),ere as stated on the first page of M�s Deed € ' �`.-.+�'�;��`
<br /> . af Ttust
<br /> .,ti�,��
<br /> FlJpT{�R ASSUiip�10E.S;AlTOANEY-tH-FACT. Tha toflowing proufsions relating to fuRher assurances and attoma}HrHact are a part ot this '` �+,i
<br /> � Deed ofTnst. . .,x:� ,.. ._.
<br /> F���s, At any time,and from tlme to time,upon request ot Lender,Trustor will rt�ake.execute and deliver,or witt causs to be 1 y. _ -_
<br /> ��,executed pr d�verad,to Lender a to Lenders desi9nee,and when requested by Lender,cause to be�ed. recorded�etited, ar :<y�_��.,,
<br /> ,� �prded�as the case may be,at such times and in such otfices and P�ces es Lender maY deem appsopriate,any and all such mortgages. _ __
<br /> . i deed5 of trust.set�u�LY deeds.seau+tY aq�ee�e�,ftnanang statements,eont�nua6on statements.instrumerds ot furthe�assurance�ce�tificates, .. ', _ .�. ,�
<br /> or desirebte in order to effectuste,camptete.Pertecl.conUnue,or � .'
<br /> ' � and ottwr dac�nmerds es rr�ey.in the So(e optrtion of Lender�be nec�sery f�erests T�►:••.;.---
<br /> pr�rva (n)the oDi{paUons of Trus�A+under ihe No t e,t h i s D e e d o t T r u s t,and ths RelaUed Oocumenls.a�d (b)the Gens and seqtrity a,.4-_—_
<br /> +�:�
<br /> q�Bated tiy thts Oeed ot Tn�st on the Properiy,Y+hether now owned or hereafter acquired by Trusto�• Unless prohbited by iaw a egreed lo t he ,;,,�.. -� _
<br /> cOntrary by Lender in wriHnfl.Truslor sha11 reimburse�-ender for e��c�is and e�enses incurred in connec6o�wdh ihe matters referred to in , —
<br /> thig pa►s�h. .,.:�� ;•,f�.
<br /> � A�y��aq, �}Trustpr feils to do any of the things refarred to in Ne precedin9 Pe�9�P���nder may do so for end in the name of
<br /> • Tnffitor ertd at TNStors expense. Fa such purposes,Trustor herebY IrrevocaDN aPDoi^ti tsndet es Trustals ettomeY-ir�fac►for the purpose _;�� .��'
<br /> n
<br /> a��.�y�y.�yp�ir�q.p�rtp�recprdinp,and doing 8(1 other tNnps as may be necessetY or des'uab!s.in Lenders so{e opinion.to � —
<br /> accompUsh lhe matters referted to in the pracemn0 p�9�Ph. � `. .
<br /> . .;,
<br /> �u p��pq�(�, �}TN,tpr pays ell She Mdebtadness whan�ue,and othervrfse pedorms aU the obligations imposed upon Trustor under ihis :(,,� ! • ; .
<br /> �� •
<br /> Oeed oT Trust, Lender s h a U e x e c u t e a�d d e fivar to Trustee a reGuest for tull reconvayance ar.d sheSl exeeute and de�ver io Trustor suitabfe : .
<br /> statatnents of tertninaUon of atry tfnanc1�9 statement on fite evidendng Lenders security interest in the Rents and tlie Parso n a l P ro p e A y A n Y ,;_;s,::�.-. .;;�l _ _-"
<br />. r�mrey8nce(ee requtred by law shaH be paid byTrustor,'rf persnitted bY apP6ceble law. ;��--; :;� .; �_
<br /> OEFAILT. Each of fhe fdlowinp,at the option of Lender,shaii constitute an event of default('Lwent ot Default")under this Desd of Trust • � .._,��,;;�i �, —_
<br /> y
<br /> � peteutt on Indeblednlsa. Failure oi Trusta to make any payment when due on the mdebtedness. —
<br /> . ,.' aq�t p�p�}t��p�yntepb, Failure of Trusta within the Ums required by this Deed of 7rus1 to make any paymont for texes or insurance.or �: �� —
<br /> any other payment necessa►Y t0 p�event filinp of or to eflect d�stha+ge ot enY Uen. _: �3� +�j.
<br /> �p�py�npp pa{Wtt. FaDura of Trustor to comply with any other term,obiigaflon,covenant or conditlon contained In thts Deed of Trusi,ttra ��
<br /> NoTe a in erql d�he Ret4ted Documents. ,_ '-
<br /> Fata�gtate�nsnu, pmy w�ranty,repressntatlon or statement made or hunished to Lender by or on be��of Tnistar undor this DeeA of Trust, rt,Y ,�•-�,_..
<br /> the ppt�pr tfie RMot�d DoCUme�s La fatse or mis:eading in eny material respect.eithaz now or al the time mede or tum}3hod. y�,�--�-
<br /> Qe�1Ye�p��ra�ipp, This Deed of Trust a any of the Relatsd Documeets ceases to be in fuil torce and effect(induding teilure of any �_
<br /> co➢at�ral dacuments to Create a velid and peAected secu�ity interesl or tien)at any tim9 and�ar any reason. . , ,�
<br /> p�ph pr�n�p�y�y, Th9 deoth of Trustor,the Insolvency of Ttusta,ihe apPdntment of e receNer for any patt of Trustors properly,any ,�.+ .. ' � .,�
<br /> assiyncrwrd tor tho bene6!01 c�editors� anY tYPo of creditor woAcout,or the commencement ot any proaeed+np undet any benkruptcy or
<br /> _� .
<br /> ' ��rx,y{�yys by cr esqinst Tn�stot. However,tho dea�h of any Trusta wiil not be an Even1 ot OetaNt if as a resutl ot ths dealh of Trustor the . ' _
<br /> • Indobtedness b(ultll coverod by aedt rfe insurance. . . _
<br /> � Fpreetpwre,iortalture,eta Camrtiencement af toreclosura or forteiture pracee d ings.w h e t h e r b y J u d k c i a l D r o c e e d i�,s e l h h e t p.re p o s s e s s l cn ^��;�"�;
<br /> � pr�ny pt}�er mgthod,by any txed'dita ot Trustor or by any govemmantai aganayr against any of ihe Property. However,lhis subsectlon Shall not . _ , . _.
<br /> e
<br /> 8ppty It1 tt19 6VBtlt 018 8 OYIQed 1 8t TrU510r g1Y85 Lende�w�fft8�inot Ce Of�SUCh N81m e d fu niShBS weSCNeS Or B seurely'bonC o�theuciaim :
<br /> .. (otefeihao ProcaedleD.p 'Y�.;' —`
<br /> satistoctay to len0er. _ . .
<br /> ' g��pT p���getntent. My breach by Tnutor under the terms otany other epreament between Trustor and Lender that�not remedied ;,�,r,,
<br /> • wtthin ury praa period Grovtded thereln.Indudinp without limitadon any agreement cancem�np any Indebtedness or other obligaUon o1 Trusta �.
<br /> to Landw,whethe►ebstin0 now a later. • . . �
<br /> Evanb Aftectinp Guarmtor. Any o1 the precsdinp events occurs witA resAeci to any f3uarantor ot any of the Indebtedness or eny(ivarantor
<br /> �p�b��q�ncpmpete�L ot revokes w disput�the vatidity of, or�ebitity under,any Guaranty ot the Indebtedness. Lender,at its opUon, .
<br /> . �����t�to Le Qnde r and,In dolnp o,cure theoEvent of De4aN�ume uncondiflonalty the obligatlor�edsing u�der the guaranty in a �
<br /> •�.
<br /> tnsaCWlly. LenOer in qood taith deems itself inseeure. � .
<br /> ' E1Q�lnp tntitDtednes9. A d�feutt shai�accu►under any ExlsUng IndeDtedness or under any tnstrumenl on the ProDeRY seourinq any E�dstlnp �
<br /> ' Indebtadness.o►Cammer�menl of any sti�1 or other aciion to(oreclose any exlsting Ilen on the Property. _,_.
<br /> i
<br /> Rl�l to C��. �t such a fallure ls curabte and it Trustor has nOt baen given a noGCe o1 a breact►of the 9ame ptovl5ion Ot this Oeed of Trust
<br /> within the praadlrg twdve(�21 months,B may be cured(and no Event ot DefBUlt will have occunad)if Trustw,Bfter Lender Sends wriKen . �l
<br /> npUC�dgm4ndnp Cure o}SuCh 18fturg: (e)Cures th9 teilure wllhin ten(10)days:or (b)il the cure requtrOS more ihan ten(10)tleys,lmmediatety __
<br /> INlktes stsps sutfleterd to cure the fa(lure end thereatter contlnues and compietes an reasonabte and necessary steps sufNcient to p�oduce .
<br /> compunnoo as soon es reasonabry practical. �.:
<br /> RIGHfS AND RE�ED�a OH 0£FAI�.T. UpOn the ooCUrtenCe of any Event o1 Default end et any time thereafter,Trustee or ln�nder,at its ophon, . �
<br /> may ezerclse arry one d mote of the toilowing rights and remedies,tn addition to any other tlghts or remedies provided by law: _
<br /> ' 1 ���n��on pet�ult;AQdltiond Ramedl±o. It any event of delautt oocurs es Per tne terms ot me Note secured hereby.Lender may --
<br /> jdeciara sp Ir�bL:dn�s s�ured by fhls Deed o!Tcusf to 4e due and payable and the same shan�hereupon become due and payabte wfthoN --_
<br /> iany prasentmeni,demand,prot�t a notke ot any kind. TherenRer,Le�der may. �.,
<br /> � (aj Et}her In petson or by agent,wilh or without bringing eny et�on or proceeding. or by e receiver appointed Dy a couA and wilhoul --
<br /> rep2r4 tO ths edeQuaaf►of�S Secwlty.enter upon end tako possess�on of fhe Property.or any part thereot,in ils own neme or in the name
<br /> : pf Tnestee,and do eny acts which it doems necesser5�or d�rab:e to presorve the va3ue,marketabi6ry or renl8bitity ot the Property.or pert
<br /> ol tne PropoRY or inter6st in ths PropeAy:increase the income frOm the Propert�r or protect the secunty of the PrOperry;end,wdh or,nnthoul
<br /> � ta{cing possesslon ot the Property,sue for or otherwiss collect ihe rents.�ssues and profits ol the PropeAy.fneluding those pasl due and , �
<br /> unpaid,end apply tha same.less costs and expenses ot operabon and collectior.,mciuemg aflorneys'te0s.to any mdebtedness secured . _
<br /> by thfs Q98d 01 TN51,aU In SuCh orde�8s Lender may dCtermins.The entering upon an�!taking possesslon of the PropflAy,the colleCton I �I
<br /> , of sucn reiid,bsu63 arKi Dr��%nd 1.'=s 8R?!?C°-�o^��+ereo�shall not cure or wa�ve any de}ault or noGCe o1 deteult under this De9d of Trust r -
<br /> � ��.
<br /> , ' • � ti-..
<br /> . �_ -t^ �,.,...
<br /> ' • .. .t��: ' � �� •� , ' � • . . `., ' : - . .
<br /> , . « • . .
<br /> ' , . . . . . ' . . t! . . . �- ' .. , .. . • . .: ' . . . . .. • , .. ' .. .. ,. .. . , .
<br />