, ; � ;.;:,.
<br /> � 03-t�-t897 DEED OF TRU�T Page 2 � . � � • •!'�
<br /> loe�f�o 432807 (Carrtinued) 97° ����z ; ��t_
<br /> ►ear�n�s.2oo2. ;
<br /> qr�017i1 PrOplRy. The words'Fersart9! Propertyl'mean ell equtpment,Poctures,and other erhdss ot personal properiy now or hareafter '
<br /> ownad by Truator,and now or IwreaRer attached or affaed to tAs Reel Pro�erry:together Mntn aU aa�.sssions,parts,and additions to,a11 • - �
<br /> r�t���enti at. ond �Y sitLstituGOrw fcr. any of si;ch proyerty, and togail�,-:.i2�oi!prccsatls (indud�ag uit"^.as2!im�.r!xn aS!ir�sRCS � • . --
<br /> proC�ds and rofund3 of promlums)from aoy sal�or other d�sposition of the Proyerty. i � • ,F`
<br /> Prop�rty.TP,word�reyartyr means ea'lecthre�y tho Rsa1 Property and the Personat Property. `r �-
<br /> R@�t PtGyORy. Tho watds giesl Ptop�rty'msan tt�e property,interests and riyhts descnbed abore in the'Conveyence and GrenY section. r' '
<br /> � Ralated QaCUCi�ltlta. T1►e wOrds Re:ale6 Docvments'maan and indude without Iimitation ell promfssory notes, Credit agreements,Ipan .
<br />- e�eems�ts.envtronrt�nt�l agr�ements,guuantiss,security agreeme�,mortgages.aeeGs ot trusi.and au othar instruments.agreaments and , '-
<br /> doeurtsents,whBUw►now or hereafter e�dsUnp,exeCUted in cann9ction with tha lndebtadnes.s. ��
<br /> Rsnta. Thv warG lienb'mearts efl prassnt end tuture rents,revenues,incoma,issu�,royatties,profib,and othsr bene5ts derived hom the � �
<br /> ProP�!►• . .
<br /> Ttuatee.The word'Tn+stee means UNRED NEBAASKA BANK and any substitute or sucoessor trustees. ' •
<br /> Tru3to�.Yhe word'TntstaP means arry and a0 psrsons and enUUes exetuGnp thts Dead of Ttust,lrtduding vrtthout�mftaUon alt Ttustors namad '
<br /> ebove. �
<br /> PAYIIIENT AlID PEAFORMAHCE Exsept as otherwise provided in this Oeed of Trust.Trwtor shall pay to Lender aIl emounts secured by this Deed � .
<br /> of Tnrs!YS Uwy becOme due,and sh811 StriCtry and in a timely manner peAOrm all of Yrustars obligations under Me Note,this Deed of Tnut,and the ' � '., , '. _
<br /> Rst�ted Documenis. .
<br /> POSSESS[OH AHD 6WHTEpAliCE OF YF�PROAERTY. Trustor agrees that Trustors possess�on and use ot the Property shai!be govemed by " . . ���
<br /> the totllawinp provslons . :;R
<br /> . . •' �-.
<br /> Po�qrbrt�nd 1�. Un�l the oocurrenca of an Evem ot DeiaWt,Tnistw may (a)remal�in possession and eontrof of tne ProAerty. (b)use. . �.i,: .-;
<br /> opera�or mer�age Ih9 Property,and (c)coQed arry Renis fram the Property. • , � �;
<br /> �
<br /> Outy to(iAdnWn. Tnutor shall mtilntaln the Proporty in tenanteble wndition and promptly peAorm a11 repalrs,replacements,and malntenartce .:.�,�
<br /> neCessary to pr6serve its velus. �. . . ; j�
<br /> ' t4nrdpue Substi�iCES. The temis'hamtQaus w8sle,"hasardous substence:'disposat,"YefeaSe,'and'threaffined re!eese,'as used in thls ° '
<br /> paed ot Tntst,st�0lsave fhe same meanings as sel forlh in the Comprehensive Environmental Response,Compe�tsation,and UabSity Act of � , • +�-���
<br /> 1980,as nmended,42 U.S.C.Soclfon 9601.et seq.('CERCLA',the Superfund Amendments and Reauthrnizatlon Act of 1986,Pub.L.No. ! �
<br /> � 99-�59('SARA',Uw Flatardous MaterlaLS Tnu�sporla�on Aet,49 U.S.C.Section t801,et seq.,the Resource Conservation and Recovery Acl, f �ti:� �
<br /> 42 US.C.Sectlon 6901.et seq.,Of Ol�tBf D.�QIL�IB SIfl�B Of F8dBf81 13WS,NIBS,or • �� '
<br /> regulaUOns adopted pursuarA to any of the faregdr.p. The � :
<br /> temis'haxardous waste"and'ha�tdous substance'shalt also indude,without limitadon,petroleum and petroteum by�-producSs a arry f►action � s��� �
<br /> ttiereof and esbestos. Tnutor represenls and vrartants to Lender that (a)During the period of Trustors ownershtp of the Properly,there ha5 � �
<br /> been rso�tse,qene�¢tlon,manufacture.storaae,Veatment,disposef,retease or threalsned release ot any hazardous weste or subsfance by any . . `��,.�� , .
<br /> person or�,un6er,about a Nom the Prope�ty; (b)Trustor has no knot�:�ge of,or reasan to believe tAat there hes been,except as prevtousry • � �- �•
<br /> ` �ctassd to artd acknowledped by Lender in wrltlnp, p)any use,genaranon,manufacture,storage,treatmeni,dlsposal,release,or threatensd . .: �, , •;
<br /> releaso of any hainrdaus waste or s�stance on,under,about or from the Properiy by any pdar owners or occupant�a'r t�e Property or pl)any ' � � .y, _ .• � .
<br /> actual or tlwaTanad WpaUon u cl�lms ot arry klnd by o�peison reta�ng to such matters;and (c)Exoept as previzusly dlsdosed to nnd .. •' '�!��
<br /> a d c n o w l e d�y c d b y Lsr�det in wtill n y, p)nellher Trustor nor an y tenarrt,contrector,a gent w other authorized user af the Properly shall use, •� ;;,
<br /> f generaSe,monufachu�,store,treat,Qls�ose ot,or relea59 any hazerdous waste or subsfance on,under,about or hom the Property and (tij any • " _1,�'� `.
<br />' S suCh ac�'�Ity sha!be canducted in comyGence wtth aIl appficabte federal.state.and tocal laws,repulaUans and ordinarwes.(ndumrp without � �". � �`
<br /> Qmita6on those Iaws,repulaUorfs,an�or0lnances desa�ed above. Trusfa euthorizas Lender and its apents to enter upon the PropeAy to • !'
<br /> f ineke such taspecllons and tests,at Trusfors e�ense,as Lender may deem approprlate to determine compllance ot the Property with thls ' • -,��.;
<br /> � sedl0n W th9 Oeed o1 tcus4 Any Inspectlons ar fle5b made by Lender shall be for Lender's purposes onry and sfwU nW be construed to create , ' ,�.�_="
<br /> any rasponslbl�ity or Uab�ity on the part of LenEar to Trustar or to any other person. The represeniaUOns and wertanlles wntelned hereln ere • .'�',
<br /> basad on Trustors dtw diOqenCO in InvasllgaUnp the Property tor hazardous waste and hazardous Substeness. Tnrstor hereby (a)refeases and . .� '
<br /> waUres any tutluo clalms ayeinst Lendsr}or indemnity or eontribuution in the event Trusta beeomes Iiable for deanup or olher eosts under any . ,���i
<br /> such l��rs,and (b)ayrees to indemn;ly and hotd harmtass Lender against any and all dalms,losses, Ilabllitles, damages,penalUes,and
<br /> , e�ersas which Lendor rtwy directly or Indrectly susteln or suffer resulting from a breach ot 1hls sodlon of the Oeetl of Trtut or as a � "' � �_
<br /> Consaquentsa ot arry use.yeneraUOn.menufacture,storege.d'sposat,relesse a tlueatened retease aceurtiny Pda to Trustors ownershlp or . �� '`'~ '-
<br /> Intarest In the Ptopwty,whether a not the same was or shoutd have been known to Trustor. The prov(sions of thls sectlon oi the Qeed of Trus� ' �_ '
<br /> Indudlnp tAe ab6pallon to Indemnity,shaH suMve lhe Dayment o}the tndabtedness anG the satlsfacUOn and reconve�p�r�ce of the lien ot 1hls • � -
<br /> �:� Deed of Tnut end she11 not be aftected by Lend9rs aCqutsi6on ot any Interest In the Property,whelher by foredosure cr c:herwlse. � : . ,,:+-T --
<br /> Nultanet,Wasta Tntstor ShaD not cause,conduct a parmit any nuisance na commiY,permit,or suY.e�arry shippinp of a waste on or to the ,..;� ' ����
<br /> ProDaAy or any patton of tAe PropeAy. Wit�out Ilmitlnp the g8ner8liry oi the foregainp,Tnistor will not remove,a prant to any other party the
<br /> riptd to remova,any tlmber,miner8ls Qndudirtg oil and ges),soil,gravel or roCk products withou!the pdor vmHon Consent of Londer. � � ''�
<br /> RemOVal of tmprov�mEntl. Triutor ShaD not demotlsh or remove eny Improvoments from the Real Properly wlthou3 it�e prior wrltten conse�t . , �
<br /> of Lender. As a con�i`_'on fo the remWal of eny Improvemenb,Lender may require FriStor to make arrangemer.S seNSfactory to Lender to ' � ,
<br /> replaoe such Improva::�v�b wfth Improvements of 8f least equal vatue. . _
<br /> Landfs's Rt�t to Entat. Lender aRd its agonts and representatives r.�ay enler upon the Real ProFartyr at atl reasonable Umes to attend to •
<br /> Lend�s interests and to lnspect the Property for puryoses of Trustors compliance with the terms end conditions of this Deed ot Trust. • • . .
<br /> Cumpitanee WIf11 Govemmental RlQutrements. Trustor shatl promptty comply with all laws,orNnances,and reQ�ons,now a hereafter in '
<br /> etfect,of ao yovemmental aNhorlUes applk;able to tne use or occupancy of the Property. Trustor may contest in g�ad falth any such law. .. ,
<br /> ar�nonce,a repulatlon and wlthhdd compllance a�,r.;r�any proceeding,induding appropriate appeals,so lonp es Tn�:ot has notifled LenQet
<br /> In wridrg pda to Cdnp So 8nd 50 lonp as,in Lende�s sole opiNOn,Lenders interest�In tAe Property are not Jeoparc�0. Lendar may req�tre - . �„
<br /> Trusta to post adequate securtty w a s�.�.y bond.reasonabty satisfacfory fo Lender,to protect Lenders ir.teresf.
<br /> Duly to P►'Oteef. Tnptor eprees nelther to abandon nor leave unattended the Property. Trustw shaf��a7 other aels,In flddiUOn to those aets � . �
<br /> sM tath ebove In fh}�secUon,whicn hom Ihe chuacler and use o1 the Rroperty are reasonabry necessary to protecl and preserve tha Property.
<br /> DIE QH tiALE-COlISEFiT 9Y LEHDFA. lender may,at i�option,dedare Immediatety Cue and peyable all sums sec�.zed by thls Oeed ot Trusl � �
<br /> uppn t}w Salo a trar�s(er,w°.thaut the Lenders pria written consent,of aIl a any part of;ite Real PropeAy,ar any interest in the Real Property. A
<br /> 'S818 or trensfeP means tho conveyanCe of Real Properfy or flny ttght,tille or interest there,n;whether legal,beneflClel Cr 0qy47ble;whethet votuntary j —
<br /> or Invotuntary;whether by outrtgM sale,deed,instellment sate cootract,tartd conUBCt,Conhact for deed,ieasehotd iMerest wHh a term qreater tnan f =
<br /> throe(3)years.Iease-opUon contract,or by sale,asstgnment,or franster ct any beneflclal lnterest in or to any land trust hdding Uua to the Rea1 l - �
<br /> PrbpeAy,Or by eny othgr method of Convey&nCe o1 Real Property Interest. I!any Trustor Is a corporaflon,paRnersNp or IlmfteQ liability company, f • � _
<br /> ir8nsfar YISO InGudes any chanye in ownorship of more than twenty-five perconf(25%)of the voting stoCk,parinership interes�ts or limited liebilily �
<br /> compnny irt!etasta,Bs the cese may be,of Trustor. Ho�vever,tAis opUon shall not ha exerGSed by Le�der if such exerdse Is p�ohibited by fedaral ' •
<br /> ; Iaw a bY Nebroske law. i .
<br /> � TAXE5 AND LIEHS. Tho fWtOwing provls�ons reltstlng to Iho laxes nnd hens on the Property are a paA of this Deed of Trust. � '
<br /> � Paymenl. TrustOr shaD pay when due(end in ell events prior to dehnquency)all taxes,special taxos,assessments,charges(includmg water
<br /> and Sewef),flnes and imposi6orts 18vled ap�Inst or on aocount of Ihe PropeAy,and shae pay when due aU elatms for work done on or for .
<br /> servlces rendered a materlal fumished to the Property. Tnutor shau mamtaln the Property hee of all liens havinp prloriry over or equal ta the
<br /> interest of Lender under thls Deed of Trus4 exCept for the lien ot taxes and asssssments not due,except for the e�ds5ng indsbtednoss reterted
<br /> ' to below,and except as otherwrse provtded in th�s Deed aI Trust. ��
<br /> �.
<br /> RI�t Yo ContesL Trusta may withhold peyment of any tax,asssssment,or cta�m m connection wdh a gand faith dispule ovar tAe obligaUOn
<br /> to pay.so long as Lenders Interest In tAe Property Is not�eopard�zed. it e�en anses pr is t�1ed es a resull ot nonpaymenl,Trustor Shall within
<br /> • fiiieen(i5}eiey9 8npr iie�iisn etises or,rf a tien es fited,vrilinn frfieen j i5j dayS tifler Tr�ior h3s noi�ce oi Ihe�img,seeure ina dQCi�arge of ine
<br /> ' 16en,a if requosted by Lender, deposit vnth Lender cash ot a suH�tient corporate surety bond or olher secunty S8lisfaClOry lo Lender m 8n C-
<br /> . • , , : �. . ' ' � . : . . � `', i � . � r � . . ' . f_—:.: _,__,_:J--
<br />