. . .t . .. . , ' . . . . . . . ' " ' . . , : —� .
<br /> ' . . ' . , . ' - � - . � . ` • i.. ' - ' "' . _ .
<br /> '_ ___.r. —..... .'_""_'.." ' , . .
<br /> � i '__ '—_"__'__— _ ' '—' _--'_--""' .. . - .' •� _—
<br />. `� ; ' � .� � �� . .
<br /> ��� 9�- �t��� .� � � � "���-
<br /> � ;.
<br /> j � (iii)Ths estimate�yeariy pre�i�em for hamrd insurance covering the Praperty,divided by thu number of . ; ..�s-
<br /> _ ss.6�eduleo paymeuts in a yezr:p1us. . '�
<br /> ; (iv)T�e estimated yearly ptemium for mortgage insvrauce(if uny).divided by tf�e number of sc6eduled ; , , �
<br /> ' � P$Ymenb in a year. :. ; --
<br /> f Leader will estimate from time to time my yearly taxes,assessmeats,lesisehold pay�.nts or graund rents , -__
<br /> • ; j and insu:anco pKmiuma.whicb wiU be called the 'escrow items.' Lender will usa existing assessmeats and bills . _--
<br />- and reasonu6la estimates of fuiune assessmients aad bi!!s.74ee s..,+�•�rs th�i I pay ro�.ec►der for escrow items undes , -- --- ----
<br /> � __�T-:-
<br />. , this Pata�raph 2 wil!be called the'Fumds.' ; ,
<br /> B)Le�tai�r's ObligatIons ' � . ._ -
<br /> , L.ender ariU iceep the F�mds in a savings ar banking institution whnch hav its deposits or accounts insused . `
<br /> or guu�i�ed by A federal ar stute agency.If Lender is s�ch an instituaon.Leader may ho2d the Faads.Except�s . . __ �
<br /> , � descn'bed in tLis Paisgmph 2.Leader vlill use the Funds W pay the escrow items.L.eader will give to me,withaut ,
<br /> . I ` ���`.�.�
<br /> charge.aa aanual acooimting of the F�ds.'imac eccouaang m�c show all addiaons ea aud dedacaans from�he
<br /> Fmtds and the tear,an for each deduction. '�`-W=�'�i' �
<br /> Leader may aot chatge me for holding or keeping t�e Fttttds, for using We Funds to pay escrow items.for ,'-•°_°`°�'
<br /> ana]yzwg mY payments of Fuads.or for receiving,verifying and totaling asses=+'cnents aad bills. However.Lender - , ._ : `'��- _
<br /> . may chuge me for thesa services�f L�eader pays me interest on the Funds and if the law permits Leader to make 4 . �,;Y�-�
<br /> I `�� ��—
<br /> such a chuge. I.ender wiU aot 6e reqoired to pay me any intetest or eamin�s on the Funds unless either(i) P<_-�- ��
<br /> I.ender aad I a�e in writmg. st We terue I sign this Security Instnunen�that Lender will pay interest on the •,-:�.•: -
<br /> � Fuads;or(ri)tha law nquires Lender to pay interest on the Funds. � ��::y�'�-r-_
<br /> '_�v°r`•�
<br /> �. � (G�Adl�u�ats to the Ftiunds : � , .`_
<br /> • .y.��"_,:-_-_
<br /> � If Lender's estimates a�+s too high or if mues aad insurance rates go down, the amouats that I pay nnder --.-..-.—
<br /> this patagraph 2 will ba too targe.If this happens at a time whea�I am kee.ping s�ll of my promises and agreements . . �_�---
<br /> ; ��this ge�uity Inshwaent,I will Aave the right to have the eacess aawtmt either prompdy npaid to me as a � `.' .�-��
<br /> t'` . direct refirad or credited to my future schednled payments of Funds.�ere will be excess amounts if,at any ci�.
<br /> • � . '�,.�:�.`-=
<br /> , ( the sum of('i) the amouat of Fuads which L�dra is holding or keeping,Plus(ii)t he amnunt o f t he s c h e d u t e d , s- '.� "
<br /> � paymeats of Funds wbic�I still musc pay bercrg�d�at time aad�he due dates of escrow items is greater than the - .
<br /> ' ' amo�mt a�ry to pay the escrow items when they are due. • .° .:
<br /> If� when payments of escrow items ere due. Lender has not received enough Fuads W maYe those ; �"� ` •
<br /> ` ,.r� ':'�` � �
<br /> - PaYm�t s. I w i ll p a y t o I x a�d e r w h a t e v e r s d d i ti o n a l a m o u n t i s n e c e s s a ry w pa y the escrow items ia fiill. I must '� �t ,
<br /> . PaY that additional umount ia ane or more payments as L.ender may require. ' `f_ ' —
<br /> . Whea I have paid ell of the sums secwed, Lender will ro tl n f i m d to me pn Fun d s t h a t ata t hea ���,��
<br /> P mPY Y ,:.� _ .
<br /> being helti by I.euder.If.as s resvlt of the exe�ise by Lender of any of its rights under this Security Instrum�nt, _.��i �
<br /> ,''; �' � either I.endet acqnires tiie Property ot the Property is sold, then immediately hefore the acquisition or sale. - ` � -
<br /> �- I Lender wiU t�e aay Fands which Leuder is hold'sng at the time to reduce t�e sums secured• d` . ��
<br /> , Vf}'y:�� '__
<br /> :. -- -- --=:.�'�'v:—t�s'�' ';�7
<br /> ' , ! �-�
<br /> ,�'fi..i`.
<br /> .'f ��':_
<br /> BY SIGNIIV(3 B'.EWW, Borrower accepr�and agrees to the terms ead coven�u contained in this Payment J _ `�"*+Q` .
<br /> Rider. r���
<br /> , .,��;�s-
<br /> �.. �S�Z��. ..Q�.............................(�) _^— - �.
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<br /> Y�,•. . , _._ ��
<br /> ".,. , .
<br /> gmrt�so rystemr,tnc..5c Gloui.MN 11-8003�7•43�11 Form M�FR�PRS 12/1 W90 /plpQ Z 0121 .. .. . .
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