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<br /> � �7�' �.��8�� � ' � '
<br /> B. All futurr advancr�frum l.c:nder w Grantor or uthcr futurc uhhgaacros uf Grantor tu Lc:nder undcr a�y promissury ' � �s.
<br /> nutc,cuntract.guaranri•,ur uthet evid�ncc uf debt executcd ht Grantor m (a��ur vf L�nder exerut�d aftrr this : `�:
<br /> Security Instrumrnt wh�:thrr ur nat this Security Instrument i�specifirally rr[�r�nccd. If mum than une person ,
<br /> �igns tl�ss Si�:urity�Imtrumrn�,wch Grantor age��that this Securiry lnstrumrnt w•ill�ecurc:nll futurc adv�rtca:s and • , t.
<br /> futurc obl'sgatiun, tl�at arc gi�cn tu ar incurrcd t+y any une or m«re Grsnwr.t�r anp vnr ur mon (i�antor and ; 1. ..
<br /> '� others.All futurc udvance.anJ other futurc obligation5 are secured M•thi.Srcurit} Instrument r�rn though xll ur
<br /> part may not yct t�advanced.All futurr advances and uthrr futurc ohligation.are s�curcd as if madr on the date .
<br /> ` of this Securit�•instrument.Nuthing in this Security In�trument+hall cua.titut�a commitmcnt to makc adJitiunal
<br /> � or futurr loans ur advanccs in any amount.Any such commitment must he egrced tu in a�Lparate w•riting. •
<br /> .��.._ C. All��hligatiuns t;raaetor owc�s tu[_cndrr,which may later arise.tu t h�rxtrnt nut pruhihited hy la��.including,but _ � _
<br /> not limited to.l►abilities for overdrafts relating to any deposii accuunt agrr�mcnt hetwcen Grantor and Lender.
<br /> D. All additional sums advanced and exp�ns�s incurred by Lendcr fur insuring,prc.�srrving or other��is�protecting ..
<br /> the Property and its valuc and any other sums ad�:nced and expensc:s incurred by L.ender under thc tcrms of � . .
<br /> �
<br /> , this Security Instrument. •- �
<br /> This Security Instrument will not secure any other debt if Lender faiLs to givc any required aotice oi thr right of rescission. ': � . � , •
<br /> � 5. PAYMENT5.Grantor agrees that all payments under the Secured Debt will be paid when due and in accordance ' '` � . �,L�,�`.�.- _
<br /> � with thc terms of the Secured Debt and this 5ecurity Instrumcnt. , _�_
<br /> 6. WARldAN7Y OF TI11.E.Grantor warrants that Grantar�s or w•ill br lawfully seued of the estate cunveycd by this . � -�:=;_ _
<br /> Security Instrument and has the right to irrevucabty grant,convey,and sell the Property to Trustee, in trust.with �9-'-��-�-
<br /> • •,.�_a�
<br /> power of sale.Grantor also warrants that the Property is unencumbered.except for encumbrances of record. • .:�===r,._
<br /> �:`�;rs...-:.,—
<br /> •' Z PWOdt SECURI'['Y INTERESTS•With regard to any other mortgage,deed of trust.security ageement or other lien �,:;��' • _�"
<br /> . document that ereated a prior security interest or encumbranre on the Praperty,Grantor agees: �-�����Y
<br /> � . ���_.� �.e
<br /> A. To make all payrrtents when due and to perform or comply with all covenants. , �,;���-
<br /> ��-
<br /> ' B. To pcomptly deliver to Lender any notices that Grantor receives from the holder. �.---—
<br /> • C. Not to allow any modi6cation or eactension of,nor to request any fuwre advances under any note or agreement �-T--�- --,•:=—� �
<br /> secured by the lien document without Lender's prior written consent. . ����
<br /> . S. CLAIMS AGAINST TITLE.Grantor will pay aU taxes,assessments, liens,encumbranc��s, lease payments,ground . `��
<br /> ' rents,utilities,and othcr chazges relating to the Property when due.Lender may require Grantor to provide to I.ender '� ,,; �` _�_,
<br /> .� copies of all notices that such amounu are due and thc receipts evidencing Grantor's payment.Grantor will defend ;:-�
<br /> . title to the Property against any ciaims that would impair the lien of this S;.curity Instrument.Grantor agrees to assign .;} _ "'�
<br /> to I..ender,as requested by Lender,any rights,ctaims or defenses Grantor may have against parties who supply labor `
<br /> !: , or materials to maintain or improve the Property. . �` � �
<br /> 9. DUE ON SALE OR ENCUMBRANCE.Lender may,at its option,dedare the enUre balance uf the Secured Debt to �"": �:t���
<br /> , be immediately due and payable upon the creation of,or contract tor thc creation of,any lien,encumbrance,transfer •`�= j"�
<br /> ' : or sale of the Property.This right is subject to the restrictions imposed by federal law(12 C.F.R.591),as applicable. _ ,� `:�:,, ;
<br /> � This covenant shall run with the Property and shall remain in effect until the Secured Debt is paid in full ac�d this � �„
<br /> Security Instrument is rcleased. �I'f�,.
<br />' '� 10. PROPERTY CONDITION. ALTER�TIONS AND lNSPECTION.Grantor will keep the Property in good +�
<br /> _.. condition and make all repairs that are reasonably necc:ssary.Grantor shall not commit or allow any waste, � ����,
<br /> ,- impairment,or deterioration of the Property. Grantor will keep the Property frce of noxioas weeds and grasses. x� � � ;� .
<br /> . Grantor:Yees that the nature of the occupancy and use will not substantially change without Lender's prior written =
<br /> • consent.Grantor will not permit any change in an}•license,rest�-ictive covenant or easement without Lender's prior �,- �
<br /> . • � written consent.Grantor will notify Lender af all demands,proceedings,claims,and actions against Grantor,and of < �—
<br /> . any loss or damage to the Property. ..'�;-����
<br /> Lender or Lender's a ents ma ,at Lender's o tion. enter thc Pro �rt at an rcasonable timc for the u ose of �"'�"------�-�-
<br /> g Y P P' Y Y P rP �,��r+�-- __
<br /> inspecting the Property. Lender shall give Grantor notite at the time oi or before an inspection specifying a ;,;�_�
<br /> reasonable purpose for the inspection. Any inspection of the Property shall be entircly for Lender's benefit and ,,,�, i�
<br /> � Grantor will in no way rely on Lender's inspection. :�- �:�,':'�'' 'T
<br />: Ill. AUTFIORITY TO PERFORM. If Grantor fa*_:s to perform any duty�s any of the covenants contained in this
<br /> ' : Security Instrument,Lender may.without notice,perfortn or quse them to ne performed.Grantor appoints L.ender _ _
<br /> as attorr�y in fact to sign Grantor's r.air.e nr pay any amount necessary for performance.Lender's right to perform for ,:4._ ,_ •-
<br /> Grantor shall not creatc an obligztiun to pcdorm,and Lender's tailure to perform wili not preclude Lendcr frarn '��,;:�,�'_—��:
<br /> . exercising any of L.ender's other rights under the law or this Security I�istrument.If any construction on the Propert} ;s , ' �,�t,�,;
<br /> discontinued or not cx;ried on in a reasonaMe manncr, Le:nder may take all sleps necessary to protcct Lcndcr's � °�.:�,
<br /> � _ • security interest in the Yroperty.including compl�tion ot the construction. �� = .� . ��.'�•� .
<br /> lt ASSI�1�"S��ENT OF LEASES A:V�REN75.Grantor irrevocably grants,conveys and sclls to Trustcc.in trust for thc :�i:y�'��;:s��-
<br /> benefit of Lcndcr,as additional security all the right. litle and interest in and to any and all cxisting or future teases, :s'�.-�,.�,
<br /> .,....:,.:,.�.,:.,.;`,r*,� •.
<br /> subleases,and any ather written or verbal apreements for the use and occupancy of any portion of the Property, �.•..�-,�;��,;?�•=•. -
<br /> � , including any extcnsions,renewals,modifications or substitutions of such agreements(all referrcd to as"Leases")and ���?�^�'�*��Y••
<br /> rents,issues and profits (all referred to as "Rents").Grantor will promptly providc l.endcr with tre:e anJ correct .-,.�,r• ,,,,; � .
<br /> � ' copies of all existing and future Leases.Granror may collect,receive,enjoy and use the Rents so long as Grantor is not •
<br />� �� in default under the terms of this Security lnstrument. ' • � • �
<br /> ' Grami�r acknowledges that this assignment is perfected upon thc rccurding uf thi.Uccd��t "I'ru�t and that l.�nde:r i. . ` ' • -
<br /> � cntiticd tu notify any of Grantor's tenants to makc paymem uf Rent�due ur tu hecomc duc tc� Lcnder. Howecer, """'''"''"'�''�"`$`
<br /> l..ender agrees thet only on default will Lcndcr notify Grantor and Grantor's tenants and makc dcmand that all future .
<br /> ,� Rents bc paid dirccUy to Lender.On recciving noticc c�f de(ault.Grantor will endorsc and deliver to l.cndcr any
<br /> paymcnt of Rcnts in Grantor's posscssiun and will rcccivc any Rcnts in trust for Lendcr and will not comminglr thc �
<br /> . Rcnts with any other funds.Any amounts collected will be applied as provided in this Sccurity Instrument. Grantor - . -. •
<br /> � warrants that no dcfault exists undcr thc Lcascs ur any applicahlc landlord/tcnant law.Grantc�r alsci agre�w to maintain � .
<br /> and reyuire any tcnant tu comply with the tcrms of the Leases anJ applicablc law. �•
<br /> 13. LEASFHOLDS;CONDOMIP(lUMS: PLANNED UNIT DF.VF.LUPMEN7'S.Grantor agrccv tu mmply with the . . � r
<br /> � . provisic�ns of any Iease if this Srcuriry (nstrument is em a IeasehulJ.lf the Property incWdc.r• a unit in a condominiun. .
<br /> ur a planned unit devclupment. (�rantor will perfurm nll of (irantc�r'� duties under the cnvenant�. by-laws. or
<br /> rc�ulations of thc condominium ur planncd unit dcvclopmcnt.
<br /> 14. DEFAULT.(irantc�r will he in default it any pany��hli�!.+lyd un thc tiecureJ Drht fail+tu makr pdyment when due. � .
<br /> (irantc�r will hc in default i(a hrcach uccur. undcr thr tcrm� uf thi�ti�cunty Instrumcnt ur an}•othcr ducumcnt " . .
<br /> , � (Pago 2 ot 4) -
<br />' -".. _' �tyj.7 ESy�kC�4`jy5tOm9 InC JI l,1G110 MN��OW.fY/!.H���o�^��t V i-ivt eire+ ——'
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