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<br /> l
<br /> • _ Upon rece3pt of payment of the prtce bid. Trustee sluill dellrer to tfie purchvser Trustee's deed rnnveying tde _ ' , � '� �'
<br /> Propfrty. The recitals in the Trustee's deed shnll be prima fucie evtdence o�the truth of t(ie titutemes�ts mude thereia. . •. . ;P:,
<br /> Tn�stee shai9 epply the proceeds of the§ale In the Pollotivin�arder:ta)tu mll casts and experi4�+of exercisin�the po«�er of - -�~'�'••:`
<br /> � sale,and We sa1e,iacluding the payment of t{te'd'n�stee's Pc�uctually incurced.not to excee�d � -. . : - --° -
<br /> � of the principal amount of the rtnte at the time of the decluration af detault. antf reasonablr nttorneys' Pees ac perniitted ' ��•�u-'��:;-`_"
<br /> � �. .
<br /> by IaK:(b)to all sums sec�red by this Secur�ty Instreiment:and(c)an�exce�s to the prrs+►n or persons tegalit entit(x�to , � • � -
<br />- it. • '
<br /> � - Z2. Iteconveyance. Upon payment of all sums secured by this Securiry Instrument. lxnder ,hall reyuest Trustee to _...- - -_ . �
<br /> ru�onvey the Proper.y and sha11 surrendcr this Sccurity [nstrument and a!! no¢es evedencing debt xYUred by this Securi�y __� ��, _, T
<br /> [nstrument to Trustee.Trustee shall reconve}�the Property withou[warranty and without charge t��the person or penons legally . '4.
<br /> �.�_� -
<br /> entitled to it.Such person or persons shall pay any recordation costs. ' .� _., -_
<br /> 23. Substitute Tcustee.Lender,at its option, may fmm time to tirrie nmove Trustee and appoint a successor trustee to ••� �f�
<br /> any Tnute�appointed hereunder by an instrument recorded in the county in whieh this Security Instntment is recorded.Without ''" ""'"�'"'`� � �=
<br /> � conveyance of the Property.the successor trustee shall succeed to all the title,po�ver and duties wnferred upon Truste�herein - v .�` , _ ._ -•• c
<br /> :..�- and bY aPPiicable law. `r: _t�•�sa:�.�..::�.. �-
<br /> - 24.Request for Norices. Borrawer requests that copies of the notices of defautt and sale be sent ro Borrower's address '' `''r�-_ -
<br /> which is the Property Address. ��.� ._
<br /> Z5. Rddcs to this Security Instrument. If one or more riders are executed by Boaower and recordeii together with this -.�:�,��
<br /> Security Insuument,t he covenanu an d agreemen t s o f e ac h s u c h ri d e r s h a l l b e inco r p orated into and shall amend and su p ple�neat ^x;���_
<br /> � the covenants and agreements of this Sec:urity lnstrument as if the rider(s)were a part of this Security Instrument. T L,,��-_�-.
<br /> [Check applicable box(es)]
<br /> �<��-:-,a,�.. .,",.., �
<br /> �Adjustable Rate Ftider 0 Condominium Rider 0 l�i Family Rider ' �. • �Y••.
<br /> ❑Graduated Payment Rider 0 Planned Unit Development Rider ❑Biweekly Payment Rider _ -- `''��-�
<br /> - ❑Balloon Rider 0 Rate Improvement Rider ❑Second Home Rider -
<br /> ❑V.A.Rider �Other(s)[specify� ��
<br /> �i.; *. �•-
<br /> 9. 'k�
<br /> . ..� . .�-.L_
<br /> " BY SIGNING BELOVI/.Bonower accepts and agrees to the terms and covenants uontained in this Security Instrument and ;. ,�',.
<br /> in any rider(s)executed by Borrower and recorded with it. �; '``�
<br /> Wimesses: �� �
<br />.. ��� ;;}.,
<br /> �
<br /> ' - RODNE A SCHWE I T R �Borcower ��._;...
<br /> .:..+c .
<br /> ' ;{;•�.�
<br /> .. ,:�.::
<br /> . ($�)
<br /> _�.
<br /> -sorrower
<br /> . x:�.,. _..��
<br />' ._- �-�---
<br /> (Seal) (Seal) �"-- =_ _
<br />' • -Borrower -Botrower �rr�•�.--- •
<br /> . —- -_—�-+�s�wi.+�s:_
<br /> • STATE OF NEBRASKA, ��L Cotu�ty ss:
<br /> v�"=--`---,-_--
<br /> The foregoing instrument was acknowledged befare me this 7� day of blARCH , 1997 , �___._'�_�� � -�
<br /> by RC:EE1 A 9CHI6ITEEl, �I Q1IAitIED pLLdOI . •°�''�.....
<br /> . Wimess my hand and notarial seal at (��ND I SLAND, NEBRASKA in said Counry,the ate aforesaid. __::'�::�;
<br /> My Commission Expires: �--
<br /> :' Nat�ry Public ��':
<br /> � ' I ���k0��r$11�t0�HEbt7f1� _ Y y:::.`"�:....-
<br /> SCO1T C.N15StER �,a.�,�,,_
<br /> I+�tae�r,�a IA�r 31.1999 `;��:--
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