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<br /> rxrcutrJ tur�ht•purp�nc uf c�rrating..rcuring ur�;uarantymu thr ti�cur�d Urht. A�:uud ta�th hr[irl h} l.cnJrr that ' � ` F=
<br /> t.rndcr at.my umr is imcrurc with nyprrt t�+any p�r��m ur rntity uhl��:a�rd un th�•tircurrJ UcM��r that thr prusprct '_ ,
<br />• ut an}•paymcnt or thc�•aluc uf thr I'rupcny u impairrd,hall al�+►cun,litutr an r�rm��f dcf�ult. � - -
<br /> 15. REMEUI�:S tDN DCEAULT.In sumr imlanc��,fcdcral and�tatr la�v a•iU rcyu�rr l.cnder tc�prc�vidc(irantor wi[h .
<br /> , nutic�i�[thc right to cure<tt uthcr notia:s and muy�stablish timr.chcdul��fur furcclusurr actiuns.Subject w thc�r � • � •,�e
<br /> _ limitatiuns,it an}•. Lrndcr may accelerate the Srcurrd Dvbt and furcrluse thiti Security Instrument in a manner . , .��
<br /> • providcd by law if Grantor is in de;ault. ,
<br /> , At thr option of Lrndrr.aU or any part of the agreed[cc�and char�r., ac�TUed intrrest anJ principal shall become ` � .
<br /> immediately due and payable,afLrr gi�•ing noticc if reyuirrd hy law.upon thr uccurrence of a de(ault c�r anytime � , �
<br /> thcreaft�r. In addition.I.c;nder shall bc entiticd icz aq thr rrmcdic,pruvidrd Ny law,thc terms uf the:Sccurrd Drht. •
<br />•• : this Security Insirument and any related documents,including without limitatiun.thc p�>wer tc>sell thr Properiy. � ' � - --• .-.
<br /> If thcre is a default.Trustee shall. in addition to any other permitted remedv.at the reyuest of the Lender,adver[ue . . , "
<br /> and sell the Propert}•as a whole ur in separate parcels at public auction t�>the highest bidder for cash and convey
<br /> • absolute title free and clear of all right.title and interest of Grantor at such time and place as Trustee designates. .. ±
<br /> Trustee shall give notice of sale including the time,terms and place of sale and a description of the property to be sold �
<br /> . as required by thr applicable law in effect at the timc of the proposed sale. � sy= =.
<br /> Upon sale of the properiy and to the extent not prohibited by law,Trustee shall make and deliver a deeJ to lhe Property �� • � ��'�'
<br /> ' sold which conveys absolute title to tne purchaser,and after first paying all fees.charges and cosu,shall pay to Lendcr all `�.. •- _-_-=-__
<br />;, moneys advanced for repairs.taxes.insurance,liens,asses�ments and prior encumhrances and interesi thereon,and the �- = �
<br /> rinci al and interest on the Secured Debt, a 'n the su lus,if an to Grantor. Lender ma urchasc the Pro cri ���"�`'_'`'
<br /> �. P P P Y� R �P Y• Y P P' Y• � �;:•;,;.,���A^
<br /> , The recitals in any deed of conveyance shall be prima facic evidence of the facts set forth therein. � _ _
<br /> _ All remedies are distinct,cumulative and not exclusive,and the Lc:nder is rntitled ta all remedies provided al law or • � '�`.':�`�-,
<br /> . 9 Y P Y P Y Y• p Y p P Ym ��'``"�, --
<br /> e uit ,whether or not ex ressl set forth.The acce tance b L.ender of an sum in a ment or artial a ent on the ,
<br /> Secured Debt after the balance is due or is accelerated or after forecfosure proceedings are filed shall not constitute a �� �'- _�; �.
<br /> �" waiver of Lender's right to require complete cure of any existing default.By not exercising any remedy on Grantur's �. d �° �� _
<br /> default,Lender does not waive Lender s rigfit to later consider the event a default if it continues or happens again. `;�;���- _ -�x'-��-
<br /> prohibited by law.Grantor agrees to pay all of Lender's expenses if Grantor breaches any covenant in this Security � '-'�
<br /> .� Instrument.Grantor will also pay on dcmand any amount incurred by Lender for insuring,inspecting,preserving or , .` ��� `
<br /> � �f otherwise protecting the Property and Lender's security interest.These expenses will bear interest from the date of 4� � � ,'�
<br /> _ lhz payment until paid in full at the fiighest interest rate in effect as provided in the terms of the Secured Debt. :` �
<br /> Grantor agrees to pay all cosls and expenses incurred by L.ender in collecting,enforcing or protecting Lender's rights �� , •.
<br /> ` and remedies under this Security Instrument.This amount may include, but is not limited to,attarneys' fees.coart ''�� '
<br /> costs,and ather legal exprnses.This Security Instrument shall remain in effect until released.Grantor agrees to pay ' s''�' +
<br /> for any recordation costs of such release. - t ' �������;� ,
<br /> _ `��}�.:�.
<br /> ' 17. E:WIRONMEIVTAL LAWS AND HAZARDOUS SUBSTtltVCES.As uscd in this section,(1)Environmental Law `�`�' i � '
<br /> means,without limitation.the Comprchensive Environmental Response.Compensation and Liabitity Act(CERCI.A. i�`�'- ' ,����
<br /> 42 U.S.C. 9601 et seq.),and all ather federal, state and local iaws, regulatians, ordinances,court orders,attorney '$ •',`4�' ;�•
<br /> , general opinions or interpretive letters concerning the public health,sal'ety,welfare,environment or a hazardous
<br /> substance;and �2) Ha�.ardous Substance �neans any toxic, radioactivc ar ha•r.ardous material,waste,pollutant or '.,> ``��
<br /> -�:� contaminant which has characteristics which render the substancc dangrrous or potentiaUy dangerous to the public �� •��-
<br /> health,safety,welfare or environmcnt.Thc tcrm includes,without limitation,any substances deFned as'•hazardnus ;�--
<br /> material;'••toxic substanct;s;'"ha�ardouti waste"or"haxardous substancc"undcr any Environmental l.aw. .#°`
<br /> Grantur represents,warrants and agrees that: • =��-�.
<br /> . A. Exccpt as previously discloscd and acknowlcdgcd in writing tu L�:ndcr.nu Hvardous Substancc is or will bc •" ' �r=-'�
<br />- .. located, stored or released on or in the Property. Thiti restriction docs not apply to small quantities of �"��-�==�
<br /> • Hazardou5 Substances that arc generaUy recognu.ed to be apprapriate for the normal use and maintenanc�of -
<br /> the Property. �
<br />• B. Except as previously disclosed and acknowledged in writing to Lendcr.Grantor and every tenant have been,are, ��'�---_—- -=`
<br /> ;� and shall remain in fuU compliance:with any applicable Environmental Law. �•rT� Ts �' �� •
<br /> .� � C_ Grantor shall immediately notify Lendcr if a release or thmatcned release of a Ha�ardous Substance occurs on. � .__-
<br /> under or about the Property or there is a violation of any Enviranmental Law conceming the Property.In such ,_���._.•�
<br /> an event,Grantor shall take all necessary remedial action in accordance with any Environmental Law. ''"s
<br /> . � D. Grantor shall immediately notify L.ender in writing as soon as Grantor has reason ta believe there is any �' � '"����. '
<br /> pending or threatened investigation,claim,or proceeding rclating to the release or threatened release of any `�.,,,�."".
<br /> Hazardous Substance or the violation of any Environmental Law. ,,;,�:_ .„_�a�,a,�,,. ,
<br /> 18. CONDEMNA770N.Grantor will we Lender rom t notice of an endin or threatened action, b rivate or - ' `�'� ' '
<br /> � g P P Y P S Y P . .,,t�x��-;
<br /> public entities to pnrchase or take anv or all of the Property through condemnation.eminent domain,or any other �° n::r•�:�,*�+y/�.-'� '. •
<br /> :."�lY�...��^'1LRt4'M_�-
<br /> means.Grantor authorizes Lender to intervene in Grantor's name in any of the above descrihed actions or claims. .,s;,�.-,i;,':,;,,.,.;
<br /> Grantor assigns to Lender the proceeds of any award or claim for damages connected with a condemnation or other _ ;.�•�:�.•-•�-_.--�.
<br /> taking of all or any part of the Property.Such proceeds shall be considered payments and will be applied as provided in � � ° �. �
<br /> ' this Security Instrument.This assignment of proceeds is subject to the terms of any prior mortgage, dced of trust. � _
<br /> security agreement or other lien document. � �
<br /> . 19. INSURANCE.Grantor shall keep Property insured against Ic�ss by fire,flaod. thcft anJ uther haiards and risks , � `
<br /> reasonably associated with the Property due to its typc and Incation.Thi��nsurance shall hc maintaincJ in the amounts � � • �
<br /> • and for thc periods that Le�ndcr rcquires.Thc insurance carricr providing the insurance shall he chasen hy Gramor • � � .
<br /> subjcct to Lcndcr's approval, which shall not hc unrcason�bly withhcld. if Grantor fails tu maintain thc covrragc . . ' � '
<br /> described above,Lender may,at Lt:nchr's optiun,obtain cover�ge tu protect'.ender�rights in the !'roperty accurding . ,
<br /> to the terms of this Security Instrument. . ' �
<br /> AU insurance policies and renewals shall he acccpt�blc tu I.�nder and shall includc a standard"mortgagc clausc"and. �. �
<br /> � where applicable."los.e payee clause."(irantor shall immediatcly notify I.ender of cancrllatiun or termination ot the �
<br /> insurance.Lender shall have the right tu hold the policies and rrnewals.If Ixndrr reyuires,Grantur shall immediatcly ' ' :
<br /> givc to Lender all rrccipts uf paid premiums and rencwal noticrs. Upan loss.Granwr shall give immediatc notice to •
<br /> the insurance carrier and Lender.Le:nder may make pmof of lo�.s if ncit made immediately by(irantor. '.
<br /> i � , .
<br /> � fPage 3 0�4/ � ' • " , �
<br /> . . � p7990gyikorSSyslems.lnc.S1 Cioud.MN I��PA�397234h Fo�mRE�DT�NE &847 C � �
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