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241108948 <br />Part of Lot One (l), of Riverside Farm Subdivision, of Part of the Southeast Quarter <br />(SE1/4 of Section Twenty Nine (29), in Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) <br />West of the Sixth P.M., Hall County, Nebraska more particularly described as follows: <br />Commencing 33 feet East of the Northwest comer of said Lot One (1); running thence <br />South for a distance of Two Hundred (200) Feet; running thence East for a distance of <br />Two Hundred Eighteen (218) Feet; ��nning thence North paza11e1 with the West line of <br />said Lot One (1), for a distance of Two Hundred (200) Feet; running thence West along <br />and upon the North boundary line of aid lot One (1), for a distance of Two Hundred <br />Eighteen (218) Feet to the Place of Beginning <br />