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�0114�93� <br />monthlY Paymeats wluich ar� referred m m Paza�r�Pb 2, or cf�asage the amoimt o# such payme�. .4ny excess <br />;,t�rx„� proceeds ovat aa a�ount r�quired to pay all outstand'm� indebtedness under the IVote and �ls <br />Se�triry �issm�ent shall be paid ta Ihe entiry legally e�ttitled thete[o. <br />In the event af foreclosttre of this SeCurity T�SEtu�e�t or at�er ixansfer oF Utle to the Pt�perty tb�&t <br />extin�tighes �t� lrtdebtedness, a11 rlght, dtle and interest af Bormvver 9a aac� ro insur�tCe polic�ss in force <br />sb,aU pass tQ the purchaser. <br />6. Occupanay PreSB►v�tiart, Maintenen+c� �nd Pra#ectian o�F the Property; Borrowrer's Loe�t <br />Applicatlon; Leas�holds, Borxower shall or�gy, astablis�h, and uae rhe Progerty ps Borrower's principal <br />resi(lence within siaty days after the execuiion of this Security Inskument (or within sixty days oi a later s�le <br />or transfer of the Progerty) aad shall continua to nc�tpy tha property as Horrowe�r's pria�igal reaidence frnc <br />at least one year aftar ttie dats af occ�a�Cy. ualess i,ender c�termi�e9 that .requireme� witl cause undne <br />h�rdship fpr Borrower, ox uuless axtennating oircumscaaces axiet whfah are beyo�d �orrower's cantrtrl. <br />Borrawer shall aadfy Leader af any extenu�dng circumstances. Borrower s�all nOt commit r�ast� or de�roy, <br />damagce or substaadally change the Pmrpexty or ellow the Prape�fi}r W detexiorate, reasoriAbl� wee.t and tQar <br />exeepfed. 7.c'xtd�r may insgecC the Pmperty if the Praperty is vacaat ar abandened or t1� laen is in default. <br />J.ender may tal�e reasonabl� aedon. to protect and greserve such vacant or ab$ndoncd Pmpariy, HorroWex <br />st�ll a4so be in default i� Bc►zr+awer, dnring the loan a�rplieation pmcess, gave matecialIy f�lse or inaeauate <br />iuformation ar st�T�+ments to L�nder {or f�led to provide I,ender wit[t a�ly materfai informasion) ia <br />co�te�icm wirh tt�a loan evidenced by �e Note, mcluding, but aat limited to, representatione concemiug <br />Borrowar's occupaazcy of the P�aperty as a prlacipal residence. If this Security Iasts�eut is on � leasehald, <br />�orrovu�r shell s�mply wiCh tlte provisions of the lea�e. If aorrower acqnires fee title w ihe Proparty, the <br />leasehold an.d f�e dtle shall not be merged nnless Lender agiees to the m�rger in writin�. <br />6. �ondemria�ion. The prOt�ed9 of any avs+ard or claim Por demages, direct or cons�quantial� in comae.�tiqn <br />with any coadenmatlon or other takin� of any part of the Property, or for convey�uee in plaee of <br />condemnation, are hereb� ssssigasd ond shall be paid cv �ender to the extent oP the full amounc of t'he <br />iadebtedness that �mains unp�id imdsr Yhe Note and this Securiry Instrument. Lender sha11 apgly sacI� <br />proceeds tio the raduetian of the indebtedness under t6e No6e and t�s Sec�rity 1nsCrt,}mmi, first to �p <br />delinquent amotm�s epplied in the ptder provfded in par�gr�lz .�, and then to prepaymant of prinap�t, Any <br />�rplicatibrt of the proceeds t8 t�e priflap�l s�all not ex[ezid or postpone the due dete of the mo�thly <br />paymencs� which ar� xefc�.red co in pata�raph 2, or ch�ga the a�aaouat of snc1� paym�lts, Any axcess <br />proCeeds ovcr an emotmt requitcd to p�y all aut�tanding it�d�bredn�s Bnd� tlxp Note and this S�urlry <br />Instru�ment shaII be paid to the entity legally en�itled therato. <br />7. CN�rge4 ta Borrower and Protection of Lender'� Righ�s in the Froperty. Borroarer shail pap all <br />governme�al or mwaicipat char�es, �e,s and imposit�oas tha4 ate not included in p�iegraph Z. Borrowtit <br />sh�I,l pay thasa obligations am time dire�ly �a the engty whiob i� awed tl�e payment. If failure w pay wa�ld <br />adversaly �f[ect L,e�der's interest i�n thct property, ugan Lander's request �orrower s1�011 Promptly fwrn.iah to <br />�.eaad� r�igts avidencaxg these payments. <br />Yf Plorrawer faile to make ti�ase payments or the paymencs required by paragraph 2, or f�ils to perform any <br />other coveneuts And agxeements cont8iried xn ThfS Security Ins4iumeni, or there is a laga� p�ding that may <br />signi��t�y affect I.�der's rights ia the Properly (such 8s a proceeding in bankrttptc3', for c�ndemnation or <br />ta enfarce laws or iegul�ttions), thea Lender m&y do and pay whatever is z�ecessary m prot�ect C1ae value of the <br />Froperry �nd Y.ender's rights iu Che Property, inclnd'mg Faymeat of texes, haz�rd 'nnsw'snce snd other i�s <br />mentioned ffi garagraph 2. <br />- . <br />V� QD oFTtueo-NE VMP4ql�1 S190B1�� <br />WoIfBB KIUWa' RlnOnqlet 8mvieee A88e 4 ot 70 <br />