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����������� <br />2011089�J <br />20�1069�G <br />NON-UNIFORM COV�IANTS. Boaower and Lender fiuther covenant and agree as follows: <br />17. Aseignment of Renta Borrower unconditionally assigns and transfers to Lender all the rents and revenues <br />of the Property. Bonower authorizes Lender or Lender' s agents to collect the rents and revenues and hereby directs <br />each tenant of the Property to pay the rents to Lender or Lender's agents. However, prior to Lender's notice to <br />Bonower of Bonower's breach of any covenant or agreement in the Security Instrument, Borrower shall collect and <br />receive all rents and revenues of the Properiy as trustee for the benefit of Lender and Borrower. This assignment of <br />rents cons6tutes an absolute assignment and not an assignment for additional sec�uity only. <br />If Lender gives notice of breach to Bonower: (a) all rents received by Borrower shall be held by Borrower as <br />trustee for benefit of Lender only, to be applied to the sums secured by the Security Instrument; (b) Lender shall be <br />entitled to collect and receive all of the rents of the Property; and (c) each tenant of the Property shall pay all renfs <br />due and impaid to Lender or Lender's agent on Lender's written demand to the tenant <br />Borrower has not executed any prior assignment of the rents and has not and will not perfarm any act that would <br />prevent Lender from exercising its rights under this paragraph 17. <br />Lender shall not be required to enter upon, take control of or maintain the Property before or after giving notice <br />of breach to Borrowet. Howeva, Lender or a judicially appointed receiver may do so at any time there is a breach. <br />Any applicarion of rents shall not cure or waive aay default or invalidate any other right or remedy of Lender. This <br />assignment of rents of the Propetty shall terminate when the debt secut'ed by the Security Instrument is paid in fiill. <br />18. For�lowre Procedure. If Lender reqaires immediate payment 9n fall ander paragraph 9, Lender may <br />invoke the power of sale and any other rem�ies permitted by applicable law. Lender ahall be entitled to coIIect <br />all espenses incmred in pursuing the remedies provlded in t61s paragraph 18, inclnding, bnt not llmited to, <br />reasonable attorneys' fees and costs of title evidence. <br />If the power of sale ls invoked, Trnst� ehall record a noHce of defanit in each connty in which any part of <br />the Property is located and shall mail coples of sach notice in the maoner prescrlbed by appllcable law to <br />Borrower and to the other persons prescrlbed by appllcable law. After the time required by applicable law, <br />Trastee, ahell g�tve pubNc noHce of sale to the pereons and �In the mamer prescrlbe� by appHcable law. Truatee, <br />withort demand an Borrower, shall sell the Property at pabllc aucdon to t6e Lighest bidder at t6e Hme and <br />place and ander the terms designated in the notice of sale in one or more parcels and in any order Trastee <br />determines. Trastee may postpone sale of all or any parcel of the Properiy by pnbflc annoancement at the time <br />and place of any previoasly achednled sale. Lender or its de�ignee may parchase the Property at any sale. <br />Upon r�eipt of paymeat of the prlce bid, Trastee shall deliver to the parchaser Trastee's deed conveying <br />the Property. Tfte recitals 1n the Tntatee's deed shall be prlma fade evidence of the trath of the atatementg <br />made therein. T�vata shell apply the proceeds of the sale in the following order: (a) to all costs and egpenses <br />of ezercising the power of sale, and the sale, including t6e payme� of the Trastee's fees actuaIly incurred and <br />reesonable attorneys' fees as permltted by applicable law; (b) to all soma secured by this Secnrity Instrument; <br />and (c) any eacess to the person or persons legalty entitled to it <br />If the Lender's interest in t63s SecurHy Inatrament is held by the Secretary and the Secretary reqaires <br />immediate payment in faD nnder paragraph 9, the Secretary may invoke the nonjudicial power of sale provlded <br />in the Single Family Mortgage Foreclosnre Act of 1994 ("Act'� (12 U.S.C. 3751 et�sc .) by reqnesdng a <br />foreclosure wmmiesioner deaignated nnder the Act to comwence foreclosare and to seIl the Properiy as provlded <br />in the Ad. Nothing in the preceding sentence sha➢ deprive t6e Secretary of any rlg6ts otherwise available to <br />a Lender nnder this paragaph 18 or appllcable law. <br />19. Reconveyance. Upon payment of all sums secured by this Security Instrument, Lender shall request Trustee <br />to reconvey the Property and shall surrender this Security Instrument and all notes evidencing debt sec�ued by this <br />Security Instrument to Trustee. Trustee shall reconvey the Property without warranty to the person or persons legally <br />entitled to it Such persan or petsons shall pay any recordation costs. Lender may charge such person or persons a <br />fee for reconveying the Property, but only if the fee is paid to a third party (such as the Trustee) for services rendered <br />aad the chatging of the fee is permitteci imder applicable law. <br />Z0. Snbstltate Trastee. Lender, at its option, may from time to time remove Trustee aad appoint a succes.gor <br />trustee to any Trustee appointed hereunder by an instrument recorded in the county in wlrich Uris Security Insirumeat <br />is recorded Without conveyance of the Property, the successor hvstee shall succeed to all the title, power and duties <br />conferred upon Trustee herein and by applicable ]aw.. <br />21. Reqn�t for Noflces. Borrower requests that copies of the notice of default and sale be sent to Boaower' s <br />address which is the Properiy address. <br />22. Riders to this Secarlty Instrvmen� If one or more riders are eacecuted by Bonower and recorded together <br />with Uus Security Instrument, the covenents of each such rider shall be incorporated into and shall amend and <br />supplement the covenants and agre,emems of this Seciuity Inatrument as if the rider(s) were a part of this Security <br />Instrument <br />[Check applicable box(es)l <br />� Condominium Rider � Graduated Payment Rider � Growing Equity Rider <br />� Planned Unit Development Rider � Adjustable Rate Rider ❑ Rehabilitation Loan Rider <br />p Non-own� o��y x�� ❑ oct,� [s�'r] <br />FHA N�RASKA D� OF TRUST - MQb4 �eg/e � <br />NmOTZ.FHA O6/23H 1 Pege 6 of 7 www.davnagic.aom <br />�I�I� ID�II� IIO I I � I U a I I II01111� a 10 <br />