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<br /> � .�t�_ . : - �-,� � ` :r� . � . � � g�����: _
<br /> �:� . ��_., - � .� ..:: _ .. _ ::,�. . �, ; ..:._. . - , .: _. : :_ .
<br /> �<:. . ,� �e�e�a+cr�ar��,�;.:�:aoo�o t�ar�a.�.�c�a s���oa.
<br /> �. ��►�a1�lsw�i!e�. -
<br /> ' "1i�E�s+e+�liiesl�'�jr a�a�p�r�v�d b!►t�aiapr apia 6ecooea a�►,u�1Gi�ana��s oU�ai.ad.ear,+�aw��tt p.�►
<br /> � ' , �1i��e�i��ryri�ed q�L ono�e i�r�oe ia diect:�x b pvride a lass��ati!tl�t�iiieaae�t foc aiae�p�e
<br /> �r■ea�+e e�ds i�at�otdroe�aqy�inen�eao�det betweoa B�oaa�ar�ed t�der orapplic�Wc li�v.
<br /> ' .!.��eliM.la�d�et 4r ih atat mty mtY,e aa�ombk es4rnx opos aod impoaic�s t�ihe Pt+apaty.l�ende�a1aA Eirc
<br /> ° t 9aa±Deer aatioe�t d�e tinae of ar pdor�o�n iaspection�t�nn�iia�ao�bie�e�fa�d�e i�pect�oa.
<br /> „ ' :.�.�t�.�7Nie�1lw.7fe pooeecN of sey anraM a cWm fordtot�es.aLat a oamequaml.in amoeotim vrith aay
<br /> - _ �=-.:�.ar di�itr�at a►Y PrR a�tlie Pmpe�t�;�e fcw eni►rta�taoc��#iar of�w��.a�e�ertb�i ass�aed ud---°_ -
<br /> � $1116e pid b[�7dEi. - -
<br /> 1�"the ereat af a toral t�tin�af t6e Rape�ty;the puoeeds sMll be�pplied w t6e s�ns sxut�ea 6y this Seaority Instmo�st. �,
<br /> �Ma or aat dim due,wri�h a�r��aess p�id w Bo�rowrer.In the eveot Qf a P�ttiil�iof tbe Pmpeety iu which the 6ir
<br /> �tioet valre ef t6e Pmpaty imnediYdy befota IMe tatL�it a�ud w ar gtaax thn tl�e atnouat of tbe sums sowwc�ed by duf
<br /> Sa��r iaMcweeat im�ed'wdy 6efaoeMe�,mlesa Ho�ro�et aM l,e�ksdba�vlx�c�x is writiq�,We suma seated by
<br /> 8� Sea�tity Impnuaeet abdE �ted��eed by tbe�noret ofi tt�p�oa+eds rhuitjpiied!�r th�fdlaWi�feaaioa: ia)d�e md
<br /> ai■o��t o�drs��ens�tr�d imeedia�elY�he.�o[�t�taicia�.divjde�d by(b)t1�fiis mutoa vaiue of tbe Poopeety imesecii�ldY
<br /> .be6o�tl�e dicie�.Any 6�taere ahtU be p�id to�om�rer-Tn tlr areot of'��etial nic�a8 of tir Prupe�ly ia�vttieb tfr�fiir,
<br /> : a�st�a6rcf tMe Ptnpdty iaaaaodia�dy 6�fa�e t6e talunb is kss th�tbe;�atqt of We snans sax�ted'unaiadiaoety 6e�or�t0e
<br /> ' f�j�Y�BOKdIi�![��O�IEi�I��[EC,�R�;QC;,q����►O�lM�L9C�[OYI�S.1bG QLdQO(I�S.3� '
<br /> ` ,`. bC�IEd f0 111E��OGt[C��t 1�FS�OC��t[�11C��YU�S`�����[C tZldl dYE. '. •j`.�: - ��.;��f'
<br /> �` Tf t�E�[OpCi1�1f��0Ol�1Q�►BO[IORl+af If,�Q 00[IOC�►•��0�ORl4�'�1��IC QOO�C11d0�Offt15 LO tO�E S
<br /> R'" ��1{p[�C S C�i��[�4";-.�1IC7YK �f LD�0li�LO j�f'l`�lII 3Q t�&��CC 1�1C�C l�IC'Dl1fjCQ lf S%11�■
<br /> f+R�Ef��f0�OIIECL���lI1L plOV00d�.X ltt O�i100.tl1�Q fA tK6t)'1�10@ OC;�F Of mC P[O�C[ly af W i�ll:ml�
<br /> �[p� ����Ci LOl lT1CA�iC. _-.,' � -.'::`:�,�;,;;
<br /> �.��� L `" ,..
<br /> : . UwICS�.�l��BOROMC��Ql�.�-�bC Ill WIl6q�+��Of ' � � (X)'.�RR�3�II 110[C�0[ .: :�:
<br /> :;:=:i�'- patpa�e t6e ie d�e of tbe m�1�*p�?fo�li��ir�ed to in P�6�'P� �;� � �
<br /> ,?.. E -or chaoae Nie a�oxi�ti�s�b piyn�ats. '���*�
<br /> ;� ,�� :�.�;,
<br /> <';�,��t� 1�.1�rtv+�N�t�Feetiara�b��'�RdQ N�t a Wiii�e(�;;�of t6e time for paji�ieat ur mo�ation ;��:,
<br /> � �, .q�'".`�tioa of tbe saq�s sxa�teti�ij►��Y:���_ �r'r to aay s�fo�essor in iat�nest of Bocnoi�e�c�tull
<br /> • ;� mCy`;�to tr3easa t6e li�bUity o�tLe origimt Bortas�.v���ixr��cois ia�.l.eader sb�l!not bie'`�d to
<br /> �P��mY�eswr in mtens�or.���:s�ipr far prymrnt or ath�wise mo�if�apeic�+tioa
<br /> , of We su�aecncN by t6is Secutity insttume�`t�+Y n�:�^aay dm�:made 6y the a�igiml Hot�r::e�:.;�ovrer's
<br /> s000e�ais in i�t.Xay fo�baianoe by�3ier:in exee��s�nS�►Y ri8���Y s6a11 uat be a��at`r����rde die _
<br /> ese�se of my riaht or�aa�y. ,'-�' �`�- �i?<''��'�`';; � . ,°,,::';:r;€;:��.s�,:;.;� �;�.
<br /> ,;,. ;. �°.
<br /> � `':�2. S�ooe�es a�i A+�i�ic� 1�in�c�d Seve�sl•l3abi�;Css7p�e�s.1iie;�oovemots:aiir3�.:'�s;�,:.a�;c�'.ihit
<br /> . Semrxy � �.` ,-
<br /> , lns�aa�rnt s�ll bind a�i�-D,���¢�e�.•ohassors aod assigos of�er wd Baiarover,�:133,ifb:.:�ia�wi�qf ,, . .
<br /> :;?;: p�e�b 1T. �wis`s.aweria4is:�si��.���'� sh�ll tfe a�'ec�+ein�. M Bortewer :ai��.d�is �� � •�
<br /> , �s j�t nti Y v!'.�,�► �`-;;-;':�-�.
<br /> '`�i;;:, �ttuo�ent bpt doe's;;iabft�ate tbe No4� (�1`i's;va��goin8 thi��';b�nent oNY�o mo�cSaB�:�;'.�,`,:!�?'�;� i�'.
<br /> eorra�;s���wa�tbe Propeny;qa�er the��rms of aiis s�.a,�ear,(b)is na person�ity abi'i�oa ta�.�iay:�re'sum.
<br /> sxure�fle�fi�is Sec�rhy Insnumea�:�d(c)agroes tlurt i.endpt�at�d:?azy dber Barmwer may agm to e:tatd.modifY�i;��a
<br /> m�ir�a�y.a000�maia�tibns witt�ragac+d to the tera�s of this ,.',S .�=�'.nstR..*��or the Note witl�oat tbat Bomnwer's ooiueot. -
<br /> 13.Lo�t�il�ip.s.If the loan savnd hy tLls Savriry lns�i¢`vrcnt is subjat to a 1aw which sds muimnm loan chataes.
<br /> aod ti�t 1a�v is �'�'� �i�e�pcetod so th�t the iaurcst or otAer luan chu�ges ooliactod or w be ooUocted in oonaectson witb d�e
<br /> fan exoad the parnittod limits,,then:(a)any such toan chugt s1�a1!6e reduad by the amo�unt aassuy w trdu�e tbe clyr�e
<br /> W t6e permittrd lid�it;aed(b)��:��itrady oollaxod from Boaawer which exoeakd petmiued limits will be:efanded to
<br /> Bort�o�ver. Leader m�y choaso,irr;�Ye this refand by trdacing the principal owed under the Noro or by m�iuna a dimt -
<br /> ptymnu W Bacrawer. If a refs�i:�tduces princip�al. the c+edudiob wiSl:'�e taated as a partial D�paY� witbout aoy -
<br /> _ � ,:._.._ _
<br /> `•: �:� pnptymeat cbatse.wder the NotG.' : ;:. � _.�, , : �;; -
<br /> '.t;:.�' ,.��.Netloes.,'#�iy'notia to.$�re+uwer provi�for ln tlds S�.a�rae�;�t sh�Ll i5��ven by delivering it a{•,'�mayling ;';',';,:•_
<br /> it f�g Stait ilass m�il an�ess appliq6`te law nquires use of a���:,"L'��r,+�otia s�lae ditoctod to the.P��p�� _
<br /> a's�9t:w+�er addtrss Bonower desigoates by natice to tk�:�?�.���to Lendet shaU be given by firat,c�tn�u1 to -
<br /> I.eadn's add�ess stated he�in ar any other addi+ess Lender de�g�t$s�;p���ce to Borrower. Any�ipe Pmvided',li�'��this , -
<br /> Securiry Inurcm�ent stn11 be deenxd to I�ve been givrn to Bosrawer oi��d�i when given a4 pmvidoi4�}'►n'dps por�'s:; ;r;',;.`;- .
<br /> 13.fareni�Law;SeveraMHty. This Security Inurument sh�'��.governe�,.�bi�.lederal law and We Ct,w�.�af�tde • �.
<br /> juris�Ction in whkb th�e Propeit�;�_lacated.ln the event th�t any provisio�or cl�ltse�iliis Sauriry InstNme�t v�i�Nete ;
<br /> oodfiicts with lipbk law.s�dbrioa�itllct sh�ll not affoct aher rovisions ot this �'`�`�� �
<br /> �PP P �?�?I'�°!�t or the Note w�iClits�n be ;-
<br /> given effact withaut the confliMisvg j�iovision.To this end the provislons of this Savrat�:�f�s.ntntment and the Nate aie declued �
<br /> to be sever�bk.
<br /> •14.�orta�er's Copy.Bomswer ahall be given oae confaimod eopy of the Note and'of ihis Secudty lnsttuar�t.,,.., _
<br /> ♦ • -; ., �s�,,�1l0 =.
<br /> , �.���� � , � .>� , r}j���c+e - ' �;..
<br /> �?�fkl'i l'`. • • .
<br /> (:' . , '. `1',�'.. i ' , . ' .'.�;.
<br /> �; ; ' 'f',i , ,,'f,:, ' ,
<br /> , � �i.
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