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CCC-297 (OS-15-04) <br />�0110�931 page2of2 <br />IN WITNESS�EREOF, the undersigned parties hereto have executed this instrument <br />this (h) �� day of (i) 1,��u��'� , G) °�° (Year). <br />if a corporation: <br />�� : �� ���� <br />BANK OF DONIPHAN (Mortgagee) <br />B3' e <br />���st�e/ <br />(1) Dul} A111I20Yl O�cer <br />�,G� �2C.F� �he <br />(m) Title <br />CORPORATE <br />SEAL <br />"Mortgagee" includes holder of any type of real estate lien. <br />*Delete "Mortgagee" or "Owner." <br />(p) STATE OF a� <br />(c� COUNTY OF �7�� } ss. ACKNOWLEDGMENT: <br />On this (r) �a'7/�/ day of (s) <br />in the vear (t1 �O / / , <br />me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared ( /�lJlll,Gyt � '���• <br />, <br />personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to hP the �ndividual{s; �khose name;s) ' <br />(are) subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she executed the same in his/her/their capacity <br />(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument, the individual(s) or the person on behalf of which the <br />individual(sl acted. execute the instrument. <br />.......�r...... <br />�� �� AL) <br />Qomm. 19, 2dt� (v) No Public <br />My commission expires (w) 9��q�� <br />(M -DD-YYY� <br />The foUowing stetement 7s made !n accordance wifh fhe Privacy Ad o/ 1974 (5 USC 552e) and the Papeiwork Reducfion Ad of 1995, as emended. The authaRy for requestic <br />the lollowing informaffon is 7 CFR Part 1436 and the Commodity Credit Corporatton CharterAd, 5 USC 714 et. seq. The informadon wiil be used to detarmine el'rc�ibUity lor <br />CCC finencing !or /erm, storage and drying equipment Fumishing the requested informaUon Is vo/urttary, however, wifhout it CCC finandn8 under fhe progism cannof be <br />provlded. FaUure to /umish the requested lnlormaBon will result in denia! of CCC Rnancing under this progrem. Thls lnformaBon may be provided to other agenaes, IRS, <br />Departmem of JusN�, or other SYate and Federal law enlo�ment agendes, and in response to a wurt maglsbate or adminlsbedve tribunaL The provisions of crimine/ and <br />aW /iaud stetutes, lnduding 18 USC 286, 287, 371, 841, 651, 1001; 15 USC 714m; and 31 USC 3729, may be applicabfe to the infoimaBon provrded. <br />According to the Papervvork ReducBon Act o/1995, an egency may not conduct or s,00nsor, and a person is not required to raspond to, a collectfon o/infamation unless if <br />drsplays a velld OMB wrrdol number. The valld OMB �nhol numberla this lnlormaBon crollecdon is 0560-0204. The dme required to complete this informaBon collectron is <br />esdmated to average 1 b minutes per responsre, induding the Bme for reviewing instructions, searching earisting data sources, gathering and mainteining the data needed, and <br />comp/eting and reviewing the colledion of information. RETURN TH/S COIV�PLETED FORM TO YOUR COUNTY FSA OFFICE. <br />