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<br /> TH@ DEP�TNiE6�T AF VE�EF�QI�S AF�AIRS OR , . �._
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<br /> Al9Th�ORIZED AGENT. ` :�
<br /> �� . . . , . .
<br /> Ma .�997, and is hcorporated fnto ' : ,
<br /> THIS ASSUIIRFTION POLICY RIOB�I is made ffiis 1�th deY of ,�.,-�Ch ' . . .
<br /> - end stu30 ba d�m°d m a�0 end s u pD�t the Martpage. Qaed o!Tnist, or Oea9 to Secure Detst ('InsuumenY) of tho same Qate i--�- � s
<br /> heraw9h.4 k e^b Y tha undersiyned ('Martya�nA")W securo tha Mortya�a�s Nots i'NOU�ot the sarne data ta QDIdfTE� ld�R� --.- . -. -..
<br /> .•�t. B{1F1 � , �
<br /> Rs saa�ssors and asstpns(°tNCrtge9��and coverlrto th�PmPeRY���h the Instrumant and boated at 333 S OA4t GfiMD . ' . ` • •-"'
<br /> iS1.AI►iD �Bi� iCA 88 1 P.ov,�r�ee.us _ � _,_ _ ,
<br /> ��--�.g-
<br /> Notwkhstand'ng anyth'sip to the contrary sst forth tn the Insbrumenb MoRga86e end Mortgagor her�eby ac�mowledQe and ep�e to the � � . . ��� '�`. .
<br /> fo0owing: , .. - . -- ;
<br /> GiUAAANTY: Shouid the �epsr4rr�c+2 of VQtatanS Alfats t�1 or rQluse W issu9�8 puutntY in tuA amount wYhtn 60 days�the date that . '`,�.:_
<br /> thEs ban woutd nor�a•N 6ecame �Se(or such qvarar►ry cammRted uAon bY the DeP��t of Veterans ARaYs under th�Provisbns of . •v` .s__ �_
<br /> �:r Tit19 38 O}ih9 US. CadO 'V818�3�:a B6IIBfRS'.the MoAyapee meY ��the Indebtedness hereby sacured at onee due and OaYabfa and . . ,..� ;;-,,t;�_._==
<br /> ...,a�=;�v--� _-
<br /> . may Poraeioss�aY or may�cercise anY other riDhts here�mGer or take anY other Droper aeNon as bY taw Provfded. ' �- �_--
<br /> ,� '� :::.' •1'��y'-��:i.'-� .
<br /> 7'RANSFER OF THE PRmP�YY: H aU or enY 0�of the OroD�Y ar enY hterest In d fs soid or transterrad� UIIS WSII RSYY bY .r • ey y. ;..
<br /> .. deciered UronadsteN due and Del►a�f�upon transfar ('assumPiion7 of tho ProP�Y�rinp suah ban to anY Uansleree('sssumet'b u��ss .. . 4`-�'�
<br /> ' t o! Vateeans Athlrs or ss authoA�d e�eat '�_'._- -
<br />" r� the accePtabt�Y ot the essumDtion and trar►sfer C4 this to�n is estabQched by the �ePaRrnen -
<br /> _-.�r, � ;•
<br /> pursuant to sectbn 3714 of Che�ter�1.Tdfe 38.tdl3sd S�es Coda.
<br /> qn auttio�d trans(er('assumption'o t t he pr o p a rt y s h a 9 a s o b e s u 6 J e a t t o a d d i f o n a l c o v e n a rtts a�►d e�p r a emenm es set fo+�b°bw: •� ;, :�=.
<br /> .(• �y?----
<br /> ��• __
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<br /> (e)ASS41MPTi0N FUNDING FEE: A fee equ�i to onahatf of t percent(.,609t)ot tAS unpald princpal ba�ence of tnts ben�s .:-:{.a � . ��
<br /> � of Me data of Vens°ea ot the property shaU be payabte at the time ot Uensfer to the mortpapee or fts authorhed ag�b os trust��a�T the . � ` �.
<br /> • �e' x „
<br /> .� � 06parUf�ent af VetBtans AHairs. lf the assumer ta� to pay this tee flt the tYnO of ttenster,the fee shaU const►�ute nn ad�d�� d�abt�� ``y'�..� .�
<br /> • ateady aecured bY thb instrumer�sha➢besr 6nterest at ttie rate h�eln Provlded.and. at tfle oP�of the mortga8ee . ,.,�.
<br /> harebY secure6 or iusY VansWceO rl.sreof.sha0 b9 knrt�e4iateh due and PaYabta. This feo ls rutoma'ticaitY Wa�e� Y the ass�mer b exampt _�. • �� ;�';
<br /> under Na prmrisions of 38 U.S.C.312,9(c�. �; �,,,... � .� --
<br /> , !� , —
<br /> (b) kS�Ut�7PTUDN PROCE4StNG C�01RGE: tJpon eAPGOatton tor aDDroval to aRow assumptbn ettd Canst�t of thb Wan,e ; �.,
<br /> - _ pmcessinp fee may Qe charpec! by tAe mortp�a� or i� authorixeA a9ent Por detaminY�9 Na usd�vaftAiness o} the asaumer end ., .
<br /> su6se�uenttY revSstng the holders camershtP reCOrds when an eADroved tr�nsfar Is comA(�ed. The amoun4 of thb ctucp�sTW not�Nd � ��=-,w�:
<br /> the lesser at th�m�clmum est�ID�.ed bY the Deporb�wnt of VaSarans ARaYS for a Io�n to whlcb$ectlon 3714 of CAaPl�r 9•7.T�Y 39.UnR�d ���� '
<br /> . �;�_:.----
<br /> ..." Stata9 Cade aPD�a or any�um prescri+ed by W�PYcabb State Oaw. --
<br /> .�-:�
<br />' (C)ASSUMPTiON INDEMNfTY LIABIUTY� �f this obOpatbn Is assumed,tt�en ttie assumw hs�ueY a�e�g to a^wumo a11 ot m� � T�,� .
<br /> pa
<br /> ;. obgpatbn�l of Vatwana ASabn to thB e�4er►t of anY cWm PgYment�D�����°��°�hs hdab�ass Cre�d by thb � �."�' u - _
<br /> �eDetCt1�n �— _ ,_,
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<br /> �� . . _ .-
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