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.. . ., . . . <br /> . >; . _ _ �_ � .�_._.. _._� , <br /> �.._.��_ _. __...�. _..__. _...�w._._ ...---- ___y__.�._._.._._�-- -- ---�- - �_ �� .:� <br /> � ' . .. . = <br /> F. . .. <br /> - �� � d4DJUSTABLE MTE RIDER � �. � � . <br /> ' � 9?-- ���8°7� � � . . . ; _ <br /> r �� : , - <br /> THIS AD.lUStA91E RATE RIDER is made thls 1nh day at� FebPUafSf . 1997 .and is Incorporated Into � � • � • V <br /> and shall bo da�med to emend and supp!ement the Mtortgage. Deed ot Trust or Sacurfty Deed (the 'Secur(ty InsUUmenY) 01 the seme t, ' ," Y •, <br /> , date ghresi by the undersigned (the 'Borrower') to secure Bartowe�s AdJustable Rate Note (the 'IVote') to , : � <br />. �..tncoln Fed�ral Sas+ings Bank of Nebra�6ca . .. . <br />- (the 'Lender') 01 the same date and cove�tng tfie propeRy described In the Security Inabument and located ax ; �� ` , <br /> 3007 Cilads4qe►s� Ci�cle�Pa�td Islsttd �leb�a:s.�.a 888' �3 and 820 47eat Helea Circ:.le Lincoln. Nebraska — . - - •- — <br /> �roputy aamess� 68521 . <br /> THIS NOTE CONTA1�iS PROVIStONS ALL0INII�IO FOR CHAN6ES IN THE INTEREST RA4E ' , � • `�k - <br /> AMD TI�E MONTHLY PAYMEE�IT. THE N� UMRS THE AMOUNT 779E�ORROiNE6i'S . � . , • <br /> INTEFiEST RATE CAN CHAN�E AT ANY ONE TIARE A�1D 1'i�#� lJJAXIG7U!'!! R6al'E THE - - - �--�,--. =.. <br /> BORROWER MUST PAY. ' ' . """-r, <br /> . _;��_ <br /> �._b: <br /> qpD(TlpNAL Cp1lENqNTS. In add'itIon to the cov¢nants and agreements made tn the Security Instrumen�Borrower and Lende► � Y_ - - <br /> tuRhar covenan!and agree as foIlows: t��- ^ <br /> __ .:L <br /> . �1."—__ _ <br /> 4. IM'EREST RATE AND MOM'HLY PAYMEi�iT CHANGES '. <br /> �� .�: <br /> (A� Change �ates .. '- ��: <br /> Tha interest rate 1 witi pay may change on the ftrst day ot Ma►Ch _. 19J8 . and on that day erery ='x-_ --- <br /> .�:�'�e1E.•_�- <br /> 12th month thereafter. Each date on which my lnterest rate could change is ca6ed e'Change Qete'. -- � •__-- <br /> (B) Ti781ltd67t . - _ <br /> .. Begfnntr�g with ihe tGst Change Date, my tnterest rete wUl be based on an Indmc The 'Index' Is the flnal average contrsct � ;,� <br /> hitetest rale on comenUonef loans dosed tor purchastng prevtously oeeupled homes. by eli maJor lende►s for that manth, es made :;.c <br /> • avaBable by tha Fedetal Heusing Flnance Board. The most recent Index flgure avafinhfe as ot the date 45 days b�{ore each Changa �. <br /> ,. <br /> • Date is ce�ed the'Current Index'. - <br /> If the Index is no tonger evaRebte,the Note Holder wAi choose e new index whteh is based upon eomparab:a tnformatton. The +," _� .�:,,, <br /> �' � NoSe Holder wHl ghre me notice o1 this choice. �•' <br /> :�.. •, <br /> .; r�'' .. <br /> . (C)Catcula4lon of Changes <br /> _ �,''•, <br /> Betore each Chsnge Oate,the Note Hotder wID�:�tate rtry new Grterest rats by edd6►g One and 2a��1�•�0 .;. - ��' aiI"( , <br /> .. 4" �. <br /> � <br />, pereentage pofnta( 1.250 96)to ti:��urrent Index. SubJed to tha I1mfta stated In Section 4(Dj 6etow,this emount _ . .�..�E��:_��; <br /> • . wID be my new interest rate unUl the next Change Offia -�� <br /> The Note Hofder wID then detesmine the amount o!the monthy payment that would be sufRder►t to repay the unpaid ptlncipal '°` ,�-,-_- <br /> -��-�._—. <br /> • that 1 am mspeded to ovre at tho Change Date in tuD on the m�wrfry date at my new intarast rate in aubafnnUuAy equal paymente• The _� ��� -, <br /> rewY ot thla ealwlaUon vdG be the new amount o1 rtry mordhly paymenR �;;��r-�: <br /> (9) Umfts on Interort R�Changea - -� .� Y= <br /> . '.�_�`� - <br /> The Interest rate 1 am required to pay at the first Change Date wCl be no leas than the atrtent tndex bui no more than � � . <br /> - �:�?�=._ — <br /> . 1.5�0 9i points more than the current Index re:a 7t�eroafter my Interest rate wW ne�er be Increased or decreased on any singie - �� <br />� , Change Date by more than Ono itnd �a0/10�0 P�t( 1.500 9y irom the rate o1 tnterast I have �'`-�--- - _ <br /> -�-r-x.:..���:�. <br />� �t bee+�payhg tor the precednp twelve morrtha. My interest rate�►(fl neuer 6a�eater than 14.50Q 96.Floor 7.OQ0& 9i. —.____ <br /> :-°.�+�-•�-,r , <br /> (E) Effecttv�Dat� of Changea '��+�',�,,�� <br /> My new Interest rate wl11 become eftecUve on eseh Change Date. I wN pay tho amount of my new monthly payat2rd beginnin8 ;«�-.-,..�•',,.��:� <br /> � � on the iFat monthy pwymeent da2e after the Change Date untB the nmount of my monthty payma►t ch�nges agaln. -,�s;�,.���t�;,r}���:; <br /> � � (� Nottco o!Changes ��`�'��j �'� . <br /> ��'.:�. <br /> � The Note Hotder w-81 deWer or maD W me a rsc^:ze of any changas in my intereat nte and the amount o1 my monthly payment '"�'��"''""""°"."� <br /> �=�_-�.:, • <br /> beforo the effecWe date ot any chenge. Tha no:.'rr3 wiY Indude IntormaUan requlred by taw to be given me end also tha UUe and - -._ _ � . <br /> � tetephone numbe►01 e person who w7 enswe+any q�:es4on I may have regarding the noUce. � � � <br /> . . �. <br />� � B. TRANSFER OF THE PROP�c�ATY OR A BENEFlCIAL INTEREST IN BOAROWER ` .. : <br /> � Unifortn Govenent 17 01 tho Security Instrument fs er..ended to read as toAow9: _. <br /> Tansfar ot the Property or a Bonoflclal In4orostt In Bflr�oyeor. t9 c3 or any pnrt of the Properiy or nny tnterav� ' . <br /> In R Is sofd ar tranafe►rod(or(1 a banetict�l Interast ln BonrnvPr ia sofd or transfa�red end 8ortower Is nM e natural pe*son)wfthoul � � � <br /> •• Lender's pflor written consen� Lender may, et its optlon, require Immediete payment In fuil oi aii sums secured by thls Securily <br /> InsUument However, this a�rUon sha0 nof be exerdsed by Lender H exerdse is prohiblted by lederal law es of the dato ot this • ' <br /> • Secudty InstrumenL Lender also ahall not exerdse ihla option ii: (a) Bortower causes to be submitted to Lender InlormaUon requlr6d � � <br /> by Lender to eveluate the Intended Vansieres es H a new loen were betng mado lo tha Uans(eree; and (b) Lender reasonabty . � <br /> determtnes that Lend�'s secudty wfli not be Impalred by the loan essumpUon end lhat the dsk of a breach ot any covenant'A � . � <br /> ' agreement In lhls Securiry InsUUment Is acceptabte to Lender. � ' � ., • - <br /> � <br /> I ' , _ <br /> P6tf13.LM0 1��) Foge t ot 2 � . . <br /> 70435 � — <br /> .. � � _ - . �. _ . . - . . • . . � . � . .. • . . .. . . <br /> _- . . . . . . . . . - .. ... .. . . . <br /> . . � �i <br /> , . -, � ..� . " :'i.•R .r; • . • • .. -1 ,- - .._ : ' . . . . • ,�.� . . .,. � . ' �� <br /> . • . ... . .. _ .,. . _ � .. . . . . . �':.. . . . .<;.. . . _. . • .- • . . . . _� . <br />