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QbD� <br /> s � _� � <br /> W�RF�aI�TY DEED RECORD 1�0. �6 HALL COUNTY <br /> __ _ _: __ _:_ � _ : _ _, _ _- _– -- -_- - _, _-- _– _. _: — – — --_ <br /> L IN!MIOWTINL 00 M�ND IlL�NU�NEBR.. .. ._ _ - .... .- . __ - _ .-.. �. _. . _------ _.._ <br /> ._ -:.._ -_�_: _�._ ..-.- .... . . - _._ _-- - .. . � . <br /> _- .. ....�_ ...�. -.. . �- :., _ ... � .. . <br /> II-'_ _ �.=_:. . . . ... <br /> FROM � ('�t � �#�� uf �T�hr��, <br /> I ��. <br /> John R. 5esna and wife � �Il f�wznt�, <br /> �p ( I hereby certify that this instrument was ent.�i-ed on Numerical Index, and� <br /> t led for Record this 4 day of �.TCh 19 18 <br /> � <br /> I -- <br /> at 10: 38 o'clock ,A M. <br /> >. , <br /> Jamea G. $unz C�fr-�-=,� '����� y <br /> � � Register of Deeds. � <br /> Deputy. <br /> Fees, $�.10 <br /> ���� .�.�� ��e�t b�� �.��r�� �x��e��rt��: <br /> Thatwe, .Tohn R. Sesna and Clara Z. Sesna�, husband and wife <br /> o/' P��rnee County, and State of Nebraska <br /> in consideration of the sum of Seven Thousand— — — — — I10LLARS, <br /> in hand paid by Jam.e 8 G, Ki127Z <br /> oj H8.11 County, and State o� �'ebraska do hereby grant, bar- <br /> gain, sell, convey, and con�irm unto the said Jame s G. Kt7lr1Z <br /> the following described prenaises, situated in the County o f Hall, and State o f Nebraska, to-wi� <br /> The North half(N�) of the South:i�'est qua.rter (S'��} of Seetion se�en (?) in To�vnship nine (9) <br /> I4orth of Ru.nge eie�ren ( 11} VVest of the Sixth P.�. containing 81 68/100 acre$, more or le�s. <br /> Sub�iect to the 1917 and subsequent taxes. <br /> 7. 00 I.R.ST AMPS� <br /> ( CANCEI,LED. _) <br /> Together with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances to the same belonging, and all the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Claim, or Demand whatso- <br /> ever; including Dower, Curtesy and Homestead Rights, of the said JOh17 R.Sesna a.nd Clara L.Se821t3. <br /> of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises, with the appurtenances, unta the said Jame s G. Kt1riZ <br /> and to hf S <br /> heirs and assigns forever. And �6 hereby covenant with the said J�It16 8 G. KUri2 <br />' that v�8 hold said premises by good and perfect title; <br /> that wre hap� good right and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; ihat they are free and clear of all liens and <br /> zncumbrances whatsoever. <br /> And y�g cozenant to warrant and defend the said premises against the lawful claims of�persons whomsoever. <br /> SI�NED this 24 th day of ATov embe r A. D. 19 17 <br /> IN PRESENCE OF <br /> � John r�. Se sna � <br /> Nettie Hanon I Clara L.Seana <br /> � <br /> � <br /> ( <br /> J <br /> c�t l��e �#��e af �1'rhxtt�htt, <br /> SS. <br /> Paxnee County, On this 24t11 day of November 19 17 <br /> before me, Nettie Hanon . a Nota.ry Pub1iC <br /> within and for said County, personally came Johzi R. Sesna and Clara L. ��sna, husband and wife <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person � whose name S r3.r6 af�ixed to tlie above instrument as grantor. sand severally acknowledged <br /> the execution of the same to be t he i r voluntary act and deed for the purposes therein expressed. <br /> ,�tt �i#1tPB,� ��FxP��, I have hereunto subscribed my name and afJ'i.xed my of)'ici�zl sea� at Pa��vnee Cl.ty� <br /> on the date last above written. <br /> (s�-�-Z� <br /> Nettie Hanon. . . . . . �'otary Public. <br /> My commission e_zpires 0e t. 2-1922. <br />