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_ <br /> ���� <br /> �� <br /> � WaRRAI�TY D1�ED REGORD NO. �6 HALL COUNTY <br /> ___ _ _ __ -- - - -- - <br /> _ -- _ _ _ _ :__._ .__ .__- _� ,_ - --- -- <br /> _ _ _- - - __ -- - _ _ __ __ _-_ _ - _-__ ,=--= <br /> _,1M{�UOYBTIME 00.Y11�N0 IBLAND�NEBP � <br /> � .._._- .:_._.__ ..-._-_ .._._'_'_._.. _.._" ..:-:-.,�.-_:_�_.- <br /> .. ..,_..._: . ..... ..____. _._.... ..._ . ....... _ _ . ..__. .-._ ......_. ..... __. . ._: _ <br /> _ _,: FROM � _("�SI�P �#tt#P uf �Te�x�htt, _ __ <br /> I ,�,�. <br /> C.P.Bristow, widower � ���1 �����, <br /> TO I I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index, and <br /> r filed for Record this 2 9 day o f De c embe r. 19 2 7 <br /> I at 11.:5Sbelock l�.M. � <br /> S. C. Hu�ton � <br /> � Register of Dee <br /> Depu y. <br /> Fees, $ l. lt? <br /> ��t.a�r ,��� ��ert �� c�����e �x��,��e�t�,�: <br /> That I� C.P.Bristow fA Widower) <br /> o}� HS.11 County, and State of Nebraska <br /> in consideration of the sum of One Hundred & Fifty and no,�100 DOLLARS, <br /> in hand paid by S. G. �-�U8 t021 <br /> of He.11 County, and State ot Nebraska do hereby grant, bar- <br /> gain, sell, convey, and confirm unto tlae said S• C. HLt s t or1 <br /> the following described prenaises, situated in the County of Hall, and State of Nebraska, to-wit: <br /> I,ot three t3} in block �four (4) Gilbert 's 2nd Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, <br /> as surveyed, Flatted and recorded. <br /> Together with all f� tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances to the same belong'ing, and all the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Claim, or Demand whatso- <br /> ever; including Dower, Curtesy and Homestead Rights, o f the said C. P. B r I�t O W <br /> o f, in, or to th,e same,'or any part thereo f <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said S. C. HLt s t on <br /> and to h�S <br /> heirs and assigns forever. And I hereby covenant with the said S. C. HLi s t ori <br /> that I hold said premises by good and perfect title; <br /> that I ha �e good righ,t and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all lie�zs and <br /> incumbrances whatsoever. <br /> And I covenant to warrant and defend the said premises against the lawful claims of�l persons whomsoever. <br /> SIGNED this 29 th day ot' De e embe r A. D. 19 17 <br /> IN PRESENCE OF . <br /> lC. P. Bristow <br /> J. E. Dill I <br /> � . 0 .R. S <br /> �,� C ANCFI.LED_._� <br /> J <br /> - <br /> c�t l�e �#tttr nf �'rt�rtt,�k�t, <br /> SS. Decembe� 19 �.�', <br /> �11 County, On this 29th day of <br /> before me, the undersigned . a Notary Public <br /> within and for said County, personally came C. P. Br i s t ov� (A Wl d ow6 T j <br /> to me personally known to be the identical�ersan whose name 1 S afrixed to tlze above instrument as grantor and�a�,�-acknowledged <br /> the execution of the same to be h38 voluntary act and deed far th.e purposes therein expressed. , <br /> ,l�lt �t#it�,�,� ��FrPDf, I have hereunto subscribed my name and aff�xea my ofj'ici�zl seal, at Grand Iela.nd, Nebraska <br /> on the date last above written. <br /> (S F A I�} J.E.L�i 11. . . . . . . . . . .1Votary Public. <br /> My commission expires Ju ly 16 th 1919. <br />