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<br /> Bosower sl�all also be in default if Bonower.du�ing the toan applicatian procass,�iJ�materially false or inaccurat$ • . . z-
<br /> informaifon or statemeuts to L.cndea(oz failed to provide I.euder with any material informa�on)in connectinn with the . " �
<br /> loan evideace� by the Note, including,but not limited to,representations conceming Borrower's occu�ancy of the t ' . . ��
<br /> Ftoperzy as a principal resideuce. If this Sectuity Instrament is oa a leasehald, Boraor�er shall cosnply with the t- ---,-- -, ---,- -
<br />� provisiflns of the lease. If Borrower a�quaes fee dtle tn the Propedty,ttee leasehold and fee titic sball not be merged . . ' -� ��
<br /> � :
<br /> unless Lender agrees to the merg�in wri0mg. F . , . ' • ,
<br /> 6.CondemnatIon.'Ihe procceds of any award or claim for damages,direct or consequential,�connection with ' - ` :,. :��';
<br />:. any conde�na�on or other taking of any part of the Progeaty,or for conveyance in ptace of coudemnation,are haeby � _ .•..:�`-....<.'.:-,...�,_
<br /> a s s s i g n e d a n d s h a ll b e p a i d t o L e n d e r t n t 6 e e x t e n t o f t h e f u ll a m o u n t o f t h e i n d e b�d n e s s t h az r e m a i n s u n p a i d a n der t he -' - ::�-'�`.�,.v�.-
<br /> Note and dris Saauity Insuument I,ender shall apply such proceeds w the reduction of the indebtedness aader the Note ' , , .;.. ;.. -
<br /> and this Seauity Instn�ment,first w any delinquent amo�ts a�plied in the order provided in paragraph 3,and then w . � __
<br /> nst m _,. ..
<br /> prepayment of princi�al.Any application of che pmoeeds uu the principal st�aD not extend or postpone the due date of the � ;�,f,'� , _�
<br /> montlilY Pal'ments,wtuch aze rcfernd to in paragraph�ur change the amount of such payments. Any excess proceeds _ . . ,,��
<br /> . over�►amount requared w pay all outstanding indwtEdness under the Mote and this Seauity LLSaument shall be paid to `�:"`�'. °�s'�
<br /> .�: �''?�
<br /> die enlity legally entitled thereto. .
<br /> ";F 7. Charges w Borrower and Profedian of E.ender's Rights jn the Property. Borrow�r shall pay all , - �.f�.'�-:-.---
<br /> ..;� govemmental or municipal charges,6nes and impositions tbat are not included in paragraph 2.Bonower shall pay these . . '�-_�-.
<br /> � obligations on time directly to the earily which is owed t3�e payment df+failure to pay woWd advetsely a�ect Lendea's • '. .=�_—
<br /> ° interest in me Property, nPon Lendea's mquest Bonowes s�.�ll promptly firmish to Lender receipts evideucmg these . . _ •. .��;��,--
<br /> �
<br /> payments.
<br />� `i If Bonowca fails to make these paymeau or the payments requnred bY P�Ph Z,or fails to peafosm any oihea • � .• . ?#�;__
<br /> �. ,.
<br /> , �• covenants and agreements contaioaed in d�is Security Instrument,or t�ere is a te8�P��g ��Y �Sn���Y . ' •.�.�
<br /> affect Leader's rights in the Property (sucb as a proceeding in bankruptcy,for condemnation a�r w enforee laws or -• �-� ---
<br /> , regiilations),then Lender may do and pay whatever is necessary w protece the value of the Properry and Lender's rights `..��,� .�` �__
<br /> in the Pmperty.including payment of ta�ces,hazard+n��*+ce and othea items mendoned in paragraph 2. . -
<br /> Any amounts disbuzsed by Lender under t5is paragraph shall become an additional debt of Boirowe,r and be ;� �'-�`
<br /> set�aed hy ttis Security Instrument'Ibese amounts st�all bear inteaest from the datc of disbursement,at the Note iate� .-�:, '. ".; _
<br /> and at the c�:;�of Lender,shall be immedsately due and�ayable. � �*-
<br /> Borroaer shall promp4Iy discharge any lien which t+as priority mer this Serauity Iustrument unless Borrower:(a) .�.� .;
<br /> '. �;�ees in writing to the pa}^znt of the obligation sec�ar�by the liea in a mann�acr.�prab2e to Lender;(b)con3��2s in ,,�; _
<br /> :� good faith the lien by,or d«.°ea�ds aga.inst enforcement a�the lien in,le$al proce�diags which in the Lenda's a�uuon ` ��. ,---
<br /> � � operaie to�-.�t the enfoscetnent of the;�: or(c)sec�ues hom the holder of the lien an a�ent sa�sfactvry to ;,,.-.
<br /> � Lendea sube�.-�ating the lie�tn this Sec�uily Insorament If Lender detemunes thai any part of the Propaty is subject w V �,�.Y
<br /> a liea►which may attain priority over this Security Ins�^�eaL I.endea may give Bomowed a notice identifying the lien. - _
<br /> Borrowea shall satisfy the lien or take one or more of t�e�:tions set forth above withum 10 days of the giving of nnrdce. ,,'�'.
<br /> ,' 8.Fees.Lendea may collect fee,s and charges authe•r�:,d by the Secietary. ��.;,. . -_._
<br /> • 9.Groaads for Acceteration ot De6� .�i
<br /> (a)Uetaal�Leadea may,except as limited by reguladons issued by the Secretary,in the case of payment �' � i!*'�
<br /> • defaults,requ"ue immediate payment in fiill of all sums secured by this Security Ins�unent if: �� =' -
<br /> ()Borrowet defauits by fniling W pay in fu91 any monthlY PaYment re�uQed by this Security Insuament -, _V__�"`_'--
<br /> prior to ar on the due date of the next mont�;y payment,or
<br /> ,�.�:
<br /> (ri)Bonower defautts by failing,for a period of thirty days,to perform any otha obtigadons contained in ;'.Y;j, -��.�••...°-_—
<br /> 1hL4 SOCSIi1LJ/TIi$ti71R1C11,►. ^`�Y:_
<br /> (b)Sa[e Withoat Credit ApprovaL Lender st�'i,if pamiued bY apPlicable law(inclading Section 341(d)of y°-. -+�,�:=`—
<br /> _ the Gam-Si.Germain Depositnry Insdwtions A�af 1982,12 U.S.C.1701 j-3(d))and with the prior appz�val of �•�'� � _
<br /> '��* . ..`"���.. -
<br /> . the Secretary,require immediatc payment in fulZ of all sums secured by ihis Security Instrument if: �:�•-.•--�.
<br /> ,�.-.h,.,..��'=a:�'
<br /> .. . �a��-i!?f:3ie:.:
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