_ .. . .
<br /> .. _:' : . . . � t :
<br /> ' . . . - � ' . . � . ' - . .. . . t .. ' . �
<br /> , . . , _ . - ' , •� � ', . �, � .`i�
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<br /> i • • � . ` . � �,-:-
<br /> 1 -
<br /> � 9?— Y�1�1 ��Q o� �usT Page 2 , . �
<br /> ; (Continue6) . , � -
<br /> ' �I DelO ot Tt1iSt. TAe words�eetl of TrusY'mean ttus Oeetl of Ttust emong GrantGr,Lendar and Trustee. ' • -
<br /> C�aniOt. The worC'C�antot means any and a11 persons and entiti95 execuhtsg th6 Deed of Trust. My Grentor w8o s�gas ttus Osetl Of Trust,bul � � _ ' _ � � . � . _
<br /> does not s�gn the Gedit Agreemerrt.�5 sigmng th�5 Deed of Trust onry tp gr8nt and Comrey tnat Grento�s u�terest m the Real Property anel to�atd , _ •�
<br /> . 8 5eeurTiy mterest m Granfor'S interest in ths Personal Property to Le�tler and�5 not personeity Iiahfa under the(Xe�t Aqr6oment�cept 4s . , • _ ,
<br /> 6ttlElwtSe pro+ntlsG by COntrBet or law. . - � �
<br /> tmprovemtMS. The word "Improvements' means antl mdutles without tim:tapon sit e�asting and fiiture�mprovamsrtts. foAUros.buddinps. �---- � - --: °' -
<br /> s�ucd�res,motiile hnrAes aifncetl on the Real PropeAY.faGl�hes,aGQ�tions and otRer construction on the Real PrapeAy. , �- � �t
<br /> fnQa�tMness. The wortl'InQebteGness'means an prinppal and irtterest payable unGer the Credit Agceement and any amauMS expenQed a • __
<br /> aCv�noetl by LenCer to o�chargs oD!iga6ons ot Grantor u wcper�ses ma,rrea by Tn,stae or LenCer to enforce obr.y�atior�s of Grantar unQ�tttis - ,
<br /> Oesd of Tn�st,topathrr with�ntarest on suet►amounts as pro�ded in M�s Deed of Tnat. Sped!leally.aHtttOUt Iknitttlon,VUS OaaO of Tntst ' _ '"
<br /> sea�s a revoNtnp Ilne af creCft.ruhfeh oDit�ates Lendrr to mdce r�vcsiteg to Gr�ter�tona r�Grrmtar wmpiks�rttA�li tAe terms ot . ,
<br /> tho Ctxdtt A�cemenL Sacn aavnnxs may De mnGe.ropatd.ana remaQa from Wne to Ume,�Jed te Rfa ftrnlfatlan ftut tne totel . . .-..�_�_,� � --
<br /> oertwntAnp Deianee wrtny ai atry one Ume,no4 irt���n�flnana cnarQe.s on ux�Da�faa ai a fft�or vari�i�rate or sum aa prarlQeO ,
<br /> [t1 the Cr�edit Ayrcement,�y temporary averapes.�'�:�t Cha►�es,antl any amounts e:p�riCtd or alivarae�d as�vtQed In Ws p�c�f�, ' _ _
<br /> ` atuli nd.esceed trte GeCR LtmR as proWAed�n t!x Gedit A�eement Hafwttts.tl�dtny the mnount out��y�at rry p�r6cut�►dme, • "� � -•
<br /> ' tfUS Deetl of Truat sewres the totnt Gedit Aprcement amount�own�bove. TAe urtpald D�lancs ot the revatvlr►p One of ueGlt may at � �;,���
<br /> . e�tatn ttmea Ca tower ttun ttie amount attown or iera �aro tsataruce aaes rsot termtnato me une ot aedfl er terminete lendePS � � :+�=•__',`•-
<br /> ab{lpltion to advertte funW to Grantov. Tturetore,the iten of ihts Oeed C!Tntsl wUl remdn b Nll fotoe artd etteet norirllhs3irtEtrt�arty `."�`�•..��..,ti�.�l .
<br /> tafpb�t�[tCQ, , , - :, _
<br /> LlpC.The wCrd 1e35e'means 8rryl IP.8S8 bstween Grarttor and th0 Lessat of the Praparty � -R-;�a
<br /> LesWer. TAe word'LenQar'mesns NAFCO NE FederBl Credt Un�on,its sucoessars and assipns. • �i. �_
<br /> � PC�:a.l Pto�tlyt. The wOrds'Per5onel PropeRy!'mean ail eQuiDment,foRUres.and other arfiCles of Ca�sanal Or�Dee'•Y naw Or hust7br ownYd •• • - `_,�=-_
<br /> by GRt�r,and now a hareafter 8tfached or 8tfaed to tAe ReBi Propettyr.top9t�er wil�aD ecCassions,p�7ts,snd 8dd'itlon5 ta,eIl teptacC:netfts Of. __.`a"'b"`'�
<br /> � Snd aD subsstitufior�s for,any of such propertyr,and topether wAh au pro.eed�(rtduQing without�imitation a11 uiswanw proceeQs and refunds of -�
<br /> u
<br />:_ ,� premiums)hom Bny sele or other disposfion o!the P►operty. ' j'
<br /> .��
<br /> f� PYOplrty.7'he word'Propertyl'me0n5 ColleCliv6ry the Reel PtoPeAY and the Personal Properlyr. .. .
<br /> Re�l Property. The words'Real ProG�mean the PropeAy.��and nghts d�cnbed above m the"Con . . � � ' .� ;1 .
<br /> v6yance end C'ranYSectlon.
<br /> RWted Ooeuments. TRe wor�'RefateE Doeuments' mean and ueduda without fim�tfon atl pmmssery notes. creffit a�eemertts, loan • - -`'- +r .
<br />, ��emeMS,yuaranties.securitY agreements.mortgages.QeBCS ot trust.en9 811 Other instrumeMS and�oame�s. wt�ether now a heree}ter .�--' :� _ j' .,
<br /> �sdnp,executed in connsetion mth Gtantors�ntleDteOness to Lender. �.. ,�.5� . �
<br /> - .: �-
<br /> T�ustee. The word'Tnistes'mear�s the enlity shown at the top of page one ot thts Deed ot Tnst " � � �
<br /> T� . .:i'� ra�
<br /> f�8 AND �2)PERFOiiMAIdCE dF EACM AGAE�IVIENT AND OBLICaAT10?J QF f31iAFJYOS�ld[�IDER TF�CRID1T AGR�.'!T.TFE •: �-" , ��`' � -
<br /> aaw�c�ar��rts,uro Trns o�o�Tavsr. Ttxs o�of rausr is�iveei ure�►cc�r�u oH�r+�Fa.�owrtta�ws: � '�`;� � ,+.; ". •
<br /> .,::��-.�- . �. :�, ,
<br /> 3. PAlfM1-�,''GS AHD PERFOAIWAaiCE. Exaapt�s otherwise provided in thls Dead of Trust,Grantor shstll pay to tsndar eD amou��emad Eyr this ; •_. `i s
<br /> peW pf 7ritst as thsy�ecome due,and SBall sbiCtly antl ii 8 timely manner pertOrm atl 0f GrBntOrs ObGpatio�under Uq LOANLIN�FbrtN Eqdty ; �:� ,
<br /> Plan CqdA Agree�nent and Ihis Deed ot 7rust. - �
<br /> .�:.
<br /> 1. PQSSESSSOH ANO MAINTENAPICE OF TF�PROPERIY. Gtantor agrees that Grantors possession and use ot the Pra�ty stwN bs qovunad by - -- •q��.-,���
<br /> thi(o�owfinpptovislotl� r ',ii��
<br /> s►r. .-°'� ��-,,....--
<br /> PbHesalon aa0 U.o. Until the occurtence of an Event ot Oefault,Grantor may (a)remain in possasston and eontrol of the Property, (b)uss, ' � '-
<br /> U�
<br /> op�ra�a manaqe trte Property,and (c)coltect any Rerds hom the ProppAy. �
<br /> Ouly t0 M�It►fiM. Grarttor shall maintam Me ProPe�1Y in tenantable eonOiUOn an0 premPUy perform 8U rep8its end maintenano9 n�sary to ��-�, -
<br /> Pteserve i!s valu9. .��=�--i=�-. .—
<br /> �Qatu Substenees. Grantor represents and warranis that Me Property never has been,and naver Mnll be s0 lOnp es thb De6d of Trust ' ��'��i
<br />. �rtwrm a Gen on tAe PrcGertY.used fa the peneration.manufaeture.storaqs.heatment,dksAosal.rateass or threatuwd r6tusa o!atty Mardous :��_
<br /> was�ar sWstancs.as thase terms are GefrneO tn the Cortipretwnsrve EmuonmeMal Resporua,CorriPerr�tlon and Uabi6ty Ad ol 1980.as . .�i.__ -
<br /> amenCsd,42 U.S.C.Sedion 96flt,et seq.('CERCLA',the Supertund Amendmerds nnd Reauthormtion Act('SAAA�,�pptiabl�ttat�a FaOwat =
<br /> : � laws,a reputatlons aC�pted pursuaN to any of fhe��ago�ng. Qranta aut�ornes LenQar and its tpen�to entw upon ths Prop�ty to rtW�a sueh � ;''�'' �� - _-
<br /> inspeetions and tests as Lender may Ceem appropnafo to determma compliance o�the Property wilh th4 se�lon ot tty Oeed of Tr�ut. Gractitar ..;;�,,.
<br /> �eroby (a)releases an0 wahres any futuro etaims agemst LenOer fa inaemnRy or eonfibu4on in ths�vent Gt�ntor beeames BtbN for dwnup a
<br /> ' otha aosts unCer�ny such taws,and (b)eprees to indemNty and�WO harmfess Lender ap8tnst any and al cfalm9 and IossRS rqt8tlnp from a - _
<br /> brNM of ihis puaprapD of 1Re DeeC o1 Trust. This oblipaUOn to indYmmty ghaA guMVp IhY p0yrtwnt of tAY IactebiYdtySy�nd dw sati�ctton� � �' . � ?�''.�
<br /> thb O�d af TnaL � �,,•
<br />, :;.ys.•:-. �...
<br /> Mttls�fee,Waste. Cinnta sna11 not causo.eontluet a permit any nuaanCe nor comm�t,p�rm�,a suffw arry strtpPinp of a wtS:s on a to th� . �':;�c����:.!`
<br /> �oPe►N a►��Y D�on ot the Property. Speciflmlty withoul IimAaUon,Granta wfN not romove,a prant to arry ott�ar pa�ty Uw ApM to nm0+�.ury - .,. -----
<br /> f tlmDer.m�Mals pnduEing al and qas).sal.Qravel a roek protluCls wltnoul iM priDr cmttan consent Of LenQ�. .�,.,�
<br /> =ir��
<br /> LenQ�►'s Rt�tt to Enta. Lender and�b a�enb an0 represe�tiv�may snter upan tM Real Prop�rry al aA r�asanabN tlrtNS to alt�nd to ' -.�•;.�' ��'
<br /> lsntle/s iMerasb an0 to mspeet tne PropoAy for purposes W Cranta's escnptranae witn tns terms and eonC�lorn W fnls OMd of TnaL . - -- •
<br /> CampNarKe w!fi Ciovemmental Requlreanents. QnMOr sh�n prorr��Y eamPN with�II laws.a�nanas.�nd rpufaUOns of d O�m�nEN :; '`"-�.".
<br /> aNhatria�ppNUbt�to tM use a oocupancy of ths Property. prarrto►rtuy caMrsl m QaoA faith�nY such Itw,or�n�no�.a rpil�tlon and . � . • � � . .
<br /> wit�NOtd COrtlplyt�dtttlnp�nY PtOCNdlnp,lntSUCinp�RPrOpri�te�ppWl,SO IOnp L9 Gnrrtol ha nCYflYd Lorldir M wrttltg pA01 to d0itlp SO 1Ad ' .
<br /> so bnp o Lsnders int�resb in ths Proporty�n not jaopatdlzed. I.ender rr�ay raq�re Granta b post aApuats s�cuiry a�surNy bond. . . :
<br /> raesonaDry saUShetory to Lender,to protect lendsrs intenst. ' ' �
<br /> Oufy M Proteef. (3rantor�prees nather to abtn0on nor lesve unattenCeO the Properly. (3nntor shail Co atl athsr acls,in additlot►to thoa�teta
<br /> SM toRh�Dovm in th��tlon,whkn trom the character and usa af the Property ue reosonnbty necessary to protae!and pre�.,arur tM Prop�rfy. . • F�'- '
<br /> d.COMPLIANCE WITM LEASE, li thgre�5 e L88se On the Prppetty,Grantor wiA pey etl renb end wiil strlcUy obsorve and perfam on�tlmMy E�so vl =
<br /> otner temrs.covenants,and con0�hons of the Lease. Grantor furtner agrees (a)not fo Surrendgr,tprminete, Or CanCd��e LeaS+�,�n0 (D)not t0 � ,—
<br /> mOddy.UW�9B.Suppl8mBn1.alt8�.Or 8m@n0 th@ LQ85B. BA�gr 0�8��y Or�n wnfing,wifh0ut LB��2r'S 0��0�w�tt@�COttSi nt. fV0 BS�dte m the�OpBr1Y. • ' .
<br /> ;..� �._..�.__ .---_�-._ ._ ---.,._,,,,..._..___._..-.___---�r._., � .
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