<br /> �
<br /> DEED RECORD N0 . 54
<br />�_,_-_�__s��__ _ __ __ __,----______________ -- - -
<br /> __ _ ____ _ ____ _------------ -- ______
<br /> ' � TM!AYi1N11M!00.6MAND 1llAqD.NLBR,
<br /> _ �; �A.��r�Y �E��.-__ - _ - —
<br /> �� �11
<br /> I I KNOW ALL it�EN BY T HESE PRE SENT�: � �
<br /> !! That Frank A. Veeder and Carrie Veeder, Husband an3 �Iife; an3 Earl ��i. Veeaer, a Single man.
<br /> ' of the County of Hall and State of Nebr�.ska for and in c onsideration of the sum of �ourteen
<br /> 'i Thousand Six Hundred �orty Two �.nd 50/100 Dollars, in hand paid, do hereby GRAI�T � BARGAIN, SELL�
<br /> ;;
<br /> !; CpNVEy, AI�tD Cpla'FIR3d unto Emrna, 5. B�ieth. of the County of Ha.11 and Sta.te of Nebraska the following
<br /> " described �remises situated in in the County of Iiall and State of •Nebras]sa to-w3t: The �
<br /> ' Half, less the Railroad Right of Way, and that part of the South-west Quarter lying South of th�
<br /> !� Railroad Right of VVay, All being in Section number Nine (9) , Town Twelve North, Range T��velve
<br /> i� -
<br /> i� VVest of the Sixth P.?�. and we do hereby covenant ��ith the �aid Emma 3. �ieth and her heirs •
<br /> and assigns, that we �,se lawfuily seized of said premises; that they are free from incumbrance
<br /> ; tha.t we ha,ve good ri�ht and lawful �.�thority to convey the same ; and we do hereby covenant to
<br /> ;:
<br /> '�' warrant and defend the said premises wgainst the lawful claims of all persons t�homsoever.
<br /> G � � � �
<br /> �,,
<br /> �i
<br /> And the said Grantors hereby xelinquiahes a.11 their claims in �.nd to the above describe�d pre-
<br /> ;,
<br /> 'I mises.
<br /> ,
<br /> I; SIGNED this 31" day of March A. D.. 1919
<br /> '� Tn presencP of ' , ___^^ Frank A. V�eder
<br /> '�� . -- ---
<br /> G. C. Raven (�15.00_ ,I•R? Carrie Veeder
<br /> � 'i �8tsmp �
<br /> j� ��ancelled � Earl ?� Veeder��• �
<br /> )' ss.
<br /> '' x�,�, �p�y. � On this 31" day of l�.rch A. D.. 1919, before me G. C. Raven, a Notary
<br /> ;' Public duly commissioned and qualified for and residing in s�.id County, personally came Frank
<br /> i; , -
<br /> i! A. Veeder, Carrie Veeder and Earl B�. Veeder. to me known to be the identical persons described
<br /> �
<br /> `� in and who executed the foregoing instrument as grantors �.nd they acknov�led�ed the said instru-
<br />�';�'.' � �- � .
<br /> �
<br /> _ ,.
<br /> ;; ment t o be the ir v oluntary act and deed.
<br /> ;i
<br /> �� �. .�.. E . I,��., i
<br /> �,; WITNESS rq� hand and notarial seal at Cairo in said County, the day and year last above
<br /> , ! written• `
<br /> li (�''i,�,) G. C. Raven
<br /> '" • ~ !� My commission expires July 27, 1922 Not�;ry Publie.
<br /> I �
<br /> ;i �'iled for record Apri1 2 A. D., 1919 at 9 0' clock A.I�.
<br /> �' �=�,� �
<br /> �' Re ister of De�
<br /> ,. � ,
<br /> r
<br /> -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-fl-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-fl-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 �
<br /> �UIT. C3�AIl�..D�D
<br /> ^r�w+..�.w.wry..u.�..r.��.u.. . .,
<br /> I I
<br /> �� �0� AI,L_ IiE� B'�l. .TF�_5�..PRB�'�:
<br /> ,:
<br /> ;;
<br />'i !� That I, H. �. Trout, hueband s��;:.Ibbie Trnut, oue of the heirs at law of Job Sa�tt. deeeassd,
<br />'; � ! r�! the C��nty of Hall and State �f Bebraska.. far the ccnsiaieration of One Dollar, herebx _Quit
<br /> , Claim and convey untm Bred Babel �f the County of Hall and State �t Hebr�aksa 8I.1 flt sur
<br /> j,, right�. title and interest cP whatsoever nature, in and tm the follo�iag desoribed Real l�state, '
<br /> �
<br /> � ' situa�ed in the Coursty of Hall and 8tate o! �ebraskr�, to-wit: The Xest I3alf of the �orthwest
<br /> ;
<br /> ! Quar�err of Seeti on $fghteen (18), T own�hip BleTen (11�, gorth, Range aleTan (11) 11est af the
<br /> �
<br /> ,
<br /> ' Sixt2� P«.. Y.
<br /> � -
<br /> �
<br /> Il� MI2]TB88 ��RBOB,, I hava hereunto set my hax�d . thi$ firet day o� lYa,rch� 1919.
<br /> ;:�itneas H. D. Tr�uL.
<br /> i' .
<br /> R. •. C laPP
<br /> :� STAT� 4B California, }
<br /> ,
<br /> , � a s.
<br /> '� Loa Angeles Caunty. � On this 22 day of Yarch. A. D. . 1919. ,before ma� the undar8lgaed,,
<br /> !� a $�y �tb.iic �n and for �aid county. personall.y came H. D. Trout� whm is personally knewn
<br /> ' t� .ms to be the .�d�atica� persan whoe�e na,me is -aPfixed tv the abo�e instrument as grantor and �,e
<br /> `. aek� arledged the said instrwment t� be k��s �cic�ntary a�t 8nd deed.
<br /> I, ,, '��tn+��a, �, la�►nd-�rid �aL�r�.a1 .8��,�., �k�e date ,af�re�aai�i. .
<br /> ; . �
<br /> � .y:� ,�, , _ x� 2 1 gg�, Reginald X. C,Ia p
<br /> ', FT`1��-3'c�i�rec�r�P�hag3�� of Apr31 1919, at �I:oT�lock and 20 minute� A.H.�ot�, pnblic.
<br /> 11 ��� � ' 'D�
<br />