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<br /> DEED RECORD NO . 54
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<br /> ��.-__.. . �i ` .
<br /> �I
<br />� ST ATE OF II,T�INOIS� : � ''
<br /> ' LASALLE COUNTY. ; ss
<br /> �
<br /> C1n this �rd d�.y of �arch, 1919, before me, �tis &I. Ba�h, a Notary Publ�.•c, �
<br /> dul�T comrr�issioned and qualified for and residin� in said County, personally came Nettie P. Gray, �;
<br /> ; a widow, to �n� known to be the identical person described in and who executed the faxegoing con- ;j
<br /> ��,
<br /> ; veyance as grantor, a.nd acKnowledged the said instru�nent to-be her voluntary act and d�ed, in- ;;
<br /> �;
<br /> ' cluding the release and waiver of the right of Homestet�.d. �{ '
<br /> Witness my ht�nd �.nd Notarial Fedl the day and ye�r first �.bove written.
<br /> I further certify tha,t my Notarial Comrnission ex�ires on the 10 day of Au�, 1921. ' !;
<br /> �� (�1�,� � Ot i s �ll. Ba�h - � ;,
<br /> Not�.ry Publie
<br /> ' St�te of Illinois, :
<br /> . ss
<br /> ; I,aSalle County. . • �
<br /> On this 3 rd day of 1�arch, 1919, before me. Otis l� Bach� a �ot�ry Publie,
<br /> �i
<br /> duly commissioned �.nd qu.alified for and residin� in said Caunty, personally came Ada G. �iall- "
<br /> !i
<br /> owell wnd Daniel V. Hallowell, her husband, to me known to be the identical perscns deseribed !'
<br /> in dnd who executed the fore�;oing convey�.nce as g�"�.n.tor, and acknowledged the said instrument ;�
<br /> to 'oe their v�lunt�,ry �.ct and deed� including the release and �ra.iver of the rights of Homestead i�
<br /> �
<br /> and Dower. �
<br /> :;
<br /> Witness my hand and Notarial Seal the day and year firat above written. '
<br /> I further certify tha.t my Notarial Comrr.issian expir.es on the 1Qth day of Au�, 1921. '
<br />� � (SEAI,) OtisM.Bach '
<br /> � � � Notary Public.. !�
<br />� � � �.. _ . �i
<br /> ' State of California, :
<br /> . ss
<br />'� Ccunty of Stanislaus: ' ';i
<br />' i Osl this 24th day of February, 1�319 before me� B. W. Child, a Notary ;�
<br /> ;i
<br /> Public, duly commissioned and qualified for and residing in said County, personally c�.me Mabel ;i
<br /> ! G. Olmsted and Ra1Ph L. Olmste�:�, her hus'oand, to me known to be the identical �er�ons describ- !i
<br /> i
<br /> ' ed in and who executed the foregoiz��; conveyance as grantors, �,nd acknov�ledged the said instru- ;i
<br /> ,
<br /> s ment to be t�3eir voluntary act and deed, including the release and waiver of the rights of Home-';
<br /> stead and Dower. �i
<br /> ;
<br /> ,
<br /> 1Plitness my hand �.nd Notari�.l Seal the day and year first above written, i
<br /> ;
<br /> I further certify that my Notusial Comrnission expires on the 14th day of October 1922. �
<br /> � �
<br /> ! (SFAL) B. 1�. Child '
<br /> Notary Public � ;�
<br /> {i
<br /> State of Illinois, : �
<br /> : $s '�
<br /> Gounty of I,aSalle. : 'i
<br /> On this 14th day of February, 1919 before me, Otis 1�. Bach, �. Notary Publia;,
<br /> �, _
<br /> �,
<br /> �
<br /> duly commissioned and qualified for and residing in said County, personally came �flliam M. Gray'�.t- :
<br /> � ,!
<br /> a bachelor� to ne krio�nm to be the identic�.l person described in and who executed the foregoing �;
<br /> conveyance ds �;rantor. and acknowledged the said instrument to be his volunt�}ry act and deed� ';
<br /> i
<br /> � including tM.e relea.se and waiver of the right of Homestead. �i
<br /> ;�
<br /> Witness my 1��and and Notarial Seal the day and ye�zr first s.bove v�ritten. li
<br /> I furthex cextify ths.:.t my Notarial Commission expires on the 1Qth day of August, 1921. �;
<br /> j II
<br /> ��Ay� Otis M. Bach
<br /> Notary Public. -k �i
<br /> - ,,
<br /> ��
<br /> � ��
<br /> :,
<br /> � � ii
<br /> ; i;
<br /> `I
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<br /> • II
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