<br /> ' \
<br /> DEED RECORD NO . 54
<br />�- -'-"- � TM!AYOYI�IN!00.6fl�ND IOLAMq M[!R� - -- - - - --
<br /> __--:�_ ._ �-__ _
<br /> iI1�AR�ANTY DEF•D_:_=;
<br /> I; �10W ALI, 1VICN BY THFSE P�E�ETITS: Tha.t A. �. Boyd and A�uncy Boyd, Husband and VPife,
<br /> ,;
<br /> �� of the County of Hall and State of Nebrask�, for and in consideration of the sum .�ourteen �iundred
<br /> i�
<br /> !�and no/1U0. . • .DOLT.l�R�, in hand pai3, do herebZT G'�A1VT� BARGAIN� SFI,Z, CLNVE'Y� AND CO�tFIRM unto �or
<br /> ;
<br />� ! ton �. �ose of the County of H�.11 and State of Nebraska, the fo].lowing descxibed premises situate
<br /> �'�� in --�- in the County of Hall a,nd State of NPbras�m to-wit;
<br /> �; .�ractional I,ot number Five (5 ) , in Fractianal Block nwnber $ig'�teen (1�?� in Russell �heeler' s
<br /> �;
<br /> �IAddition ta the city of Grand Island, Nebrasls�;., and its complement, it being Fractional Zot numb� .
<br /> ilFour (4 ) in Fractional Block number �even (7) in H. G. Clark� addition to the city of Grand 2sla.n
<br /> ,
<br /> I�Nebraska. Sub�ject to the unpaid balance of ��'"450. on a �700• 00 mortgage in favor of tne Equitable
<br /> �� �
<br /> i� Building &; �oan A�s'n of Grand Island, Nebr. an3 we d� hereby canenant with the said grantee and
<br /> i!
<br /> ;:
<br /> his heirs and assigns, tha.t we are l�,zvfully seized of said premi�es; that they are free f'rom in-
<br /> �umbr�.nce except as above stated that we ha.ve g ood right and ].�.wful authority to convey the same ;
<br /> r,
<br /> • ''r�nd we do hereby coven�nt tc warrant and defend the said premiaes against the la�vful claims of al
<br /> li
<br /> ';;persons whomscever.
<br /> ii And tne said gr�.ntors hereby relinqutshes dll their rights and claims in and to the above d�s-
<br />� I�vribed premises.
<br /> I� SIGNEA this First day of IiC�.rch A.D. 1919.
<br /> �!I�T �RESENCE OF A. R. Boyd !
<br /> . � „ �,.1. 0 . �. S amp s , i
<br /> i, G. C. Raven � Cancelled. ) �Ta.nay Bo3�d
<br /> i;
<br /> �,
<br /> jiTHF STAT� OF rtiFBRASKA,
<br /> I'' ��s. ` On this First day of March A. �� 1919, before me, G� C.Raven a Notary
<br /> ,;
<br /> j;, xail County. )
<br /> �� Yublic duly commissioned and qualified for and reaiding in said
<br /> �
<br /> i .
<br /> !� Coun�y. personally came �. R. �3oyd and Nancy 33oyd to me kno�n to be the identical persons �eacribed
<br /> ��; in �nd who exeauted the foregoing 3nstrument as �rantor$ and they acknowledged the said instrunent
<br /> j
<br /> '� to her their voluntary act and deed.
<br /> '' 1PSTNLSS my hand and notarial seal at Cairo in e�id County, the day and year last above writt .
<br /> ,
<br /> +II�iy c ommi se i'on exp i res July 27� 1922. ( g E A y ) G.C.Rav en. . . .No tary Publi c.
<br /> i
<br /> ii �'iled for record the 1 day of Ys,rch� 1919, at 2:30 of clock �.3�. �
<br /> �i . _
<br /> I; REG ISTER OF 17EE�
<br /> �' -o-Q-o-Q-o-0-0-0-o-0-a-0-o-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0--0-0-0-{3-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0
<br /> ',:RX�CUTOR� � DEED•
<br /> KNOW �I,Z �EN BY T�iESE PRESENTS: T�� in pursuance of r�n order of the Hon. J�xnes �
<br /> �'R, Hanna, Judge of the District Court of �iall County, Nebraska., made on ths 6th day of January.
<br /> I
<br /> I� 1919, I wa� lice�aged by said Jud�e to $ell a� public auction, in the manner provided by laW� the
<br /> �;
<br /> , real e�tate hereinafter describecl; t�s,t thereupon I gave notice of the time and place of said sale,
<br /> �!as required by law, and �t the time and place �erein specified� �fter said sale had been neld 0]�e
<br /> ��
<br /> i;� for one hour, sald said res.l .estate at public �uction to Albert Heyde of the county of Hall and
<br /> � Sta.te of Nebraska�� he being the hi�hest bidder therefor; tht�.t s�.id sale was thereupon reported to
<br /> i� said .TUdge of the Distriot �Gourt� and by him in all things aonfirmed� and I �►as ordered to make
<br /> i!
<br /> ;i�, deed o�' conveyance of sr�id premisee to said purchaser�
<br /> ' Now� therefore, I, Rich�.rd Buenz, Executor of the estate of John Horstmann, deceased, in con
<br /> ;
<br /> i;sideration of the premiaes and the swn of fifty one hundred dollare (�5100.00) so bid and paid by
<br /> the sa.id Albert Iieyde+ and by virtue of the power vested in me by a►aid order and proceeding, do by
<br /> ii
<br /> �' the$e presents g�;ant, sell, and convey unto the said Albert Heyde and to his heirs and assigns, t
<br /> �ireal estate described as follows,
<br /> ',
<br /> �,ot ei�ht (8 ) and the easterly f ourteen (14 ) feet of Zo't seven (7), Block ninety eight (98),
<br /> �
<br /> ;,of Ra.ilroad Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, with all hereditaments and appurtenan-
<br /> �
<br /> I�:cea thereunto belon�ing or in any wise appurtaining, ,� �
<br /> i
<br /> ,� `�o ha.ve and to hold the same to him, the said Alb�rrt Heyde and to his heira and ' +t �gns, foreve .
<br /> i� In witnesa whereof I have hereunto set my ha.nd this lst day of �tarch, A.D.1918.•
<br /> i
<br /> +
<br />