r� p�;-,
<br /> c� � �d
<br /> c_
<br /> DEED RECORD NO . � 4 � �
<br /> ___ - --_ _ ___ _ __._ i�_____ ________ ____ T
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<br /> _��....�..���._____:.�:-:- _ . :....::.« ._-_._-. . .. ��._..�,.�. .�.�__=-'�_._ �
<br /> '"' .._ �:��:�: . �,.�_'..__�...:_._.�__ ' - .
<br /> 3
<br /> fixed to the above instrum,ent �.s Grantor, an� she acknowled�ed the sturie to be her �olunt�ry act a�jd
<br /> , I'
<br /> ; deed for the �urpose therein expressed.
<br /> � i
<br /> = IN �ITNESS C'��EOr� I have hereunto subscribed my name a.nd a�'�'ixed my official seal at �t. �,�
<br /> ' Carroll in s�.id CoUnty� on the d�,te last above written. �
<br /> ' ' S..T.Gampbell. . . . • .Notary Publi c. ;j
<br /> t SFAI.}
<br /> ': �Iy commissinn expires Dec. 30-1J22.
<br /> ; Filed for record the 27 day of February, 1919, at 4:4Q o'clock P.�d.
<br /> i ���
<br /> T�EGI�TFF F IF ,DS. � �
<br /> -o-0-0-0-o-e-o-o-o-0-0-0-o-a-o-o-0-0-0-0-0-�-o-c-c-o-o-fl-o-e-o-e-o-o-o-�-o-0-0-0-0-0-0=0-0-0-o-a-a-t}
<br /> SP.E C I AL V�ARRATiT Y D^.�..'D: -
<br /> ,� "���'�� ' KNOI� AI,L MFP7 EY TI-IF.S� PRi SE�ITS: Tha.t James �. I�bert and Ada I�ambert, ;
<br /> " his wi fe, �f the County� of Hall, dnd St�.te of Aiebraska � im conside�ration of the eum 'of Four Hundrel;d
<br /> i (�400. 00) Doll�.rs in hand paid by Eva Lambert Bl.enkiron of Fresno County, California snd Tohn J. ';
<br /> . ; � ;�
<br /> ' I�ambert! of Los An�eles� California, do hereby sell and corrvey unto the said Eva L�bert Blenkiror�
<br /> � ;i
<br /> � and John �r. I.2mbert, the follo�aing described premises, situated in the county of Hall and St�.te �o�
<br /> ,,
<br /> ! Nebraska, to-wit: � '� � � ' .
<br /> � ;i
<br /> � Commencing at a point on the S�uth line of Lot twenty-six (26) of the Ccunt;� �ubdivi.sion af !i
<br /> ii, part of the West Ha,lf (V�. �� of the South �est Quarter {S.W.�� of Section Ten ( 10} in Township El�v--
<br /> � en (11) IV'orth of Range Nine (9) �est, in Hall �ounty, Nebraslsa, and opposite the center of �'est
<br /> ; ��reet, as shown on the plat of Pleasant Hi11 Ac�dition to Grand 3sland, running thence l/est, alon�;
<br /> ,F
<br /> ; the South line of said L'ot Ttxenty-six (26� in said Ccunty Subdivision, One hundred $�eventy-four a�id
<br /> p , ,�
<br /> ' " Three Fourths (174 3/4} feet, thence North, at right angles� :eventy and Seventy-nine Hundr4dths 'i
<br /> r
<br /> ', (7G. 79) feet, t3�Ance Ea�t at right an�le$, parallel with the South line of said Lot Twenty-six
<br /> ' . ��
<br /> ; (26) of said County wubdivi.sion, One Hundred Seventy-four $nd Three Fourths (174 3/4 ) feet� to
<br /> ;�
<br /> � center line of said �Uest �treet, if extended ther.ce Bouth, at right �ngles, Seventy a,nd Seventy- ;
<br /> �
<br /> nine Hundredths (7C. '?J) fest, alon�, the center line of said CtTest Street, if extended� to the pl�.ce'
<br /> ; - -
<br /> ± of beginni.ng.;
<br /> i
<br /> � � Also commencing at a point on the North Line of Lot Twenty-seven (27) of the Count�% Subdivis�lon
<br /> ,
<br /> I� ; of part of the V�`�st Half (S�• �) of the South V4est Qua.rter (S.V9.4) of Section Ten (10), i.n Township !;
<br />' ; Eleven (11) North of Ran�;e Nine (9) ti9est and One Hundred Sevent,�-four and Three Fouxth� (174 3/4) �
<br /> �
<br /> � feet West of the center line of West Strpet , as shown an the plat of Pleas�,nt Hill Addition to Gr�nd
<br /> � •�
<br /> ; Island, if extenc9ed, running thence West, along the North line of said Lot Twenty-seven (27) oP .; �,� .
<br />'� � s�,i d C ounty Subdivi si on, One Hundre d Forty-f our �nd Three Four ths (144 3/4}fee t to the Eas t line o�
<br />� i
<br /> , � the Count�� Rcad bet�ween Sections Nine (9) and Ten (10�� in Township F'leven (11) North of Ra.nge
<br /> , i
<br /> (9) West, and running _*hence :�outh, at right angles, �lon� the East line of said County Road;;
<br /> �event3T and Seventy-nine Hundredths (70. 79) feet, thence runnin� East� parallel wi th the Nor.th Line '� F
<br /> I ' � i�
<br /> ! of said Zot Twenty-seven (27) of sa�d County Subdivision, One Iiundred Forty-four and Three Four'th�
<br /> �
<br /> • �
<br />'� i (144 3/4) feet, to the center line of alley in Block Four (4) as shown on the pla.t of said Pleasar�t
<br /> j Hill Addition, if extended, th�nce runnin�: North at a^i�ht angles along the center line of said All�e.y
<br /> ,
<br /> E if extended, Sevent� �nd Seventy-nine Hundredtha (70. 7J} Feet to place of be�inniug; ;;
<br /> :i
<br />; . ��
<br />�
<br /> Alao commencin�; at � point on the North line cf sai�i Lot Twenty-seven (27) of the County Sub�{ ,
<br /> E � division of the West Half (W.�� c£ the South West Quaxter (S.S�.�a of ;ection Ten „(10�, in Tawnshi�i
<br />� i
<br /> � Eleven (11} ��or.th, of Range Nine (9} '�pst, opposite the center line of ��.st Street, as shov�n. on tY�e
<br />; � • ;
<br /> � plat of said Pleasr�nt Hill Addition, and running thence 1�est, alon�; the north line of said Lat �
<br /> �
<br /> � Twenty-seven (27) of said County Subdivision, Three Hundred Twenty-two (322� �'eet to a point oppo�-
<br /> . ,
<br /> i ite the center line of 3�id�le Street , �.s shown on the pl�.t of s�.id Ples.sant Hill Addition, runnin�
<br /> ��
<br /> thence South,. alun�, the center line of �iddle Street, :f �xtended, Two Hundred Twelve and Thirty- �'ta
<br /> • ;
<br /> seven �iundredt�:� (212. 37) feet, to the South Line of I,ot Twentyr-six {26 ) of said County Subdivisi�In
<br /> ;� •
<br /> ; and running thenc� Eas'G� ��lon� the South line of s�,id I,ot Twenty-six {26� in said Count31 Subdivisi�'on ,
<br /> ! Three �iundred Twenty-tv�o (322} feet, to the center line of East Street, -�.s s^hown on the plat of ;i
<br /> ,
<br /> � �
<br /> ,.
<br /> ,
<br /> .
<br /> s:�_,.__ _ _ , �
<br />