<br /> �PJ�
<br /> DEED RECORD NO . 54
<br /> TXC AVOYfINi!p0.ORAMD pIAND� lll� �
<br /> ilin favor of C.C.Hansen, in the sum of Twenty-siu Thousand Dollars (�26,0OO. OQ�. both o1' whicb .
<br /> !;mortga.ges the grantees herein as�me and agree to pay as a part of the consideration of this deed.
<br /> '.Il� WITIT,��S 11�RBOF� Re have hereunto set our hands this 16th day of J'anuary, 1919.
<br /> �ITN�SSEB: _ __.»_-------- George A.Dahletrom
<br /> � $8.5 0 I.R. }
<br /> �,en� J Cunningham , ( 8tr�mps � Alice R Dahlstrom
<br /> f Cance lle d }
<br /> IState of Nebra�ka,
<br />� � �gs.
<br /> ;;Hall County. � BE IT REME?�RED, That on the ]r6th day of Janur�,ry, 1919, before the �,nder
<br /> isigned, Ben�.J.Cunnin�h�un, a Aotary Public in and for 8aid County� peraonally came George A.Dahl-
<br /> ' strom and Al.ice R.Dahlstrom� husband and wffe, of Alda, Hall County, State of Aebraska.� to me
<br /> �'kncri►n to be th� 3d�ntical persons described in and who executed the foregoing deed aa grantors,
<br /> �;and acknoAledged said in�atrument to be t2�eir 4oluntary act and deed.
<br /> �
<br /> R'itneee m�Y Yie.nd and Notarial �eal the day r�nd year last above written.
<br /> (8�AI.} Ber�� J Cunningham-
<br /> -Yy Commission F�cpires Aug 5-1423 Notary Public
<br /> � Fi 2e d f o� rs cord or� the 16 da.y of Janua.ry 1919 at 2:20 0'c lock P.M.
<br /> �� �'/�� CJd
<br /> ,��
<br /> � _ Regfeter of da
<br /> . i; �Q.�Q�.Q�Q.r0�0���0�(=wQ�Q�Q���.Q�Q�Q..��Q�Q..�rQ�Q�O�Q�Q�C�Q�Or.OwQ���Q�Q�Q�.OrO�Q�Q�r��rQ�.Q� �Q�O�.O�Q�.Q�Qw .
<br /> :;i'IARRAIGTY. D�D: _ .
<br /> ;;
<br /> '. SN0111 ALI, � BY TI3ES$ PRES'ENTS, Tha,t we �'anny Dahlatrom� a widow, aeorgs A.
<br /> i�; � � '
<br /> �'Dahletrom and Alice Dahlstrom, his r►ifea Nora O.Long and Bdwir� J.Long, her hueband, �iae B.Dahlstr �
<br /> ;
<br /> ''whoee firat name ie somet�mes spelled "Yay", a aingle woman. Frank R.Dahlatrom, a eingle man, and
<br /> ;'Neva N.Dahlratrom, a single woman, the safd Tanny Dahl�trom. C�e�crge A.Dahletrom, Yae {May� b'.
<br /> �';Dahlstrom, Frank A.�.hlstrom and Neva �T.Dahlstrom, being the heira at lsw and all of the Yleira at
<br /> ��
<br /> i,
<br /> �;laR ot CMarlea A.Dahl�etrom� deeea$ed� all of Hall County, Aebraska., in aonsid�ration ot the sum
<br /> ;,
<br /> j�; o�' T8� THOUSAI4D DOIaLARB_. . in ha.nd pafd by Otto I�tter�a of Hall County�� Nebraeka, do Y�areby grant,
<br /> ;
<br /> ,�' bargain, ee31, convey and confirm unto 'the said Otto I�iart�n�, the fo�lowing de�cribed real eatste,
<br /> �' situated in the County of Hall and State of Nebraska-, to-wit: Thes south half of the northeast
<br /> , „
<br />� ;�quarter and the north twenty (20� acree of the eoutheast quarter oS Fection Numbe'r Eight (8}. in ,
<br /> �Town�hip l�umber Ten (3�0�, l�orth, Range l�umber Ten (10}. �est of the frth Pri�cipal I[eridien, and
<br /> ' cont.aining one hundred acres, a little m4re �or lesec
<br /> ';Together v►ith all the tenem�nts, heredita.ments and appurtenances to the eame belon�ing, and all
<br /> ' ot' the estate, right, title. interest, claim or demani Whateoever, including dower, curtesy and
<br /> . t homsste�:d rights, of the said grantors and each of them. of, in, or te the sa,me, or any part
<br /> �
<br /> ii thereat.
<br /> ��
<br /> i�Ta Fi�'VE AbID TO HOLD the above described premir�es. rrith the appurtenan�es, unto the said . Otto '
<br /> ;;ldartens and to his hsirs and asgigns forever. And we hereby c�venant with the aaid Otto Yastene ';
<br /> .
<br /> !! tYio,� w+s hold said premise$ by good and perfect title; th�,t xe have good right and lawful author- ,
<br /> �
<br /> �� ity to sell and convsy the same; thst th�y are free and clear �rom all liens and incumbrances
<br /> ,.
<br /> ijwhatsoever; and �e covenant to earrant and defend the said premises against ths lawful claims of �
<br /> ii$11 persons whomsoever.
<br /> �' 8igned this 4th day of January, A.D. i919.
<br />� •� � �' �'anny Dahlstrom
<br />� i� In presence oF � aeorge A.D�hletron
<br /> � t� � � � Alice D�,hlstrom
<br />.. ����� �1'.L.Sal1,y .._......-----•---- � Nora 0 I.ong
<br /> ' f $T0.00 I.R. � $dwin J.Zong
<br /> 'r I.R.Alter � $tamps j Mae F DaYilatron ,
<br /> � �� , ( Cancelled } By Ra,lph R Horth
<br /> �� Her Attorney in Faat.
<br />�
<br /> i Srank R Dahlstrom
<br /> � By Ralph R Horth
<br /> Hie Att orney in Fac t.
<br /> l�eva 14 �ahl s t r om
<br /> i y
<br /> '� B �I�r�A��oiney in Fact.
<br /> j;
<br /> �� , .
<br /> �_ � :
<br />� li _ `' ' ,
<br />