�. ;.�.,.: $..., , . „
<br />� �b' v �'
<br /> �-��
<br /> DEED RE �� ORD I\}. 0 � � 4
<br /> --- -- _______ _ ___--__ _ __________.
<br /> �_ _ _ ----- -- -
<br />�_ _`�_" . .. �_-, :-.-:�� ... . ..�.::_'.�_'_"..'..�._�..�......_�.:-��_e v-=.�__.�.. _...�_..._...
<br /> °___ ..e.:�v.�._._._.�_.._.:___.._ ... . . ___�..:�: . . -
<br /> �
<br /> KNOV!! ALL A�EN BY TI�S� PRES�TS� That Forreet A. Kingsbury and Cornelia l
<br /> �
<br /> , H. Singsbury huaband and wife of th� County of Ha.11, and State of l�ebxaska in consi deratf on of the}
<br /> I,
<br /> � sum of On� hundred twenty-five and no/`1�0. . . • •DpLLARS in hand paid by �artha �'irth of Ha11 "�
<br /> j f�
<br /> ; County, S�ate of Nebrr�ska do hereby sell an d c onvey unto the said �'a,rtha Firth tY� following des- �;
<br /> y I'
<br /> ; cribed premises situ�ted in H�.11 County, and State. of Nebraska, to-e�it: ��
<br /> ,�
<br /> ; .. ,
<br /> �
<br /> Lot Number Sev�n {71 in BZock nUmber.ed Ten (10� of Colleg� Addition to West I�awn an Addi- ��
<br /> tion to Gr�.nd Island I�ebra.ska as sho�n by tYie recorded pl�t tY��reof. !'
<br /> ' together �►ith �.11 appurtenances thereunto belonging, and - - - 2�er�by eovenant that the said prem-�
<br /> ;,
<br /> �,
<br /> � iscs are free and clear from a11 liena and enctunbr�.nces and �re covenant to warrant and defend the ';�
<br /> ;�
<br /> i s�.id premises against any �.ct9 of said parties of the first part. .And the said Corne:lia H. KiMgs-. '±
<br /> �
<br /> � bury hereby� xelin�uishes all rights in and to the ab ar� desaribed premises. , ;;
<br /> Si�ned thie 31st day of March, A.D. 1915. ;
<br /> ' In Pr�sence of ' _ !;
<br /> � J. `i. Steward Forrest A. Kir�gsbury
<br /> � . .."�p�' 'i
<br /> �
<br /> ! T.O.�C.�iarrison Cance lled�,�„�„ Cornelia H.RingBbt�ry :;
<br /> � � � �
<br /> •,
<br /> s State of Nebraeka, ) . � .
<br /> i }��, On this 3lst day of ldareh A.D. 1915, before m+e the undersigned T.O. C. �
<br /> Ht�ll Cot,�t3ty�. j �i �
<br /> Iiarrison a Notary Public, duly comsnis�ioned and q�zalif3ed for �.nd resfd-�
<br /> �
<br /> � in� in said County, personally came Forrest ♦. �ingsbury and Cornelia H. Kingsbury husband and ii
<br /> i _
<br /> i ; wiFe to me known to be the i �entical pexsong �ehose name$ �re �ffixed to the foregoing cqnveyance ' ;
<br /> ; � i(
<br /> ; as grantors, and acknowledged the execution of the same to be tY�ieir voluntary aot and deed.� ;�
<br /> . 'i
<br /> ` �itness my hand a.nd �1otc,.ria1 Seal the day rznd year last ab We written. j
<br /> ; �
<br /> f i
<br /> f �,y commission expires the .12" day of Febru�.ry 1918. T.O.C.Hr�.rri�on. . . . . . .Notary Publie. 'j
<br /> � (SFAZa '�
<br /> i
<br /> i�
<br /> � Fiied �'or record the 16 ��y ef January, 1929, at 9:45 o'elock A.M. ��
<br /> ��„�.�d U� ;�
<br /> i
<br />. � �GISTRR OF DRE . � ii
<br /> I�
<br /> � -0-4-0-�-0-4-o-fl-o-4-a-fl-o-O�o-fl-o-0-0-�-0-0-0-�-0-0-o-fl-o-0-0-0-o-0-oi0-o-0-0-0-o-fl-o-0-0-4-o-0-t�
<br /> � �I.AIR�-DE�D: ,�
<br /> .,.M...�.�....�...�.w..
<br /> 2�NpW ALI, I�gN By TF�gE pRESENTS: Tha.t we, George A.Da.hlstrom e.nd Alice R. i;
<br /> i . � I�
<br />' IDa.hlstrom, hu�sband and wife, �rantors, oF Alda, HQ.12 County� State of 1Qebra.ska� in consideration �
<br /> r
<br /> oP Eight Thousand Thr�� Hundred b'ifty-six Dollar� and Borxy-seven Cents ��8,356.47}, do h�reby I)
<br /> � quit claim to ranny Dahlstrom, Nora O.Long, ,Frank R.3�.hlstrom, I�a.y F.Dahl�trom and �e4� P.D�hl�str q��n.
<br /> I � , I
<br />' � granteea, of Grand Ieland, of the County of Hall, State of �ebraska. in proportion to tk�e preeent i
<br />� .
<br />� ; interest held by the said grantees, xespectively� in the �state of Charles A.Dahlstrom, deceased, �,
<br /> I i _ ,�
<br /> ; the following re�l est�.te, towit: The 8outhwest Qu,art�r and the Southwest Quarter of the 8outh-�'
<br /> i �
<br /> � �ast Quarter, and the South Siaty (60} acres of the Borth Half o�' ths 8outh east Qua,rter, and I,ot I
<br /> ��
<br /> � t7ne (1} on Mainland, and I,ot ane (1� on Isl�.nd, all in Section Eight {8}, Tovma�hip Ten (10)+ Rangd!
<br /> �;
<br /> � Ten f10a, and Lot� One (1}. Two (2�. Three �3} and Four t4j, an Isl$nd, and Lots ane C1� and TRO ;,
<br /> � (2j on Mainland, the 3outh Half of the Rort2�east quartex and the l�orth Fialf of the Soutl�ueat i'
<br /> �
<br />� Quarter, all fn Section Senenteen (17)� Tormship Te��t �10}, Range Ten (10�, and the South Half ot tl
<br />� ��
<br /> Southeast Quarter, in: Section Thirty (30j, Township Ten (10�. Range Ten (10), and I,ot Bive �� }. I.
<br /> ,
<br /> in Blook Sixty �60}, 3.n the Original Town, now City� of Grand Island� all in Ha11 County, I�ebraskaji•
<br /> �lso, the Nvrth�rest Quarter of Section Twenty-three (23�, the South Half of the 6outhwest Quartsr ��
<br />' �;
<br />! and t�.e 1Porth�►est Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of 8ection Tourteen (14j, the 8outh Half of �i
<br /> �f
<br /> �i
<br /> i Section �'ifteen (i5 � , the Southeaat Quarter of the Southeast Qua,rter of Sect�,ot� Twenty��ne (21�, �!
<br />�
<br /> j ��
<br />" all of Section Txenty-two (22j, all 3n ToRnship T�venty-four (24�, Aorth. oP Range 8evez�teen fl7)�I� ,
<br /> �I
<br /> �'est ot the Sixth P.M. , in I.oup County, I�ebraska, save one tl� acr6 deed�d to School �istrict �i
<br /> ;
<br /> � T�renty-seven. � - 'j
<br />; il
<br /> Sub,�6ct, hor►evcr, to a certain mortga�e in favor of the Forgan Inv�stment Company, '�
<br />� ;'
<br />� in the sum of T�enty-six Thousand Doll�rs ��26,040•00}; a►nd sub�oct, also, to a certain mortgage, �;
<br /> ,
<br />� � � � � i
<br />�� � �
<br />