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� ���� <br /> DEED RECORD NO . 54 <br /> _ _ -- - - <br /> �� _ _ _ _ - - - - -- - - -- _ - - - -- <br /> ME M1GIN}INl 00 OMND 1llAXD Nl�R �- . ��. ..�.. �--� . <br />"�;,,-_. _.,...:.- __'.�-..�_�--^,���_.�� -.. . .,_ . ._. ._,. ._. . ... . _ . ... .... '�.___� "__'_'___ - L <br /> .�.. ._.. . . .. __�� <br /> _ "'__.Y�_._. __-_�___ _"__.�._ <br /> .r.. . .__ ..._ _ ..�._..__�._..v_._.�_ . <br /> !I�Z]I� (�i1ilii� �v�• Y <br /> j; THIS INDEI�I'URE, l�ade this 31st day of Augu,��t, in t�e year one thflu�and niMe <br /> 'hu�dred and ei��.teen, _between Guy �. po�isll, einglp, Brvan E. Powell, single, Carrie �. Po�ell <br /> Bohl and Jamee Bohl, wife and husband� 3�yrtle E. Poveell, a �izigle �►oman and R�tth E. Powell, a sing e <br /> i!woman, formerly Ruth �. Stokes, of the first part, and John W. Dorvnea, of arand Ieland, Nebraslca, <br /> party. of the second part, <br />� ', WITNESSETH. that the �aid partie� of the first part, in consideration of the sum of. . . . . . . . . <br /> Fifteen Hundred and no/1�0. . . . .DOLLARS to us duly paid, the receipt �rhereof is hereby acknowledged <br /> 'have remised,released and quit-claimed, and by these presents do, for vurselves our he irs, execu- <br /> tora and administr�.tore, remise, relea$e and forever quit-claim �nd convey unto the party of the <br /> i� aeaond part and to hi's heirs and assigns forever, all our right, title, intere$t, estate� claim a� <br /> ! dem�.nd both �.t lav� and 3.n- equity, of, in,and to all of <br /> Lot Five (5 ) in Block Fifteen (15 ) of Rollins' AdditioA to t?ze City of Grand Island� �ebras- <br /> . <br /> ilka. as su�v�eyed, platted and recorded. Together with ali and singular the hexeditaments thereunto <br /> ; belongin�. ` � <br /> TO HAVE AND TO H07�D the above described premis�s unto the �aid John W, Dor►nes his heirti and <br /> assigns; so that neither of the said gr�ntor� hexein, or any person in th+�ir a�d behalt� sha <br /> ', or will hereafter claim or demand any righ� or title to the said premiaes, or ar�r part t�erea�', <br /> ' but tY�y and every one of them sha.11 by these presenta be exaluded and forever barred. <br /> IN WITNESS W�REOF, The said partie� of t� first part have hereunto set their ha.nds and sea <br /> • ���� tY�e day and year abov'e vvritten. <br /> ;, <br /> ;i Signed,sealed and delivered in presence of �uy tV. poaell <br /> �rvan E. Powell <br />� A.L.Joseph as to all save Ja.mes Bohl Carxis E.Powell Bohl <br /> I ; - James Bohl <br /> i� C.A.$path I daho Fal ls Ida . I� � .R. �$ Myrt le B�Ptiwell � <br /> w <br /> Witness t o J s Bo Ruth �5 ow 11 for�n rl R th <br /> ame hl �5.P e e u <br /> � � <br /> Y <br /> ;; <br /> Canceiled. ) �.gtokes <br /> ' STAT� OT Nehraska) ; <br /> }ss. On this 31st day of August � A.D. 1918, before me the undersfgned Arthur L. <br /> HR11 County ) - <br /> �j Josep�i a Notary Public, duly commfssioned �nd qualified for and residing i <br /> ,; <br /> +? said County, p�eraonslly c�me t3uy W.Fowell, $rvan E.Powell, Carrie E.Powell Bohl, & Myrtle E.Powel <br /> ;jand Ruth I�.Powell, forr�erly Ruth T.Stokes, to me known to be the identical persons �rhose name� are <br />� ;;afPized to the foregoing instrument as grantor,s and ae�cnowledged the same to be their volunt�ry ' <br /> ;� • . � <br /> ; act and deed. � <br /> i <br /> � �itne�$ my hand �.nd �ot.arial Seal the day snd year laat above written. , ( <br /> ';'�y aommi�sion �xpires the 1'7p day of Sept. 1921. Arthuz L. ,�oseph. . ..Diotary Public. <br /> � - (SEAL) - � <br /> ;' <br /> 'I STATE OF Idaho j <br /> )ss. On this 13 day of September A.D.1918, before me the undersigned Dorot2�y <br /> r�;�onneville Count�) � � <br />� Trei a Notary Public, duly commissioned and qualified for and residing in <br /> e�,id County, person�lly ca,me James Bohl, husband of sr�id Carrie E.Powell Bohi;to� me kno�rn to be t <br /> � identioal per�on who$e name is affixed to the foregoing instrument se grantor and acknov►ledged the <br /> I ii <br /> same to be his volu�tary act and deed. <br /> ''' I;; Witnsss my hand and Notarial Seal the day and year last above writtsn. ; <br /> �(y commission expixes the day of Sept, 1920. � Dorvt}.�y Frei. . . .�otary Publfc. ; <br /> - (SE AL) i <br /> , <br /> '!b'iled for record the 19 day of 5eptember� 1918. at 3:30 o�clock P.�. <br /> "' ��, i <br /> ; REGIST�R OF I�SRD� S �1 I <br /> ! -o-fl-o-0-o-fl-o-4-o�-o-fl-a-0•a-0-o-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-o-fl-o-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-o-fl-o-fl-o-0-0� � <br /> . <br /> , <br /> + � <br /> � <br /> � ; <br /> i! <br /> �i <br /> E I� . <br />