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<br /> I' '' Thi$ conveyance, rnade this 30th day of April, A.D.1918, between Nellie Rlose, of Lancaste
<br /> I
<br /> Gounty, �iebragka� as �cecutrix of the la�t will and te�ament of Cha.rles Rlose, deceased, as Truste
<br /> " under the last will and testament of Charlea gloee, deceased, and as Guardian under the last will
<br /> iiand testa,ment of Charlea Klose, deceased, late of 7�ancaster County, Nebraska, party of the first
<br /> i
<br /> 'part� and �dwin J.Wolbach and �mil Wolbach� of Hall County, Nebraska, parties of the second part,
<br /> ';WITPTLSS�TH; That by virtue of the po�rer and suthority veated in her in and by the last v►ill and
<br /> ; testament of the said Charles Kloss, deeeased, and in consideration of the sum of Ten Thousand
<br /> ' (�10,000a Dollars, to her in hand paid� the receipt xhereof ie hereby acknowledged, the said party
<br /> of the first part has granted, bargained, $old, and conveyed� and by theae presents does grant,
<br /> bargain, sell, and convey unto the said partiee of the second part, their heirs and assigns fore-
<br /> �i ver, all of the following described real estate�ituated in the county of Hall and atate of �ebras ,
<br /> '�,! to-wit; The easterly two-thirds (E. 2/3) of Lot Number Two (2) in Block l�umber Eighty-ane (81) of
<br /> ;; the Original Town, now City, of Grand Island, being a rectangular trac� of land ha.ving a northerly
<br /> ,,
<br /> , frontage of forty-four feet on Second Street, and a depth of one nundred and thirty-two feet off
<br />, of the easterly side of said Lot 2� and being the same premises conveyed to the said Charles Klose,
<br /> ;idecea$ed, by Ri�ht Reverend Richard Scannel��Eishop of Omaha, �ebraska, as successor in office to
<br /> ! the Right Reverend James O�Gorms.n, D.�.Catholic Bishop ot' Aebraska, recorded in Boak 19 of Deeds
<br /> iat �a,ge 94 of the Deed Records of Hall Gounty, Mebraska. �
<br /> ;ITogether with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments� and appurtenances thereunto belong-
<br /> i� ing, �znd all the estate, right, title, interest, claim and demand v►hatsoever, both in law and in
<br /> ; equity, which said testator ha.d in his lif�time, and at his decease, and whieh the said party ot
<br /> � the first part ha$� by virtue of said last will and tests,ment, or otherwi$e, of, in, or to the
<br /> i' above granted premi�es.
<br /> The said party of the fir�t part, for herse].f� her heirs, executors and
<br /> j{ a.dministrators, does covenant � promise, and agree to and �ith the said partie� of the second part, ,
<br /> . ;
<br /> ' '' their heirs, and a$si�ns, Lhat she is iawfully the Executrix of the last will and testament of the
<br /> said Cha.rle$ Klose, deceased� that she is la�►fully the Trustee under the last will and te$tament I
<br /> �; of the said Charle$ Klose, -decea�ed, and that she is lawfully the Guardian under the last v►ill
<br /> iiand testament of the said Cha,rles Rlase, deceased� and has full pov►er and authority to convey as �
<br /> , aforesaid, and has in all respects acted, in making this conveyance, in purauance to the author- i
<br /> ity gxanted in and by said last will and testament; that she has not ma,de; done, or suffered any j
<br /> . �
<br /> '; set , matter or thin� �rhataoever, since she �se Executrix, Trustee. and Guardian, a� aforesaid� '
<br /> �hereby the above �ranted premises, or azzy part thereof, are, shall, or ma�be impeached, cha,rged,
<br /> , or incumbered in any manner wha,tsoever, and she covenants to warrant and defend the title to said
<br /> ;� premises in the parties of the second part against the lawful claims of all person$ v►homsoever.
<br />�; ' IN WITNESS �R�OF, said party of the first part has -hereunto �et her hand the day and year first
<br /> �; above written.
<br /> ------------ l�ellie Klose
<br /> ` �itness: ( $10. 00 + 3 As Executrix of t he last will
<br /> ; ( I.R. ) and teatament of Cha,rlea Rlose,
<br /> F.B.Sidles ( Stamps ) deceased. As Truetea under the
<br /> s Cancelled } last v�ill and teatament of
<br /> � Charles Rlose, Deceased. Aa
<br /> Guardian under the last will
<br /> � State of Nebraska, ) and teetament of Charle� Klose,
<br /> - }ss. de ceased.
<br /> ' T,ancaster County. )
<br /> BE IT REMEMB�RED� that on this 4th day of June A.D.1918, before the under
<br /> signed, a I�otary Publi.c �ithin and far said county and state, personally appeared Nellie Klose,
<br /> � Facecutrix under the last will and testament of Charlee Klose, daceased. Trustee under the last
<br /> � will and testament of Charles Klose, decea$ed, and Guardian under the last will and teetament of
<br /> ,, Charles Klose, deceased, personally known to me to be the identical person whose name ie subscrib
<br /> ;;
<br /> �� .
<br /> '; ed to the foregoing deed as grantor, and personally kno�rn to me to be the Exeautrix, Tru�etee, and
<br /> ,
<br /> u
<br />