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� . � � _ � _ <br /> "����::� <br /> DEED RECORD NO . 54 <br />_-:_.� _ ___- -- _ _- _ -- - -- ----- --- -- --------- -- - --- <br /> __ _ ___ __�--- <br /> .. �__ __v . __ �_� -- _---- -__ ___--- -___ _ ___ __ . _ _ z=_-- <br /> _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _. <br /> TNL�YOINIIN!00.OIIAND IlLFNO�NClR ' ---- ---'- - - -�- . . <br />� ! �'said County,�peraonally appeared the~above named Gus E.Nsumann, �County Treasurer of said County, <br /> �i <br /> ,� <br /> I;personally Ynown to me to be the treasurer of said Count3►, at the da.te of the execution of the for - <br /> I�,�oing conveyance, and to be the 3dentical person whose name is affixed to, and who executed said <br /> conveya.nce as Treasurer of said Ccunty� and acknowledged the exeoution of the same to be his vol- <br /> �'�untary aet and deed as 'Rreasurer of said Co�ty for the purposes therein expreesed. <br /> Witness my hand and official seal the day and year last above �►ritten. <br /> (S E A Z) J.E.Zyle. . . . .County Clerk. <br /> State of Nebra$ka) <br /> 1ss. I John Allan, bejng first duly sworn, upon my oath depose and say tha.t I <br /> Ha.l i G ounty � <br /> , am the identical person who purchased Zot Nine (9� in Block Twenty-four <br /> �24� of L'niversiby Place, an addition to the City of Grand Island� Hall County, Nebraska, at priva e <br /> tax sale on the 24 day of May, A.D. ,1916 ,and obtained tax sale certificate 8414; I further svtear <br /> that I hane paid all taxea as�essed to eaid premi$es subsequent to said tax sale and that aaid tax <br /> � sale ha$ not been redeemed, and said taxes not been repaid to me; I further swear tha.t there <br /> is no p�rson now in actual possessian or occupation of said premises and that said premises w�re <br /> iasseseed upon the assessment rolls of said Hall Count3� for the years 1912-1913-1914-1915-1916 and <br /> 1917 in the name of A�atilda Mueller; I further swe�,r that I caused to be printed in the "The Cairo <br /> Record", a weekly newspaper published at Cairo, Hall County, l�ebraska� a notice notifying the said <br /> AQa,tilda Mueller that I had purchased said premises at private tax ea.le and tha,t the time for re- <br /> i� demption from said tax sale would e�ire on the 25 day of May, A.D. �1918� as more fully appears i <br /> � <br /> , the publisher's affidavit hereto attached. I further swear that thi$ aPfidavit is made for the <br /> i;purpo$e of obtaining from the County Treasurer of Hal1 Count3►, a tax de�d to said premises, furthe <br /> 'deponent saith� <br /> � John Allan <br /> Subacrfbed and sworn to before me this 27 day of May� A.D.,1918. <br /> Commission expires May 17-1923. (8 E A L) Arthur C. Mayer. . . . . . .Notary Public. <br /> i,T 0 �AT ILAA MUELLER: <br /> You are hereby notified that on the 24th day of May A.D. 1916, I purcha.sed from the Tr�asurer <br /> � of Hall county, Nebraska, at private sale, Zot �Io. l�ine (9) in Block Twenty four (24) of Universit <br /> ''Place� an addition to the city of Grand Island, Ha.11 county, Nebraska, for the delinquent tax�$ fo <br /> ,! the yeare 1912, 1913 and 1914, and that I have paid the subsequent taxes on said premises. Said lo <br /> ,,wag assessed for the years 1912 to 1917, these being the years for which $aid taxes were paid by <br /> ;�me� in the name of Pdatilda �duell�r. There is no one now in actual poase$sion of said lot. <br /> After the expiration of three months from the date of the s_r4ice of this notice: a taac deed <br /> � from the Treasurer of said Hall county will be applied for. The time for redemption from said tax <br /> sale will expire on the 25th day of May A.D.1918. <br /> �TOHN ALLAN, r. <br /> 45 <br /> a Certific�te No.8414 <br /> : W. H. DAI.Y being first d�ly sworn, deposes and $tates that he is the publisher oF T he Cairo <br /> : Record, a weekly newspaper published at Cairo� Hall county� Nebraska, and that the notice. a true �,I <br /> i <br /> copy of x►hich is atta�hed, was published in said newapaper for a period of 3 conaecutine weeks, th <br /> + first publication being on the lOth day of Janu�.ry� 1918 ; and the last publication being on the <br /> 24th day of ,Ta,n. 1918. <br /> W. H. Daly <br /> Subscribed and sworn to in my pre$enae this day of Jan. 1918. <br /> Commis$ion expirPs Oct. 7-1918. (S E A L) H• P• Bellows. . . .Notary Publ c <br /> Fees $6.00 <br /> COUN2'Y TREASURER' S CERTIFICATE OF TA7C SALE._ <br /> No.8414 <br /> THF STATE OF 27�BRASKA� ) <br /> i' )SS. I,R.L.Harrison, T reasurer of the County of Hall, in the State of <br /> Ha11 County. ) <br /> Nebraska, do hereby certify that the following describe�! Real E$- <br /> tate in said County and State, to wit; Lot Nine (9) in Block T wenty-f our (24} of UniYersity Pla e, ' <br />� �� . _ _____ . <br />