<br /> � ���
<br /> DEED RECORD NO . 54
<br />___�:_____ . ____ ____ _ __ _______________---
<br /> ..._:_ - ---___ --- ----------------- ---
<br /> ' TMC AYO{NTINt C0.ORANG 1lUND�N6lR.
<br /> '.�.�_�.��.�_..c-_ ---��'.._._._"___ � _ _ _ -� .
<br /> ' � THIS IN�EP:TUIt.�� hfi.�.de t�zis lst dayT of :�.,�ay in the year of our Lord� One
<br /> 'Tnousand 21ine Hun3red and Eighteen, b et�reen Abbott I,umber & Grain Co. a corporation organized and
<br /> existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Nebraaka party of the first part, and
<br /> iFred K.ruse of the county of �iall and 8tate of Nebraska, �arty of the $econd part.
<br /> WITTT.FSSETH, t�iat the said p�,rty of the first �art for and in consideration of the sum of
<br /> ---�ifteen Iiundred-----Dollwrs, in hu,nd ��,id recei�t �i�reof is hereby ackno;�ledged, has sold and
<br /> by these presents does �r�.rit, convey, and confirm unto the said party of the second part� the fol-
<br /> 'lorving described premises, situated in the County of Hall and State of T�ebraska, to-��rit:
<br /> Commencing from an iron pin located on the southeast corner of Section 30, Township 12, R�,nge
<br /> 10, �'est of the 6th P.3� , County of Hall, Stat�e ot Nebraska� measuring in a southerly direet ion,
<br /> .
<br /> and on the east side of Section 31, for a distance of 541 feet to the center of the main line of
<br /> ;the C.B.& Q.R.R. Main Zine; Thence in a northwesterly direction dlong the center: o� .said main line
<br /> for a c�istance of 2144 feet ; Thence at an an�le to tne left and in a southweeterly direction for a
<br /> , distance of 150 feet to the scuth �ide of the C.B.& �,.Ri�ht of �t►ay to an iron pin, or piece of
<br /> iron (said �+oint being tl� point of beginning) ; Thence r.•:easurin� in a riortnwesterly direction and
<br /> ' on said �outh Right c.f �'a3� LinP for a distance of 150 feet to a piece of iron; Thence at an angle
<br /> to the left of ninety de�ree3 and in a eouth��esterl3� dire�t i cn �cr a distar.c� of 130 feet to a
<br /> piece of iron; Thence at an angle to the ri�ht of ninety de�rees and in a soutneasterly direct ion �
<br /> �
<br /> ' for a dist�nce of 15C feet (4w�d scuth line of said tract being parallel to the south Right of �
<br /> !�Tay Line of the C.B.& Q. R.R. ) to a piece of iron; Thence at �,n angle to the left of ninety degrees
<br /> ; and measuring in �. northeasterly direction for a distance of 130 feet to a piece of 3ron and the
<br /> �;point of beginnin�; Said tract of land being loc�,ted in the 1Vortheast quarter of Section 31, Tovrn-
<br /> ' ship 12, Range 10, ?"lest cf the 6th P,�. County of Ha.11� State of Nebraska. Grantees herein or thei
<br /> �
<br /> ','assi�ns must keep the tract hereby conveyed and herein mentioned fenced with a good and substantia
<br /> ' fence.
<br /> TO HAVF AND TO HOI,D the premises above described, together �ritn all the Tenements, Heredita-
<br /> ments and Appurtenances thereto belonging untc the sa.id Fred Kruse.
<br /> And the said Abbott I,umber & Grain Co. for itself or its successors, does hereb3r covenant to
<br /> ;
<br /> and t�vith the said party of the seccr.3 part and his heirs and assigns, that at the time of the ex- �
<br /> ecution and delivery of these presents it is lawfully seized of said preraises ; that it has good
<br /> ri�ht a,nd lawful �.uthority to ecnvey the same ; that they are free from encumbrance and does hereby
<br /> covenant to v�arrant and defend the said premises against the lawful claims of �,11 persons whomso-
<br /> i, ever.
<br /> . , IN ��IT:�IFSS �HEREOF�the said Abbott I,umber �c Grain Co. :zas hereunto caused its corporate seal
<br />. to be affix�d and these pre$ents to be signed by its President &, Secretary t'�e day and year first
<br /> above tinritten.
<br /> ' Signed, Sealed a,nd Deliver d in �resence of (C-O-R-P)
<br /> (S-E-A-I,) By• � • John McLellan. . Its President.
<br /> R. �. iiorth �,1.50 I.R. Stamps � Attest: .�l.�.Gallup. . . . . Its Secretar3T.
<br /> ( Cancelled. �
<br /> STATE OF 1'�BRASKA, }
<br /> )ss. 0 this first day of May A.�. 1918 before me, the undersigned a Notury
<br /> Hall COUNTY )
<br /> P blic in and for said County, personally a�peared John McI.ellan, Presi-
<br /> dent, . & �fT.�'.Gallup, Secret ry respectively, of the Abbott Zumber & Grain Co. to me personally kno
<br /> to be such President �& Sec stary and the identical persons whose names are affixed to the above
<br /> '' deed, and acknowledged the execution thereof ta be their voluntGry act and :ie�d as such officer�
<br /> a.nd the voluntary act and eed of the 3aid Abbott I,umber & Grain Co.
<br /> �i►ITNESS my hand ard No arial Seal at Grand Island in s��.id county the day and year last above
<br /> written.
<br /> (r_E-A_Z) R.R.Horth. . . . .Not�.r.3T �'ublic.
<br /> ' ;�fy Commission expires the 9'�h daJ of Mdreh, 1923.
<br /> �'I; ��,z�� �
<br /> j riled for record the 8 day of �ay, 1918, at 3:30 0� clock P.�d.
<br /> I.. FR OF �fEI����
<br /> , i� �
<br />