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,� 4� �_ <br /> . � DEED R � CORD NO . 54- <br />__._______.__�____,__�_____, <br />�^ ___ _----__ _____--- --------_ <br /> � TMt AYOVRINt 00.OMXD 1lU1110�MClP --- �-- � "'"----- --- -- <br />��_�_�_ - , ____ _ <br /> '�to the abo�ve instrwnent �.s gr�ntor, and he acknowledged the execution of the same to be his vol- <br /> ,; <br /> �, _ <br /> I!untr�ry act and deed for �he pur�oses therei� expressed. <br /> IN VI►ITNESS VPHEREOF, I haQe hereunto subscribed my name �.nd affixed my official seal at IoAa, on <br /> . ~ - �the date lssst above written. <br /> (S E-A-L) Mabel Janes. . .ATotary Pt�lalic. <br /> �y commisaion expirea July 4-1918. <br /> ':STATF OF 1�EBRASKA� � <br /> ss. On this 24" day of April A.D.1318, before me the undersigned, a Notary <br /> Hall County. � <br /> Public in and for said county, personally carne Jennie B. Krin� (Pornerly <br /> � <br /> , Jennie B. Tennant ) �rife of the said Orlen R. Rring one of the grantora of this deed) ivho is per- <br /> �;sonally known to me to be the identical peraon whose name is affixed to the above instruar�ent aa <br /> ;�grantox and she acknowled�ed the said instrument to be her voluntary act and deed. <br /> Witness my hand and not�,rial sea1, the date af'oresafd. <br /> ,My Commission Expirea July 16th� 1919. (S-E-A-L} J.E.Di11. . . . .Notary Public. <br /> ; <br /> 'Filed for record the 24 da,y of April, 1918� at 4: 2G o'clock P.�. <br /> ����� �'�j' <br /> RLGISTER OF D�� D� <br /> ..�Q�.O�.O�O�O�O�Q�Q�O�Q�Q���O�Q�Q�.O,�Q�.O�Q�O�Q���Q�O�Q���Q�O�O�OrQ�O�QrO�V�Q�Q�O�Q�O�Q�0�Q�0�Q�O�O�O�Q <br /> ''; '����'Y �D: •- File No.31951 Deed No.30216 _. <br /> IN CONSII�RAT ION OF TAI� PAYI�PT of �VEN HUNDR'�D FIFTY (75 0}. . . . . . . ���pI,yARS� the LIACQI�A <br /> �ANTJ COAdPANY, a Corporation duly organized and exi$ting under the laws of the St�te of Nebraska, � <br /> hereby sells and conveys ' to G$ORGE W. BRUNDAGE, the following described re�.l estate� situ�.te in <br /> the. County of Hall, �nd State of Ne.braska,� to-v�it: <br /> .The following deecribed part of the 5outheast Quarter of the Northeast auarter (SE� ��� of <br /> '' SectioM numbered Twenty-four (24). in Township number�d Twelve (l�) Narth� af Range numbered T�el e <br /> � (12) �'est of the Sixth Principal �Feridian, bounded and described as follows. to-wit: - On the l�ort <br /> ; �. <br /> � <br /> '', by the South line of Syria Street of th� First Addition to the Town of CAIRO, (according to the <br /> recorded plat thereof} ; on the East by the continur�tion South of the We�t line of High Street of <br /> ', said Town; on the South by the Sauth line of said Southea,st Quarter of the Northeast Quart�r (S�� <br /> -- :.NE��_, an.d on the West by the continuation South of the East line of the All�y of Block numbered <br /> + ' Four (4) of said First Addition. 5ub,iect to le•gal highways. , <br /> ; <br /> ; and the ZINCOI,R- LAND COMPANY hereby covenants with the said George W. Brundage� that it is la�vful <br /> . - ; ly seized of said premises; that they are free from incumbrance� and it vrarr�.nts the title thsret <br /> , i �gainst the l�.wful claims_ of �.11 �,ersons whomsoever. except the ta.xee for the �ear 1918, and ther - <br /> ' after and except as �against all claims Ahich may attached .to said ��remises since t I�e date of <br /> - ° •'� the sale thereof by said grantor, to-�vit: I�arch 29th., 1918. <br />� �-`- I1� TESTI�tONY �HRREOF� the said LINCOI.N I,AND COMPANY has caused this instrument to be sigr.�ed <br /> ' by its Vice-President , counteraigned by its Secretary,and the corporate seal of the C4mp�a.ny`'Go be <br /> hereunto affixed, this 15th day of Aprii, A.D. , 1918. <br /> LINC07�1`7 LAND COMPAIdY <br /> _._ Cou�itersigned: . . .W.V�.Turner. . . Secretary (C-O-R-P) �y. • •�.F.11tc��arland. . .Vice-Presiden <br /> ;;��- (S-E-A-Z} <br /> �Gitnese �ignature af Vice President: � <br /> ` 1.00 I.R. �tamp� <br /> L.p..pQhren ( Cancelled.,,,,, .� <br /> _ .� _ � <br /> ,� `. �- , STATE OF IO�VA } - <br /> � � )ss. BE IT KNOt�11N� Th�.t on this 18th day of April, A.D.1.918. before me, a <br /> DES �lIOI�S GOt1NTY..} <br /> - . Notary Public in and for said County, personally appe�.red �1.F.McFarlan <br /> ; Vice-President .of the I,INCOLA I,AND COMPANY, �ho is personally known to me to be the identical per <br /> ; eon whose name is subscribed to the foregaing inetrument as said Vice-President� and ther, and the e <br /> •- - ; acknowledged the said instrument and the exe�ution therevf to be his voluntssy act and deed� and <br /> �. <br /> - - the voll�ntary �.ct and deed of said Company. <br /> �ITP�SS :�;,T hand and �fiotarial Seal on the day 2s�t above m►ritten. <br /> � �Iy Cor�mission expires July 4th, 1918. (�-F-A-L) Henry H.Herd. . .Notary Public. <br /> , Filed for record the 26 day of April, 1818. �t 9:3G o� cloek A.ld. • � <br /> i� __�.___.___._._. <br /> 4 � -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-o-p-o-0-o-0-a-0-o-0-o-�?-v-0-o-0-0-0-o-Q-o-O�a-O-o-�+�I��$�Q�-� -o-0-a-0-o-0- <br />