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�—"-._ - _ <br />, � ��L� <br /> DEED RECORD N � . 54 <br />====-=----------____..___ ___- -_ __-----_-----___---_-- <br /> _� _ _ ___ _ _ . _ . _ __ __---_---------_____ <br /> TM!�YOINIIM{00.ORAMD 16LAND,NEDR <br />�=._—,__�e�:— ._� —�_._ __ _ . __.___`_ <br /> jjTRUSTEE�S�I7FED� v-- � <br /> ' �'�HEREAS� Henry Lilient}�al, late of Hall County, Nebraska, on or about the twenty- <br /> ; <br /> �i��cond day of January, 1912, died test�te, leaving as his sole and only heira, A�a.rie I,ili�nthal, <br /> °his �vidow, Detlef Lilientha.l, Henry Lilientha.l� Catharine Schaaf, Adela Wiese, hi� children by a <br /> '!previous marriage, and his step-son, Wilhelm (�erbig, and seized in fee ot' the fallowin� lande and <br /> town lots in the City of Grand Island: - Zot Three (3) in Block One Hundred and Four (104) , <br /> Ra.ilroad Addition to the City of Grand Island in s�.id County of Hall and Sta,te of Aebraska, and <br /> Blacks (sometimes called Lots} Three (3� , Five (5 ) and Eight (8 ) in Plea�ant Home Subdivision, an <br /> addition to the said City o�" Grand Isla,nd, the same being a part of the East One-�ia.lf of the South <br /> '�East Quarter (£.� of the S.E.�) of Section Twenty-One (21) , in Township Eleven (11) , Noxth Ran�e <br /> �'Nine (9) West, in said last named Ccunt� and State (also other lands not in said city) , - each and <br /> 'all of sa,id lots be ing as shown by the plat thereof duly filed and rec orded. Tha,t by said will the <br /> said lots and blocks in the said City of Grand Island passed to and the property of the <br /> I �'said �da.rie Lilienthal as legatee in fee; $aid will wa$ duly and legally admitted to pro�ate on the <br /> �ighth day of March, 1912, by the County Court of said County, and was duly and legally presented <br /> to the County Court (J.H.I�ullen pre$iding) for probate ae aforesaid, and voluntary appearance of <br /> � the parties had thereto; th�t then a controversy arose in reference thereto between the said heirs� <br /> • 'd w w n s e at and i <br /> ''Hsn I,ilienthal Catharine Sehaaf and Adela Wiese and the sai ido �,med a. 1 ee n <br /> � z'Y • , . � . . <br /> order that costa, attorney fees and expensee might be saved, and an amicable settlement of all dif- <br /> ferences had, i.t �as agreed by and between the said parties, among other thin�s, that the said <br /> ,widow, �&a.rie Lilientha,l, should se11 and convey by a good and sizff icient deed of conveyance to <br /> Jo�n. Saes and Phili� ��.rders of the said County of Hall, as trustees for the said Henry Zilienthal,, <br /> , I <br /> 'Catria.rine and Adela Wiese, and in no other way or manner, in fee, the said Blocks (Qometime�s <br /> ; <br /> ; called Lots} Thr�e (3) , Five (5 ) and Eight (8) in Pleasant Home Subdivision of a part of the South� <br /> '�;;pne-Half of the �a.uth Bast Quarter (5.� of the S.E.�) of Section Twenty-One (21) Township Eleven � <br /> ;, (11) , North Range Nine (9} We�t, in said Hall County, and Lot Three (3) in Block One and <br /> Four (104) Railroad Addition to the said City of Grand Isla.nd in said County and State, conditione <br /> as p�oeided in said contract which contract was reduced to writing and duly and l�gally exeeuted <br /> ;!a�nd signed by the said parties and filed in the office of the Recorder of Deeds of the said Ha,ll <br /> !�County on the nineteenth day of August� 1912, and recorded on the said day in Book "�" of the � <br /> !�Miscellaneous Records, gage 516; tha.t the said Marie Lflientha,l did so execute the said deed to <br /> i� the said lots and blocke and c onveyed the sarr� to the said trustees on the third da3� of Jun�, 1.912, <br /> � <br /> ''whieh deed was procured to be filed for reccrd by the said trustees ir_ *he cffice of the Reeorder <br /> of Deeds of said �a,ll Count3� on the nineteenth day of August, 1912� and recorded in Book Number <br /> ' Thixty at page 592 of Deeds of said office ; that each and everrr condition of the said contract on <br /> the p�.rt of the said �arties or_ their reepective parts tc be performed has been complied with; <br /> , that it not being necessaryr, said lots and blocks and no part of either ha.s been sold; that on the <br /> , <br /> '�� eleventh day of February, 1918, said Marie Zilienthal died, a resident of the said Hall Gounty; <br /> ': that said contract provided axnong other thin�s; that upon the death of said Niarie Lilienthal, the <br /> said trustees aforesaid shall by a good and sufficient deed of conve3Tanee convey the said lots and <br /> �!�blocks to the said Henr� Lili�nthal, Catharine Sc and Adela V?iese, their heirs and assigns. <br /> ; <br /> NOW THEREFORE, we, John :ass and Phiiip Sanders� truatees aa af oresaid� of the eaid Cotanty of <br /> i�Hall, under and by virtue of $aid deed a.nd trust agreement and the power invested thereby and ther - <br /> � � undsr, and in execution thereof, in consideration of One Aollar t�1.Q�) to �s in ha.nd paid� the re- <br /> '� ceipt whereof is hereby acknowled�ed and confessed, do hereby quit-claim and convey unto the said <br /> �! Henry Zilienthal, Cathar'ine �chaaf and Adela Wiese, and share alike as tenants in co�r,,mon, <br /> ' and to their heirs r�nd assigns, all the followin� described real eetate sitvate in the City of <br /> ''Gr$nd Island, Hall County, �tebraska, towit: Blocks ($ometimes oalled lote} T hree (3}, Five (5 ) and <br /> ;';Eight (8 }, in Pleasant Home Subdi�ision, an additivn to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska� afore <br /> '� , <br /> i <br /> . ; <br /> i; � <br />