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i <br /> �/�.�L� <br /> �h <br /> DEED RECQRD NO . 54 <br /> lX!►Y N 00.GR�ND LAND�NlB� <br />�c� ' � <br /> that we good right and lawful authority to sell and convey the; that they are free and <br /> � clear of all liens and incumbrances wha.tsoever. And we covenant to warrant and defend the said <br /> ;!premises agafnst the lawful claims of persons whomsoevex. <br /> �! <br /> Signed this 25 th day of January� A.D. , 1918. <br /> ' I� PRESEi�t� OF Er�gene Wiley <br /> 1.00. I.R. ST�P} <br /> John A. Fe rgus on ( CANCE7,I�D�,,,,,,� Je e a ie l�. T�i ley <br /> iiTH� _STATE 0�' NEBRASKA) <br /> '� �as. On this 25th day of Januaxy 1918 before me, �Tohn A. Ferguson � No- <br /> Hall County. ) <br /> tary Public within and for said County, personally c�une Eugene <br /> �'�iley and Jessie M. @�iley to me personally known to be the 3de�tical persons �Yhose names $re af- <br /> ' fixed to the above instrument as grantore, and eevsral],y aaknowledged the eaecution of the same t <br /> Ilbe their �rolunt�ry act and deed for the purposes therein expresaed. <br /> �' IN INITNESS �REOF� I �ave hereunto subscribed my and affixed my official s�al at Grand <br /> I <br /> ;� Island, Ne braska on the date last above written. <br /> ,; <br /> John A. Terguson. . . . .�?ctary Public. <br /> ,:I�'y commission expires lda.rch 24� 1919. (S E-A-Z} <br /> �,Fi led f or rec ard the 25 day o f January� 1918, at 4 0'c lock P.3d. <br /> i''' ������ � <br /> i <br /> �' R�GI3TI�R OF�SDS <br /> , �'��V�Q���Q�'Q�Q..Q��o'`j�'Q�Q�Q�V�(��V'���Q�p��j�Qro���'O���V�Q�Q�Q�V�O�O���O���V�(��0�'��O�d�V�Q..O�Q�O�Q�O�O <br />� '��'�,�R�,TY A�'DR -.r � � � <br /> ' KNO�'l AI�L MFN BY THFSE pRFSENTS: - THAT I� .T€�.mes ld. Guy, widower� of �(ood River, <br /> ; <br /> ! of Hall County, and State of Nebraska, in eoneideration of the sum of One Dollar ��1.00) and other <br /> � <br /> �; consideration, in hand paid by' John W. Guy, of Hall County� and State of NPbr�,ska, do hereby �rant, <br /> ibargain, sell,. convey,and confirm unto the said John 11�, �uy, the following deecribed premi�es, si - <br /> I; <br /> �ivated in the County of Hall, and State of Nebraska, to-�it: <br /> `' The North Half of the lYorthwest �uarter (N.�pf N.W.�� and �he Southsaat t�uarter of the l�ort Yr <br /> ,weat Quarter (S.E.� of N.�'.�) , of Section Thirty-two �32) , Township Eleven (11} , North� of Range <br /> �'Eleven (11�� West of the Sixth P.Y. <br /> �: <br /> �' T hia de�d i� given for the pt�pose of releasing all right, title, claim and interest in and to <br /> ; <br /> ;jthe above described property,w�iich I may have or hold therein by reason of a eeartain lease dated <br /> �June 3d, 1915 , and recorded in Book "�", at Page ,270, in the R�cords of Ha.11 County, Nebraska, for <br /> i� <br /> �:the purpose of conveying to th� grantee h�rein all right, title, claim and interest in and to the <br /> ry <br /> ',above described premises� �rhich I may ha�e or hold therein by rea�on o.� the life e$tate reser'a- <br /> �.;tion contained in a certain deed dated .7une 3d, 1915, �.nd recorded in Book 51, at 667, in the <br /> !+records of Hall County� Rebraska. <br /> ', And I also her�by sell and convey to John �i►. �uy, grantee herein, all right� title, claim or <br /> � <br /> !intereat in and to said premises, which I may have or hold or claim by reason of a certain deed, <br /> ;�da.ted l�ovember 13th� 1917, and recorded in Book 54, at Page 334, in the 0�'ffce of the Regi�ter <br /> ,, <br /> 'lot' Deed�t, Hall County, 8ebraeka. <br /> To�ether �rith all the te�ements, hereditarasnts and appurtenances to the �ame belonging, and all th <br /> , . <br /> ;Estate, Rfght, xitle, Interest� Claim or Demand wh�.t�oever; including Dower, Curteay and Homeetead <br /> ',�Rights, of th� safd Ja.mes Y. Guy, of, in, or to the same. or any pa.rt thereo2'. <br /> , <br /> TO HAV13 AND TO HOZD the above described premises, �rith the appurtenances, unto the said <br /> ��.Tohn W. Guy, and to his h�irs and asaigns foxeYer. And I hereby c w¢nant vrith the said John M►.Gt�y, <br /> �,that I hold said premise� by good and perfect title ; that I have good right and lawSul suthority <br /> 'to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all lisn$ and fncumbrancea wha.tso�ver <br /> �' And I covenant to warrant and defend the said premisea against the la�rful claims of all p ereons <br /> � <br /> ;?whoms o�ver. � <br /> ' Signed thia 25 th day of January, A.D. 1918. <br /> ;i IN PRESEATCE OF Jame�- Y, Guy <br /> , <br /> 'i H.P.Burmood <br /> : <br />.�. I - _ .___ _ .. . _ - - - � _ ._._J <br />