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� <br /> ���� �� � <br /> DEED RECORD NO _ 54 <br /> . , <br /> -----__��_ :-_-�._ _ �__� �__.. --���__�___ � -- <br /> WRRRA�'TY �SD. - __ . :._ _ �� <br /> KNO@� ALL I�.EN BY TH�SE PRESENTS, That �f'.p.DC?DGE �TR.,.and yAURA Y1. D��G�� husband ;I <br /> and wife, in con$ideration of One H�ndred �Tine and no 1GQ. . . , . , <br /> �7 / DOLLARS in Yaa.nd p�id� do hereby gxar��, <br /> � bar��in� sell, conney and confirm unto �'iliiam Hintz, the foliowi�g describsd r�al estate, sitt�ate�i <br /> � <br /> ;in the County of Hall and State of �'ebraska� to-wit: ' <br /> i <br /> � <br /> ; Lot One Hundred Fifty-two (152} Belmont� an Addition to the City of Grand Ieland as �urveyed, '' <br /> ;platted and recorded. Together �ith a.11 the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenanceg to the same�! • <br /> ;belonging, �,nd all the estate title, dower� right of �c�mEStead, claim or demand whatsoever of the ! <br /> � <br /> �i <br /> ; said N.�".Dodge Jr. and La�ura W. Dod�e of� i�, or to the sa,me, or any pd rt th�xPof; '; � <br /> ; <br /> !i <br /> ! TO HAV.� AND TO HOI,D the a.bove described p remi�es, �+ith the appurt�nan�e�$, unto the �sid - ;; <br /> ii <br /> �V�illiam Hintz, and to --- heirs and assigns forever,_ a.nd we, the said �t.P.��odge Jr. and I,aura �. i� <br /> an :� <br /> , <br /> iDodge, Por ourselv�s and our heirs. executors and administrators, do covenant with the said tt6filli�n <br /> ; Hintz� and with hi$ heirs and assigns. that we are lawfully seized of said premises. tha,t they arei, <br /> �� free from encumbranee except the re�ular taxes for the year 1918 and subaequent taxes and all spe-� <br /> � c ial t�.xes levied or assessed on or after June 1912 ; that we � good right and lawful authority!j <br /> ! �o� sell the s�.me, �,nd tha.t we will �nd our heir�� executors and administrators shall warrant and � <br /> +I <br /> � det'end the same unto the said William Hintz, and his heir�a and assigns forever, a.gainst the lawfu]� <br /> �� <br /> ;� <br /> ' claims of all persons �►homsoever. ;; <br /> �, <br /> This lot is sold and de�d �iven on the �xpress covenant that no dwe113ng shall �t any ti�e ��i <br /> , <br /> ' placed thereon of less than four rooms, shingle roofing� drop aiding. painted. and plestered, or o�! <br /> ; brick, cement or stone, and that �aid premises shall never be occupied by a colored person or fo�i <br /> � any immora,l use. It is understood and a�reed that these re�trictiona shall run with ths land, an� <br /> !; <br /> iany violation therevf shall cause the title herein conveyed to revest in the grantors• �i <br /> !, <br /> � <br /> IN WI'�NESS fRHERFOF� we have hereunto set our hands this �ineth day of �Tanuary A.D.1918 I� <br /> i <br /> � In presence of �T. P. Dodge Jr. ! <br /> �. H. �agert . {�T.Z�:S` amp . `' <br /> � <br /> Jcanc e 11e d. } Laura W. Dodge <br /> , <br /> � R. Y. Elnlborg � . � +� <br /> � STATF OF NEBRASK�� � � <br /> �ss. �n this 9th day of January A.D.1918 before me. a Notary Publie in �and <br /> i Cot�nty of Douglas. � � ' �� �i <br /> ; for said �aunty, personally came the abov� named �.P.Dodge Jr. and I,aur� <br /> f <br /> jW. Dodge� who a�re personally known to m� to be the identieal persons:�whose names �,re affixed to, �; <br /> 3 <br /> ! �Yie above instrument as gra.ntors, and they aakno�led�ed said instrument to be their voluntary act ;i <br /> � <br /> I �nd daed. � � � � . <br /> ; WI2NEgS �y Y�.nd and Notarial Seal the date last afore$aid. ;� � <br /> � , <br /> , <br /> ! �y commi$sion expires on the 16 day of �ugu�►t A.D.1923• L. H. Sagert. . . . .Not�.zy Publio. �! <br /> (S-E-A-L) {' <br /> 3 <br /> ;, <br /> � Tiled for record; the 21 day of January, 1918, at 11:50 o'clock A.M. _ i; <br /> ;; <br /> � �.�;��� �� i; <br /> R�GIS ER OF DS '� <br /> �i II <br /> /� �{ /'� (� (� /� /!� (� /� /!� <br />. � � � � � � � � � . � � � � r. ��• ���fl��sfl�O���OrOr4�(��V���L�Q��/"�����y�0�i/���L��+V�0�17�0'�Q�(��V�B�V��� <br /> -0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 a 0 fl <br /> � �; <br /> ' :, <br /> ; <br /> �� <br /> � �'� <br /> ;, <br /> 3 <br /> :� <br /> � '; <br /> � <br /> � ;+ <br /> i� <br /> � �; <br /> ; � <br /> ; i� <br /> , <br /> ,, <br /> ; �� <br /> r <br /> y ;' <br /> ,, <br /> �; <br /> i <br /> ! " <br /> � !'' <br /> , <br /> � <br /> ;! <br /> ; � <br /> I ;� <br /> , ,� <br /> ; fi <br /> f � ,I <br />� � � il � <br /> i! <br />, �� <br />