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�(�N� <br /> �.. <br /> DEED RECORD NO . � 4 i <br />^_�-=__��._-----_ ____ -� - _ _ __ - -- -- , <br /> EWA?t?�ANTY DFED. ' <br /> �TOt� ALL �IEN BY TH�SF P?��SFNTS, T�� �.P.��E JR. arad LAURA �1. DOJ�E, husband � <br /> �a d wif in consideration of One Hundred Fifty-ei�ht and no/1c34-�---DOLLARS in hand paid, do here� y <br /> I n Q• <br /> grant� bargain� sell, cc�vey anc3 ce�nfirm unto �illiam �. Whitenack, the following des.cribed real ; <br /> il <br /> lestate � situate in the County of Hall and �tr�te of Nebraska, tQ-vrit: `; <br /> � <br /> � I.ots Two Hux�dred Twenty-t2�ree (223} and Two Hundred Twenty-four {224) B�l�ont, an Additian �� <br /> �I <br /> to the City of Grand Island a� surveyed, platted and recorded. ;; <br /> , <br /> ; � <br /> �Tcgether with all the t�nements� hereditamente a.nd appurtenanc�$ to the same belonging, and all th� <br /> 9estate title, dower, right of home$tead. claim or demand what$oe�sr of the said �. P. �odge �r. �,n�, <br /> i ,( <br /> �Laura W. �odge , of, in, or to the same, ox any p�rt thereof; _ �; � <br /> � <br /> i! <br /> � TO HA.`lE A�ll T0 HOLA tMe above describ�d prAmise�,with the a�purtenance�� �nto the said �'illia�i <br /> { ,i <br /> <S.11�hitenaek, and to --- heirs and �.��ign� forever, and we� the said bT.F.l7odge Jr. aztd La.ura W. '; <br /> i, <br /> jDodge, for ourselves and our heirs, executora and administr�tors� do co�ena.nt with the �aid �illia.�i <br /> ;S.l�itenaek, and with his heirs and assigns, tha.t we are la.v�full�r seized cf said premises, t�,t the� <br /> ;; <br /> ;�.re free from encumbrance except the regular taaces for the�"�1918 and subsequent taxes �.nd �,11 spec-!I <br /> �ial taxes ievied or assessed on or after �TUne 1912; tha,t we good right and la�rful authority <br /> ;to sell the same, and that we �ill and our heir�, executora and administrators sha.11 warxant and i; <br /> jdefend the same unto the said William S. Whitenack� �nd his heirs and assigns forever� against t�e;; <br /> ;la�ful claim� of all pexsons whomsoever. ,i <br /> �� . <br /> Thi� lot is sold and d�ed given on the express covenant tha.t no dwelling �hall at any tfine bei� <br /> � <br /> �� <br /> ,� <br /> , <br /> ;placed thereon of less than four raom�, �hin�le roofing, drop $iding, painted �nd plastered, or of ii . <br /> �I <br /> ibrick, cement or stone , and that said premises ahall nener be �br�cupied by a color�d person or for �; <br /> j � <br /> !�.ny immoral uae. It is understood and agreed th€�,t these restrictio�s shall rtxn with t�e land,s.nd �i <br /> 'i <br /> !any violation thereof shall cause the titl� herein conveysd to revest �in the grantors. <br /> ; ;, . <br /> � IN �t�ITNFSS �RFOF, �e have hereunto set our h�,.nds this Seeenteenth day of January A.D.1918. i� <br /> � <br /> ; , <br /> iIn presence of N. P. Dodge Jr. <br /> E. �. 5agert . <br /> i� <br /> � <br /> • 0 I. R. STAMP Iraura �►. Dodge ' <br /> R. �. Llmborg ( CANCELI.ED. „Z '' <br /> .� r. � .. ... <br /> !; <br /> ,i <br /> �i <br /> ;STATL� OF NEBR ASKA, ) , <br /> )ss. On this �.7th day of January A.D.19I8, b�foxe n�e, a �Totr�ry Public in and ;; <br /> �County of Douglas. j �� <br /> ; <br /> for said County, personally came tY�e above named N. P. Dodge �r. and <br /> iLaura W. L�odge � who are personr�lly known to me to be the identical pers cns whoee nam�s are affi�ed�! to <br /> �to the aboee instrument as grantora, and they acknowledged said instrument to be their voluntary {� <br /> � ,, <br /> � <br /> �act �.nd deed. ;� . <br /> ! WITNESS my hand and Notarial Seal the da.te last a,�resaid. !; � <br /> ;� <br /> ' I <br /> I�y commiss�n expires on • th� 16 day of Au�ust A: D. i923. R.H.Sagert. . .Notary Public,. i� <br /> (3-�-A I,j �, <br /> { ;� <br /> 1Filed for record the 18 day of �Tanuary, 1918� at 9:30 o'clock A.M. ;; <br /> , . � O fi <br /> ` I <br /> i L�WGIiL� �� . .. <br /> i GIST�R OF <br /> i <br /> �-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-�-0-�-0-�-U-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-a•0-o-0-o-fl-o-�-�-fl-�-{?-�-�-a-fl-�-�-fl-�-t?-o-o-Q-o'�- <br /> � <br /> t r. <br /> � ;, <br /> `� <br /> ; ;� <br /> � �; . <br /> � <br /> ;; <br /> ; '� <br /> , i! <br /> ' ;i <br /> �; <br /> ;; <br /> ; i; <br /> `; <br /> i; <br /> � �j <br /> I <br /> i �i i <br /> ��'. <br /> � <br /> i <br /> � <br /> I <br /> � •� <br /> � i; <br /> ! , li <br /> � 'j <br /> � <br /> i� <br />�_ � �i . <br />