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. � <br /> ����" �--� I <br /> DEED RECORD NO . � 4 <br /> . . _ . __ _�___� --- _� ____ _____________________�_____ <br /> -: - _ _ _ _ �� _. ___�__ --_-- -----__-__ <br /> , ___ __ ,� <br /> ` SPECIAZ WARRANTY DE�A: - s_ ' <br /> KNO�' �LL 1t�N BY TH�SF PRFS�I�?TS. THAT Ander�on D� Kin� �Singl� } of Hall i <br /> � <br /> � County, State of Nebraska in consideration of the sum oF One Dollar �.nd Excha.nge of Property in �� <br /> i <br /> � hand paid by Eva I. Blass of Hall County, State of Nebraska do hereby sell and convey unto the '! <br /> ; i <br /> ' said Eva I. Blass the following described premi$es� situated in the county of Ha.11 and State of i� <br /> ; q <br /> ; . <br /> Nebraska� to-�it: ;j <br /> Lots No. Four E4) and Five (5 � in Block No. Twelve (12,) in Brett and Johnson's i� <br /> ; <br /> jAddition to �oo� River, according to the recorded plat thereof, Sub�iect to all claims and encum- �' <br /> ; �arances of record togethex �rith all appu.rtenances thPreunto bPlongin�, and I hereby covena�t that "j <br /> _ I� <br /> � <br /> I ` the said premises are free and clear from all lien� and encumbrances as �.bove stated and I coven- i <br /> � �.nt to warrant and defend the s�,id premises against any acts of 3aid parties of the first }�a�t. <br /> An-�i the �aid Ander�on D, �ing hPreby re2inquishes all h3s right title �,nd in�erest in r�nd to the �� <br /> ib�bove described premises. <br /> I ' '� <br /> Signed the 8th day of lf�ay 1917. <br />� In presence of � � ii <br /> Anderson D. King ';i <br />' ` Frank I. Olsen � <br /> �� <br /> ;, <br /> , <br /> '; State of l�ebraska) <br /> �ss. On this 8" day of May 1917 before m� C.H.Goellert a Notary Public duly 'j <br /> Hall County. ) <br /> commissioned and �ualified for �.nd residin� in said County, <br /> � came Ander$on D. King, single to me known to be the identic'al person described in rznd wYx� executec�! <br /> � the foregoin� instrument as grantor and he acknowledged said inatrument to be his voluntary act <br /> � a.nd deed. <br /> �itness my ha.nd and �Votarial seal �t Grand Island �tsbr in �aid County, the day and year �! <br /> ilast above wr�tten. � � <br /> � (B-E-A-L) C.H.Goellert. . . . ,Notary Public. � ,, <br /> ; <br /> �y Commi$sion expires the 7" d�3T of .?uly 1917. ;! <br /> ; Filed for record the 7 day of J'anuary, 1918, a,t 4 o 'clock P.�. n �/� � <br /> # �,r.�L�-r,,� U��, ii <br /> � GIST�R OF DELDS � � ;) <br /> " ; <br /> � �, <br /> ; -0-0-0-0-o-0-a-0-o-0-0-0-0-0-o-fl-a-0-o-0-a-0-o-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-o-0-a-0-a-0-o-0-0-0-0;! <br /> � ��p'—" '' <br /> 1 I A1 D E N T U � E, dated this 28th day of December, 1917, betw�en th� HASTINGS AND NORTx- <br /> j i . <br /> � �STERN RA�I,ROAD CO�,�PANY �hereinaf�ter called the "Vendor") , a corpor�.tion of the gtate of Nebrask�� <br /> ; and UNION PACIFIC R�IL�OAA CO�PAl'JY �hereinafter e�,lled tl�e "Vendee"}, a corporation of the State i� <br /> � � � <br /> � af Utah. <br /> � V�' H E R E A S: The railroad of the vendor hereinafter described connec�s �ith thz xcain �'. <br /> 4 line of railroad of the vendee and forms therewith a continuous line of xailroad, and said rail- '� <br /> , � <br /> � road of the vendor has been and is opereated by the vendee, under a l�ase thereof, as a branch �f <br /> II � and continuous line of railroa.d with the $aid main line ,of railroad of the vendee . The conv�yane� <br /> i ; <br /> � hereinafter �xpressed and th� terms dnd conditions thexeof h�ve been approved by unanimous vote <br /> I <br />, ; of th� holders of the entirp capital stock of the vendor at �, special meeting of stnekholders '�� <br /> 4 <br /> i called for that purpose. <br /> N o w T h e r e f o x e THIS INDENTUR� :�ITNESSETH� that in consideration oY the sum of';' <br /> � <br /> ' On� Dollar �aid by the vendee, the receipt wher�of is hereby acknowledged by the vendor, and in <br /> i <br /> � further consideration of .the assumption by the vende� of �.11 indebtedness, obligat�:nne and liabi�.- <br /> i �, <br /> � <br /> ; ities of the vendor as hereinafter expressed, the vendor has grant�d, :bargained� sold, assfgned, ; <br /> i <br /> i tr�.nsferred, released ancl conv�yed and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell, assign, tran��- <br /> ;, <br /> , <br /> � fer, releas� and convey unto the vendee, its successor$ and assign$ in fee aimple fore�c�r all and'!� <br /> i singular the following des�ribed properti�s, nrivileges and franchises, namely: � <br /> � <br /> r All th�. line of railxoad of the vendor extending from a connection with the railroad of the <br /> � <br /> - , <br /> � St. Joseph & Grand Isl�nd Railway Company in the city of Hastings, Adams County, in � northwest�rlj� <br /> direction throu�h Hall County to a connection with the main line of railroad of th� vendee at or;� <br /> �, <br /> ;i <br /> a ne�,r the village of Gibbon� Buffalo County, �.11 in the State of N�braska, a distance of about ;; <br /> I . !; <br /> 27.35 miles, to�sther �ith all property, rights, privil�ges and franehises thereto appertaining; �! . <br /> u <br /> li <br />;�_ �t <br />