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��A <br /> ����i� <br /> DEED RECORD �IO . 5�1- <br /> , <br />�� - _.___ . _.� _._�.. . _ _ _ ___ ---- -_-�____ _. ---- ------ - - - �_ - -- <br /> _, __ ___ __-.____.�__-____ _.__�_ _ . __ <br /> �. <br /> �WARRANTY T:E�'ED: - _ . <br /> KNOW AI,S, �&EN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the �flood River Cemetery A$sociation, of the �' <br /> � V�11age of Wood River, in the County of Hall and State of Nebraska, in consideration of the sum �; <br /> i of Twenty---, (�20. 00� Dollars, in hand paid does hereby grant, ba.rgain, sell and eonvey unto �� <br /> � ;I <br /> � Idargaret L. Carl of the County of Hall, and State of Nebraska,, grantee, the following described ! <br /> " Lot or Lots of land situated in the Wood River Cemetery, in the Township of GVood River� in Hs.11 ;; <br /> ' i <br /> ; Gounty, Nebraska, to-v�it: I.� <br /> �; <br /> The East ha,lf of I,ct No. One Hundred and ten (�� Z,ot No. 110} 'i <br /> �� <br /> and a11 the eetate, ri�ht, title and interest whatsoever of the $aid grantor 3n and to the same !! <br /> �' <br /> i; <br /> � and every part thereof. ' ii <br /> � 'I <br /> To Have and To Hold the above described bot or I,ots unto the said I�argaret I.. Carl �rantee, !; <br /> ;i <br /> her heirs and assigns forev�r a.nd the said grantor hereby covenants with the said grant�e that it ;� <br /> � ;� <br /> ! holds said premises by good and perfect title and has good right and authority to sell and convey �� <br /> , the same and tha.t same are free and clear of all claims and incumbxances �vhatsoever and the said �; <br /> ` �'ood Ri�er Cemetery Aesociation hereby covenants to �rarrant and defend said prernises against the ;; <br /> ;� <br /> ' lawful claims of all persons whatso�ver. �� <br /> ,� <br /> It is further agreed and understood that the abo�re de�eribed property is eold and assigned f��r <br /> , <br /> ' the purpose of interment only and to be used for no other �urpose, sub�ject, however to the provi- ;; <br /> ',; <br /> ! sions and restrictions of the I,aws of the �tate of Nebraska relatin� to Cemetery Associations and !i <br /> ' to all Acts and I�aws of the 7�e�ialature of the State of Nebraska which have been or ma.y be lawful-� <br /> ;; <br /> ly enacted respectin� Cemetery Associations and al�o sub,ject to the conditions and limitations anc�; <br /> �; <br /> ;" with �.11 the privilege� and restrictions specified by the rules dnd re�ulations of said l►ood B,iver;! <br /> ji <br /> ; Cemetery Associ�tion now in force or that ma�� be hereafter adopted by it not in confliet with thej' <br /> ;i <br /> : Laws of the State of 1Vsbraska which rules and regulations as hereby sFecified are mad� a part of �; <br /> �� <br /> ithis conveyanae. ',� <br /> �i <br /> IN TESTIMONY whexeof the V'lood River Cemetery Association has caused these Presents to bei� <br /> ; signed by its President and countersigned by its Secretary and the corporate seal b� �aid eompany�;� <br /> ;', <br /> ' to be hereunto affixed this 28th day of July A.D. ,1910. � <br /> W40D RIVER CEMETERY ASSOCIATION, �' <br /> ; Atte�st: . . . .C.E.Towne. . .Secretary (CORP) ;j <br /> (SEAL) By. . . .M.Diefenderfer. . . .Pregident. ;� <br /> iSTATE OF NLBRASSA, ) . <br /> )ss. Be it remembered that on this 28 da of Jul A.�. 1910 before H. P. 'i <br /> 3' Y <br /> � , , <br /> � COUI�TTY OF HAI�L� } '.i <br /> j Burraood a Notary Public duly commissioned and qualified in and for Ha1L�; <br /> � <br /> i County, Nebraska, personally came M. Diefenderfer, President, and C, �'. Towne, Secretary of the � <br /> i <br /> �Wood River C�metery Association, �nd they are p�rsonally known to me to be the parties signing thei! <br /> i for�oing Deed as Of ficers of said Association and each severally acknowledge the execution of the �� <br /> ;foregoing instrument to be his voluntary act �,nd deed personally and as an officer vf said Associai�- <br /> ; i; <br /> ;tion for the use and purpose therein exp�essed. <br /> ;i <br /> + �i <br /> + i� <br /> IN 1�IT1V�5S whereof I hereunto set my hand and Not�,rial 8��� thie 28 da of Jul A.D. 1910. `i <br /> Y Y <br /> . <br /> � <br /> '�y commiss�on expires Apl. 5- 1915. (S E A L� H.P.Burmvod. . . . .�otary Public i; <br /> � ;; <br /> .� <br /> I! <br /> `Filed for record the 26 day� of December, 1917, at 3 o'clock P.M. <br /> ' �/����> ;i <br /> � GISTLR OF D�DS ;i <br /> ij <br /> �-0-0-�-0-�-0-�-fl-o-0-�-0-�-4-0-0-0-0-�-0-o-a-o-0-o-fl-o-fl-o-�-0-0-0-0-o-0-a-0-o-0-o-fl-o-0-o-fl-a-fl-o;� <br /> � � � ii <br /> �; <br /> �j <br /> !i <br /> � �� <br /> ,� <br /> ': ', <br /> ;. <br /> r <br /> �i <br /> ;i <br /> ; , <br /> !i <br /> I; <br /> � <br /> I <br /> i <br />. i . �I <br />