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��� <br /> e�� <br /> DEED RECORD NO . 54 <br />_��:� ._:____ _____ _ <br /> --.--- - _ ____-------_�___ --___ ___ _ <br /> _ _ ---_ _________ _ -- - - <br /> TMf�AYill/IIN!00.OR�ND 16L�ND�N[6P. <br /> oe" _"_ I�. . __�.__ .. . ._ . - <br /> 'i �ARRANTY DEED: - <br /> � KNOW ALL � HY THESE PI�ESENTS: That the �ood River Cemetery Aasoeiation, of th <br /> ;, <br /> Village of Wood River, in th� Coun�y of Hall arid State of Nebraska� in c rosideration of the sum o <br /> T�enty-one & �0/100-----� ��21.50) Dollars, in hand paid does hereby grant� bargain, se21 and con- <br /> 1m v <br /> ' vey unto V►.PI.�a.ltman of the County of Adams�_ and State _of Aebraska�� grantee� the following des- <br /> cribed Lot or Lots of land situated in the Wood River Cemetery, in the Township of Wood River, in <br /> ' Hall County+ Netaraska, to-wit, <br /> East � I,ot l�o. One Hundred and Fifteen no ro�r (East �F of 115-0) <br /> and all the est$te, right� title and interest whatsoever of the said grantor in and to the �ame <br /> ,, <br /> and every part thereof. - <br /> TO HAVE A�D TO HG1LD the aboae described I,ot or Lots unto the said �.W.Maltma.n grantee, his <br /> heirs and assigne forever and the said grantor hereby covenants with the said grantee tha.t it <br /> � holds said premises by �ood an�. perfect title and hae good right and authority to se11 and convey <br /> the same and that are free and clear of all claims and incumbrances what�coever and the said <br /> nt and defend said remises a ainst the <br /> to rra 6 <br /> Wood River Cemete Association hereby covenant� wa P <br /> rY <br /> ' la�t'ul claims of all persons �vha�`Roever• <br /> It is further a��eed and understood that the above described property is sold and assigned <br /> ' for the purpose of interment only and to be used for no other purpose, sub�ect, however, to the <br /> ; provisions �nd reatrictions of the of the State of Nebraska relating to Cemetery Associatio � <br /> i� and to aIl Acts and I�aws of the I,egislature of the State of NebrdBk� which ha.�e been or may be <br /> ' lawfully enacted reepecting Cemetery Association� and aleo sub,je�t to the conditions and limita- <br /> td,�one and with all tYie privile�e$ and r�strictions specified by the rules and regulation� of sa3. <br /> Wood River Cemeter� Association now in force or tha.t may be h:�reafter adopted by it not in con- <br /> � flict with the Laws of the State of �Tebraska r�hich rules and regulationa as hnreby specified �re <br /> made a part of this conveyance. <br /> IN TE8TI�ONY 1fiIHEREQF the said Wood River Cemetery As$ociation ha.s oaused t�e Presents to e <br /> signed by its President and coun�.tersigned by its Se�retary and the eorpora.te seal of said compan <br /> ' to be hereunto affixed this 24th day of December A.D. , 1917. <br /> Attest: C.E.Towne. . . . Secretary. �lOOD RIVER CE�ETERY ASSOCIATION, <br /> Cco�r) <br /> (SgAy} By• • • • •�• C.1�ingert. . . . .President. <br /> ;� $TAT� OF NEBRASKA, ) <br /> }ss. Be it remembered that <br /> COUNTY OF HALL. } � on this 24 day of Dec. A.D.1917. before� H.P,Burmood, a �ataxy Public <br /> duly commissioned and qualifiPd in and for Ha11 County, Nebraeka, persona113* eame M.C.�ingert� <br /> ' Pregident, and C.E.Towne Secretary of the Wood River Cemetery A$seciation, and they are personal <br /> ly known to me to be the parties signing the foregoing Deed as Officers of said Association and ach <br /> severally acknowled�e the execution of the foregoing instrument to be his voluntary act and deed <br /> personally and as an officer of said Association for the use and purpnsea therein eXpressed. <br /> IN WITNESS ��hereof I have 2�ereunto set my hand and Notarial Seal thie 24 day of Dec.A.D.181 . <br /> �y commission expires Ap1.5-1921. (S E A I.) A.P.Burmood. . . .�Tctary Public. <br /> Filed for record the 26 day of December, 1917, at 10 o'cl+�ck A.M. <br /> ' � <br /> REGISTER OF�DS <br /> -0-0-0-0-0-0-o-0-v-Q-o-0-0-0-o-Q-o-O-o-Q-a-O-o-Q-o-�(3-a-C�-o-O-o-Q-o-0-0-0-o-Q-o-Q-o-Q-a-�-o-O-o-Q <br /> . <br />� ;; <br /> i! <br /> 1�1 <br /> i: <br />��L_._. . . i� . � . ..._._ <br />