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�� y� �, <br /> ��� <br /> DEED RECORD NO . � 4 <br />__-�--_- <br /> �__ _. __ _ <br /> ___ __ .________-_-- __�_ ._____ � <br /> _ __ _ <br /> �€►ARRAATTY DEE�: - . <br /> �� <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT_ I� Sarah C.Gideon a widow of-the County o� <br /> Ha.11� and State of Nebraska, Grantor, in consideration of the sum of Twenty-Hundred Dollar$- - - <br /> i� <br /> ij <br /> u <br /> ; t$2000.00) in hand paid do here by grant, bargain, sell and convey unto Alva E. Smoot and Jamea O.�j <br /> � ;. <br /> ; Smoot of the county of Ha.11, �nd state of Nebraska, Grantee, the followin� deacribed premi�es, I' <br /> �; <br /> � e�i��ated in �he eo�nty of Hall, and state of Nr�braaka, to wi�: _ �{ <br /> ' � 'i <br /> Edst Five {5 � feet of lot number Five (5) , and all of lot number �ix (6} , in Block number i <br /> �ive (5�, in the original town of Donipha.n, as surveyed, pla.tted and record�d• '; <br /> � <br /> �; To gether with all the tenements, hereditament� and appurt�nances ther� unto belongin�, and all !� <br /> �� <br /> � the Estate, Right, Title� Interest, Dower, Curte$�., Claim and �3emand wha.tsoever of the sa,id Gran- ;; <br /> i <br /> ; tor, of in, or to the, or any part thereof. <br /> 'ii <br /> T4 HAVE AND TO HOI.D the above described premise$� with the appurt�nance�►, unto the � <br /> ;� <br /> ;� <br /> Gr�ntee, and to his heirs and assigns forever. And I here by covenant with the said grantee tha� ;� <br /> i� <br /> I hold said premises by good and pea�fea� title ; that I have �ood right and Zawfully autk�ority to ;; <br /> ;� <br /> ° aell and convey the same; tha.t they are free and clear of a,ll leins and incumberanceQ wh�t�oever. I <br /> And I covenant to warrant and d�fend the said premises against the lawful claims of all per- �; <br /> ;i <br /> 1 s ons �rhoms oeve r. � - '' <br /> Dated the 7th day of Nov�mber A.�.1917. f'`' <br /> �7itne$s Sarah C. Gideon � ii � <br /> � ii <br /> Chas. M. R�d,mEtx! �i <br /> H. .�. Redman <br /> ; State of �Tebragka� !� <br /> }SS. On this 7th d�y af ATovember A.TJ.1917� before r�e, the undersigned, a � <br /> ; Hall County ) �� <br /> fnotary publia commissioned �rith in and for s�id county, personally ;i <br /> ; Sarah C. Gideon a widow to me pereonally known to be the identical persons whose nams8 ar� affixec� J <br /> � to the above instrument as Grantor and she acknov�led ed the same to be her volunta <br /> � g ry act and deec� <br /> ;; <br /> �, <br /> � for the purpose therein expressed. i; <br /> IN �7ITNE�� VdHEREOF� I have hereunto subscribed my name and �ffixed my official seal at Donipha�j <br /> ', <br /> on the date la.s� above written. ; <br /> � (S E A L} Chas. I�. Redm�n. . . . . .Notary Public. <br /> ]�dy commis�ion expires 13ecember 18th, 1917. <br /> � <br /> � �iled for record the 21 day of December� 1917, at 9: 30 o'clock A.�d. �f <br /> ; L v�.r� <br />� REG T <br /> � IS ER OF AEE.D/�V� I; <br /> , ;� <br /> ' -v-4-o-0-o-fl-o-0-o-0-a-fl-o-0-0-0-o-0-a-fl-o-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-4-0-�-0-0-o-fl-o-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- ;; <br /> i KNOtIV AI� �N BY THESE P�ESENTS: ;i <br /> f �; <br /> � SHER <br /> I FP S 17�D• - <br /> ; ' ' <br /> Tha,t �reas in an action in the Di�trict Court of the Eleventh Judicial �is- �.! <br /> , <br /> � triet of I�ebraska, vnithin and for Hall Cvunty� wherein Nebraska Central Building and Loa1� Assoefa-� <br /> 1tion was Plaintiff, and Charles W. Smith, Zua Smith, Leota Smith� an insane woman; Dimpl�e Smith. i; <br /> t ji <br /> ` an inaane v�oma.n; Oscar Roeser, Robert H. Callihan, and Lena C.CallihaM, his �►ife; Aaron D. Sm�th !' <br /> { . _ <br />' ; and Julia M. Smith� his wife, were Defend�nts, it � by said Court at the June Term: therenf, A.��II <br /> ; 1917, to-�it, on the 20th day of October A.TJ. 1917, e�nsidered, ad,�udged� and dec=eed t��►� in cl�i� ; <br /> � <br /> � 2"ault of the payment to the Clerk of the Distriat C�urt of the costs of said actian, a� t� �ebra�ika <br /> ' Cent�al Building and Loan Association,plaintiff, the sum of �908.�0 with interest thereon at the ; <br /> �; r�te of 7�o per annum from the date thereof; and to Oscar Roeser, defenda.nt� the sum of �248. 12 � <br /> � with interest thereon at the rate of 10� per annum from the date thereof v�ithin twenty da3Ts from �' <br /> r <br /> ithe date of such ,judgment and decree, that the equity of redemption of each and all of said defe�� <br /> : _ <br /> � <br /> � dants in and to the lands and tenements herein�fter deecribed �ae fc�reclosed and fore4er barred, <br /> . ! and that the Sheriff of said Hall County cause the 3ands and tenements �zereinr�fter described to b�i <br /> � <br /> . �.. <br />;� <br /> � adverti�ed. and sold according to law; and whereas the said defendant having made ddfault therein� <br /> IGustae Sievers, as Sheriff of said County, under and by nirtue of the order of said Court to him ` <br /> i � ,�. <br /> � directed, did, on the 15th day of becember A.A. 1917� at the main front door of the court house irq <br /> �, <br /> �� <br /> ; the City of Grand Island, �ebraska, in said County of Hall, f the same befng the place wherein the ,,� <br /> � <br /> ; ;: <br /> � District Court was last held in said County� , having firs'� �iven due and legal notice of the timel� <br /> l <br />