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<br /> DEED O�'I'ItU5'I'dVITH FU'I'U1tE .aIDVANCES . __
<br /> 'Fhis DEED OF TRUST is made this 13tfi day of Marc6, 1997, by and among JEItRY L. ' • �}f
<br /> �� . - . � .�-.
<br /> TEIC��IER and BARBARA J. TEIC�ViEIEit, husband and wife, hereinafter referred to as .. ..
<br /> "Trastors," whether one or more, whose inailing address is 8759 WeSt O�e-�3 atoad,Cairo, NebrasFsa 68�?.�: � - •,,_ !
<br /> , THE STATE BANK O�CAIItO,a Nebrask� Banking Corporation, hereinafter referred to as"'d'reas�ee," ' ;�,�•�
<br /> whose ma7ing address is Box �28. Cairo, Nebraslca 6�824; and 1'� STATE BANK O� CAIItO, a � .. ` . � : __
<br /> Nt�oraslca Banking Corporation, hereinafter referred to as "Beuefica�►r�v," whose m�iling address is Bo:428. • , ,- �
<br /> . : Cairo,Nebraska 688?A. A `.r
<br /> `i k � , . -----
<br /> For vatuable consideration, Trustors irrevocably grant, transfer, convey and assign to Trustee, in trust, ���
<br /> � � with ower of sale,for the beneSt and s of Benefici under and sub ect to the terms and condiaons of - -�`�r'�-°�
<br /> .i p ecurity at7+, J ' ��,.---_
<br /> ' tlris DeOd of Trust,the fol�owing descnl�ed real property located in BALL County,Nebraska: - � ``������_:—
<br />. ��, . �`:.�,��
<br /> '; • ..
<br />. A ua�t of land comprising a part of the Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4), of Section Twenty-four �.
<br /> ,,a (24), '�ownship Twelve (12)North, Range Eleven (11) West of the 6th P.M., in Hall County, : `� .:-
<br /> - Nebraska, more �articularly descnbed as follows: Beginning at the northwest comer of said - :�,��, - �±;� �:.`
<br /> �, Nort�west Quartea' (NW 1/4); thence running easterly along t�e north line of said Northwest �. �'. ,�.,-
<br /> �� f M1-_.....�,d ,.
<br />. �.� Quarter(NW 1/4), a distance of Nme Hundred FifteEn and EigQ�4yr-four Hundredths(915.84)feet, ;..,� . - ;:'� i?r�
<br /> � to the ACTUAL oint of b n ; thence contin easterl alon the north line ��said . �" `- ' �•'�.�:: '
<br /> . � P � g � Y $ ;.:i;;-..:'- °
<br /> �� Nort�west Quarter (NW I/4), a distance of Two Hundre� Seventy-tts� and Thirty-four � +�,' ,. �
<br /> Hundredths(273.34) feet; thence deflecanD right 89°15'13" and n,nning southerly a di�t�ce of ��' �. _ __
<br /> � F'nre�iundred Twenty and Thirty-frve Hundredths(52035)feet;s.taznce de8ecting rigt�91°00'S6" ��'�'
<br /> i
<br /> and numin weste a distance of Two Hundred Sixty-nine and Seventy-nine Hundredths �;'�:.;.�-.�
<br /> 8 �h'
<br /> (269.79)feet;thence deflecting righ*.88°35'13"and running ccortherly a distance of�ve Hundred ��..'��,'��
<br /> Nmeteen and Fourteen Hu�dredth(519.14)feet,to the ACTUAL.point of beginning, �' � a�-� _
<br /> �.f' .�_s
<br /> together with all buildings,improvements,fixtures,streets,alleys,Passageaays,easements,rights, priv�eges and <.'���V✓-- —
<br /> appurtenances located thereon,and all personal property that may be or hereafter become an integral part of such --- �.9,�
<br /> � buildings and improvements, all craps raised thereon, and all water rights, all of whic�including replacements _
<br /> . and additions thereto,are hereby declared to be a part of the real estate conveyed in tn�st hereby,it beiug agreed __ __-_.-,__ —
<br /> that all of the foregoing shall be hereinaRer referred to as the"Properiy." ��.---_-
<br /> �,�vsi,�Y�r:�:•��
<br /> • .��. . �lr
<br /> . � �~?�-'"=�,-��_. �
<br /> :�.;��,;.�,:��;�;
<br /> a. Payinent of indebtedness evidenced by Tnistors' note of eveQ date herewith in the principal sum of , .,;;.,�:,,�_;,.;, .�
<br /> 540,000.00, together with interest at the rate or rates provided therein, and a�ry and all renewals, modifications '''` '"`''�'� .'�"'
<br />" and extensiaa�s of such note,both principal and interest on the note being payable in accordance with the terms .�;,—� __
<br /> � set forth therein, which by this reference is hereby made a part hereof; and any and all future advances and . � ::_=�;,.. .�
<br /> r�adva�ces w Tnistors heraucder pursuant to one ore more promissory notes or credit agree�ments(herein called � : � ,
<br /> "�Ote°�� '. , . : .. .
<br />• � b. the payment of oiher sums advanced by Beneficiary to protect the security of tke Note; ' � � ,
<br /> � c. the perforcnance of all covenants and agreements of Trusior set forth herein;and . . � � -.. � —
<br /> d. all pre.4em and future indebtedness and obligations of Trustors to Benefic�ary whether direct, indirect,
<br /> absolute or coniingent and whether arising by note,guaranty,overdraft or othetwise; .
<br /> �_
<br /> 1. To pay when due. the principal of,and the interest on.thc indebtedaess e��denced by the note,charges, fces and all other • � . _
<br /> sums as prwtded in the loan mstiuments. �, . f--
<br /> 2. Tn�stors are the omteis of thc propeny and have the nght and authonty to execute tlus Dcad af Tmst in res�eG to the ` —
<br /> � ProP�riY .. - _
<br /> 3. To pay. when due, all taxes. special assessments and all other charges agamst the property, bcfare the same become �
<br /> , �� delinquent. Tn�stors shall pay all taxes and assessments wtuch may be le�led upon Benefsctan's mterat herem or upon this IDced of
<br /> , Tn�st or the debt securod herehy.tirithout regard to ars��law•ttiat ma}•be enacted�mpos�ng payment of the whole or azry part thercof . �
<br /> ' � upon the Benefic�ary j � .
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