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��"�� <br /> ��. <br /> DEED RECORD NO . 54 <br /> .__ =_ _ _ _ _ _ ___-------_- - - - <br />_ _� � _ _ _ _ ___ _ ._ ____ _ _ _.__- -- <br /> � __ <br /> _ _____---_____. _ ___ _ <br /> ` R��. �RF.�' 3 DEED' i <br /> i� <br /> ( Knovr all men by these �resents, that- �!,� <br /> r <br /> ; Whereas, in ar. action of partition pending in tne District Court oS' Ha11 County, Nebraska, wherei� <br /> Anna Rewerts, Frank F.Rewerts, �Pilliam E.Rewerts, and Anna Rewerts, his wiPe, Ella �P.Reimers and !! <br /> Emil Reimers, her husband, Clara G. Scriroeder and Edward Schroeder, rier husband, Henry E,Rewerts '; <br /> ,: <br /> and Gesina .T.Rewerts, were glaintif'fs, anc� �3er�nd J.Lindeburg, Wolbert F.Lindebur�;, a minor, '' <br /> ��� <br /> Clarence B.Lindeburg, a rninor, Alta M.Lindebur�, a minor, and Harry W.Lindc�burg, a minor, were �� <br /> defendants, 2'or tne partition o�' tne premises hereinafter described, the undersigned referee, ap- , <br /> pointed by said court to make partition of said real estate, made report in writing, duly signed, ' <br /> �; <br /> setting forth that gartition oP said gremises could not be made without great pre�udice to trie <br /> ownerg thereof, whieh report was duly examined b3� aaici court, and said court being satisfied ther� <br /> witn confirmed tne same, and �hereugon made an order and caused the sa,me to be entered, directing' <br /> me, as said rePeree to sell said premises on trie Pollowing terms, to-wit: Por cash. ' <br /> And in gursuance of sai d order, I caused a notice to be published in the Doniphan Enterprise, a ; <br /> newspaper printed a,nd in general circulation in Hall County, Nebraska, that I would ofPer said <br /> lands Por sale �.t trie fron'� door of tne Court House in sai d county, on tne 31 u day oP July,lgl7, ! <br /> ' at 2 o'clock P.�. oP said day anci at the time and place stated in said notice and after eaid <br /> . r�otice had b��n publisned for more than thirty �ays, I oPPer�d .�aid lands, to-wft: The l�orth-east �� <br /> quarter of Section 21, tne East One-nalP oP the quarter oP Section 21 and the West One-� <br /> half of The South-wes� quarter of Section 15 all in To�mship 9 Nortl�, Ran�e 10 We�t, in Iiall +' <br /> ,, <br /> County, NebrasKa, for sale at public auction and sold trie same to Frank F.Rewerts for the sum of �i <br /> ` �29, ��•00. , rie bein� the riignest bidder trierefor. And aPterwards, on the l�� day of Au�ust, 1917, <br />� the court approved and confirmed said sale ancl by and order directed me as said rePeree �o execu�� <br /> to said Frank F.Rewerts a de�d conveying said land� to riim in fee simple. <br /> Now, tnerefore, I, H.A,Redman, referee, in conaideration oP trie premises and oP the sum oT Twenty=+ <br /> nine thousand four hundred and forty and no�100 Dollars (�29, 440.00. ) so bid and paid by the said ; '" <br /> Frank F.Rewerts and �y virtue oP the powers vest�d in me by law do by these presents �ra,nt, sell ' <br /> ; and convey unto the said FranK F.Rewerts and to riis rieirs and assi�ne the real estat� described <br /> as Pollows: The Nortri-east quarter (NE� ) of tne Section Twen�y-ane (21 ) Tne East One-ha1P of . <br /> ; <br /> the South-east Quarter ( F� SE� ) of Section Z'wenty-one (21 ) and trie West One-ha12' oP the South-�res� <br /> One-quarter (W�SW�) of Section Fif'teen (15) all in Towmship Nine (9 ) Nortn, Range �en (10 ) ���t, , <br /> in xall County, Nebraska, with all tne appurtenances triereunto belonging, to have and to hold <br /> the same to hirn, the said Frank F.Rewerta anc� to nis heirs and assigne Porever. <br /> � <br /> In witness wriereof I have nereunto set iny hand tnis 1H day of August, 1917. <br /> ;; <br /> � <br /> Witnes�, H.A.Redman �' <br /> R ePeree '+ <br /> Henr,y Rewerts <br /> '�. State of' �ebraska, ) <br /> )ss. <br /> ' Hall County. ) On triis l�� day of Au�ust, 1917, bet'c�re me, trie undersigned, a Notary �' <br /> . ' Public duly commissionecl and qualiPied in and for Hall County, N�braska, p �e�sonally appeared H.A. �' <br /> ? <br /> ' Redman, Refer�e, to me personally Known to be th�identical person whose na'�e is subscribed to the � <br /> , �� <br /> ; <br /> Poregoin� deed as grantor and acknowledged tne execution thereoP to be his voluntary act and deed " <br /> � as said referee for tne purposes tnerein expressed. <br /> : Witness my hand and seal on the date Pirst above written. '� <br /> ( SEAL) Ch3s�I.Redman <br /> : Notary Public <br /> My coramission expirea Dec. lg, lgl7 �; <br /> ! Filed for record on the 15 day oP August 1917 at 2:30 0'clock P.�d. ;' <br /> � � � ��� f ,; <br /> Re�iater oP De� ;` <br /> , <br /> „ <br /> ;j <br /> ;; <br /> il <br />_ i � �� . <br />