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��C� <br /> DEED RECORD NO . 54 <br />--..__ _---___ .�____---___ __.__ __ ___ <br />--_=- .�---__-__ A__---_-__---- --____ �__,-_-_- ---�---_- ____ <br /> �- �-����-�------ - _- <br /> __ -=� i R e 2'ere e� s�De e d•._-=----- -�. — - � <br /> ; <br /> '' �now all men by these presents, that, <br /> Whereas, in an action of partition pending in trie District Court of Hall Cou�ty, Nebraska, t�iere <br /> Anna Rewerts, Frank F.Rewerts, William E.Rewerts and Anna Rewerts, his wife, Ella W.Reimers ana <br /> �' ]��ini1 Reimers, her husband, Clara G. Scriroeder and E dward Schroeder, her hu�band, Henry E.Rewerts <br /> and Gesina. �T.Rewerts wer� plaintiffs, and Berend J.Lindeburg, Wolbert F.Lindeburg, a minor, <br /> ,. Clarence B.I,indeburg, A minor, Alta �.Lindeburg, a minor, and Harry W.Lindeburg, a minor, were <br /> , <br /> �' defendax�.ta, for the partition oP trie premises hereinafter described, the undersigned rePeree, ap- <br /> pointed by said Court to make partition oP said real estate, made report in writing, duly signed, <br /> setting f'orth that partition of said la,rlds could not be made �rithout great pre�udice to the owner <br /> thereoP, whicn report was duly examined by said Court and said Court beir�g satiaPied trierewith <br /> eonfirmed the same, anc� thereupon made an order and caused the same to be entered directing me, <br /> . <br /> as said rePer�e to sell said premises on the 1'ollowing terms, to-wit. for cash. <br /> And in pur�uance of said order, I caused a notice to be published in the Doniphan Enterprise, a <br /> � newspaper printed and in general circulation in Hall County, NebrasKa, triat I would oiSer said <br /> lands for �ale at the rront floor of the Court House, in said County, on the 31st. day of July 191 , <br /> '' at 2 0•clock P.M. of said day and at the ti�ne and place stated in said notice and after said not- <br /> �ae Mad been publish�d for more than thirt� days, I o2'Pered said land, to-wit: <br /> 2'ne 3outri We�t �uarter (3w�) oP S�ction Thirte�n (13 ), in ToRnship Nir�e (g ) �TortY�, Range Ten (10 ) <br /> �leat, in Hall County, �ebraska for sale at public auction and sold the sam� to Anna Rewerts Por <br /> ' the �um of �21,76�.00. , arie being the highest bidder therefor. <br />, And afterwards, on the lst. day of August, 1917, saict Court approved and confirmed said sal� and <br /> !� by an order directed me, a$ said referee to execute to said Anna REwerts a deed conveying said <br /> � <br /> lands to her in fee simgle, Now, therefor, I H.A.Redman, reteree, in consideration of the premises <br /> and oP �rie sum oP Twent�-one Thousand Seven Hundred Sixty and no - 100 Dollaxs (�21,760.00 ) so <br /> ' bid and paid by said Anna Rewerts and by virtue oP the powers vested in me by law, do by these <br /> ;presents grant, sell and convey unto �he said Anna Rewerts and to her rieirs and assign.s the real <br /> " estate described as Pollows: The Soutn West �uarter (SW�) oP Section Thirteen (13 ), in Township <br /> ,Nine (9 ) North, Range Ten (10 ) west, in Hall County, NebrasKa, witn all tne appur�ances thereunto <br /> •,;belonging to have and to hold the same to her, the said Anna Rewerts, and h�r heirs and assigns <br /> � � Porever. <br /> In witn�ss whereoP I have hereunto set rqy hancl triis lst. day oP August,l917, <br /> witness, H.A.Redman <br /> RePeree <br /> H.E. Schroeder <br /> State o1' NebrasKa ) <br />� )ss. <br /> � Hall Coun�q ) On triis lst. day oP Au�ust, 1917, before the undersigned, a notary Publie, <br /> � duly commissioned and qualiPied in and Sor Hall County, Nebraska, personally appeared H.A.Redman, <br /> RePeree, to me personally known to be th�s identical gerson wriose name is subscribed to the fore- <br /> 'going deed as grantar, and acknowledg�d the execution thereof to be hia voluntary act and deed as <br />� ' said re2'eree Por trie purposes therein expressed. <br />,�'�.� <br /> ' Witness r�y nancl and seal the day and year above mentianed. <br /> �(SEAL) Ch_as M.Redman <br /> Notary Public <br /> �My commis$ion expires Decernber 18th. 1917 <br /> ;Filed Por record on tne 15 day oP August 1917 at 2 :3p o'clock P.M. � <br /> R egi st er of Dee <br />,�_ _ �,' + <br />