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i G� `,y���� <br /> ��;��� <br /> DEED RECORD NO _ � 4 <br /> . . _ _:�� � _____ ��:��_ _ __. �-_- _ <br />__ �:_� -: _ � _.«_w�:_�:� <br /> _ __ _ ___ _ _ , <br /> t In Wi�ness tJVhereof, I hereunto set my riand triis 6tn day of August, 1917. j <br /> � Witness : Mary Lambert <br /> � <br /> � <br /> � 0. A. Abbott � <br /> � Shate of Nebraska, ) ;; <br /> )ss. On tnis 6th day oP August A.D.1917 bef�re me, the undersigned, a Notar� � <br /> Hal1 C ount,y ) <br />� Pu.t�lic in and for said county, personally came Mar,y L�tnbert Un�arried ;; <br /> who is personally known t� me t� be tne iden�ica,l person whose name is �.Pfixed to the above in� <br /> ; strument as �rantor �nd srie severally ackno��rl�d�ed tne aaid instrument �o be rier voluntary act � <br /> and fleed. <br /> Witness my hank an:i notarial seal, the da.te a�'ore�aid. <br /> , <br /> (S e a 1 ) W.A.Prince. . . . .N�tary Public <br /> r� <br /> IVq� Cammiasion Expires .7une £�th, 1920. ' <br /> �� <br /> �� <br /> Filed for record 13 day of August , 1917, at 2: 45 0' CloCk P.M. � ; <br /> egister �P Deed . <br /> . ;i <br /> -o-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o--o-o-o-�-c-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-�-o-o-�-o-o-o-o-�-o-o-o-o-o-�- � <br /> Q,UIT CLAID2 DEED: - !; <br />� F�NOY� ALZ �E� BY THESE PRES�ENTS-: That Whereas John W. Lamber�C, deceased., lat� <br /> of Hall County, iJe�ras�a, 1ePt riim survivin� as his heirs at law �.nd only heirs at law James �d. <br /> Lambert, Jorin J. Lambert and Eva Lambert-Blenkiron and a large number of lots and tracts oP land ' <br /> in or contiguous to the City of Grar�d Islancl in said Hall County and '� <br /> Whereas said heirs at law have made a parol partition of a11 of said premises saving and ;; <br /> '� <br /> excepting Lot One (1 ) in �31ock Tnirty-one (31 ), and T,ots Five (5 ) and Six (6 ) in Block Thirty <br /> ' (30 ) in trie original town, now City of Grand I�lanci, <br /> ;. <br /> Now therePore in order to confirm said gartition we �ames M. Lambert and Eva Lambert-Blenk-� <br /> I� , <br /> " iron in considerati�n of the ��remises and oP One D�llar to us in hand paid do riereby convey aMd <br /> ; quit claim unt� .Tohn �7. Lambert all trie Pollowing described lots and lands in said Ha,ll CouMt.y, !� <br /> to-wlt: '�' <br /> ' The North. Half (� ) oP the South HalP (� ) 01' the Soutn HalP (� ) of trie Nortri East Quarter ;'; <br /> I (� ) of Section Seventeen ( 27 ), in Townsriip Eleven (11 ) Nortn, of Range Nine (9 ), West of the !� <br /> ;� <br /> Sixth Principal �der�idian; A1so I,ot One ,(1 ), in Block Sixteen (16 ), Ldts One (1 ) ana Two (2 ), in i'; , <br /> ,; , <br /> ' Block �leven (11 ), Lots Seven (7 ) ana Ei�;nt (8 ), in Block Tweive (12 ) and Lot TY�ree (3 ) in Bloek !; <br /> Thirt�r Tnree (33 ), a,ll in Jorin �v. Lamberts Acidition to tne City of Grand Island, DTebras�a. <br /> Together witn all tenements tneraon and all trie �rivilege� and apgurtenances tnereunto be_ ',' . <br /> ' lon�in�, a,rla all t_le estate, claim, ri�;ht anc� title tnerein of the �aid �ames �d. I,a,mbert and Eva `� <br /> ;; <br /> � Lambert-Bleniciron of, in, or to tne same or any part th.ereof. ; <br /> , <br /> i To have and to hola the aame unto the said John J. I,ambert rii� heirs and assi�ns f�rever. '' <br /> ; In Testimony T�nereof we nave hereunto sEt our hands triis secon�t day of August A.D.1917. <br /> � . , <br /> Witness: James M. Lambert <br /> �; <br /> �; <br /> 0. A. Abbott Eva Lambert Blenkiron �' <br /> �, <br /> , � <br /> ;; <br /> f ;i <br /> I state of Nebrasxa, ) ! <br /> � ,ss. Ae it rememberecl that on this 2nd. day of August A.D.1917,_ before me " <br /> � County of Hall. ; <br /> ; 0. A. Abbott a Notary Public witnin and Por said County and Sta.te, per- ;, �;�� <br /> � � <br /> ; �, , <br /> ; sonall,y appeared James R2. Lambert and Eva Lambert-Alenkiron, to me personally known to be trie ;; r <br /> I i dentical persona named in and who signed the above and Poregoing instrument as grantors and tne,y ; :. <br /> � � ii � <br /> i s everall,y acknowl e d�e d the � t o b e tnei r voluntary act and dee d. ,; <br /> �. <br /> „ <br /> � �� <br /> ; In Testimony i�hereo,f I h�.ve nereunto set my hand and Notarial Seal the date last above '' ' <br /> ; <br /> �; <br /> written. �� <br /> ; ( S e a 1 ) O.A.Abbott. . .Notary Public. " <br /> i� <br /> I�y Comrnission Expires Decem�er lst. , 1921. �' <br /> R Ii <br /> , � Filed for reeord t�ze 13 day of August, 1917, at 4:50 0'clock P.�. �; <br /> 1 �i <br /> i Re�ister of Dee . �� <br /> ?j <br /> i._ � ii <br />