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i - <br /> �ti�_ <br /> DEECD RECORD NO . 54 <br />�____::_._ _.___ _�_. _ <br /> -.__�� __ _________. ___-- __--_____ <br /> ---- _ .�--- __ _ . -__ __ _-- ----_ ___-----____---. <br /> rMe,w N 00.0 AN - - � - ---- <br />�r.�-= -==e� '--'.—___'.:- — s�" — <br /> ; FiPty-five hundred (�5500.00 ) Dollars, triat being tne hignest and �est bid received Por said pro= <br /> �. <br /> ;, <br /> '; gerty; and did sell Lot Five (5) `and the Westerly One-third of I,ot Six (6 ) in Block FiPty-three <br /> �53 ) of tne ori�in�,l town now city oi Grand Island, Nebraska, to the said Mary Lambert Por tne <br /> � sum of Ei�ht-tnousand (�g,000 ) Dollars, ��at being the highest and best bid therePor, and <br /> Whereas, tne said rePerees did on the 30tn day of July, A.D. ,1917, make due report oP said <br /> sale in writin� to th� Juu�s of trie District Court oP Hall County, Nebraska, and made due report f <br /> their �,etions in the premises, together with a report of the advertisement ofPering for sale and <br /> of sale of trie said premises, to whom sold and for wnat amount , wnicn said report was on said <br /> date ugon due consideration of trie Judge oP the Distriet Court of �all County, Nebraska, in all <br /> respects agproved and confirm�d, and the saia Othman A. Abbott and Willard A. Prince were ordered <br /> and directed t� e�ecute and deliver deeds of conveyance of the premises so sol d to the purchasers <br /> � t�zereof upon due considera*ion oP the respective shaxes of said garties in said property, <br /> Now Therefore, We the undersigned, Othmari A. Abbott and Willard A. Prince, re2'erees aPore- <br /> said, Por and in conaideration of the premises and oP the sum of Twenty-tnousanci (�20,000 ) Dollars <br /> - ; to us in 11and pai d by Lena Wilkins, the recei�t wnereof is hereby acknowleflg�d, have bar�ained, <br /> - sDld and conveyed unto the sa,id Lena 1Nilkins all of tne f'ollov�Ting described real estate situate i <br /> the city of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, to-wit: <br /> The Center One-tnird �f Lot Eight (g ) Block Fifty-Pive (55 j of tne ori�inal town now city <br /> oi' Grand Island, Nebraska, together witn all the appurtenances , hereditament� and appurtenr�nces <br /> ' tnereunto belon�ing, anct all tne rignt, title, interest and estate of tne �aid respective paxties i <br /> partition to her anu to her heirs and asai�ns forever. <br /> In �itness �Xnereof, Sd�e nave hereunto set our namea as referees, and duly executed trie fore- <br /> ; going deed as refer�es on trii� 6th day oP August, A.D.1917. <br /> Othman A. Abbott <br /> ;;Witness <br /> Walter H. Rauert Willard A. Prince <br /> Referees. <br /> ;�tate of Nebraska ) <br /> `� )ss. � IT REMED�BERED, tnat on this 6tn aay oP August, A.D. 1917, bePore me tri <br /> Hall C ounty. ) <br /> undersi�ned Clerk of tne District Court in and for Hall County, Nebraska <br /> ;gersonally came Ot?�man A. Abbott and Willari� A. Prince, rePerees, who executed trie Poregoing in- , <br /> ' strument, and eacn severally acknowledged the execution of said instrument to be his voluntary act <br /> and deed personally and riis voluntary act and deed as r�Peree. <br /> In witness �hereoP I riave hereunto set �y riand and affixed my oPPicial seal on trie date last <br /> above written. <br /> walter H. Rauert <br /> (S e a 1 ) Clerk oP the District Court. <br /> 'Filed Por recor d the 13 day of August, 1917, at 2 :45 o'clock P.�. <br /> � � ��� <br /> Register of Deeds. <br /> -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o=o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-�-o <br /> jQUIT CI�AID� DEED'- <br /> , . :� � <br /> KNO`N ALL I�N BY THFSE PR ESENTS: Tnat Mary Lambert, unmarried, oP trie County of <br /> i�iall and State of Nebra,ska for the cor�sideration of One DoZlar hereby Quit Claim and conve,y unto <br /> , <br /> ��,ena Wilkins of tne County of Hall and State of Nebraska, all of our rigYit, title and intereat oP <br /> i�vha�soevEr natnre, in and to trie Pollowing described Real Estate, situated in trie County oP Hall <br /> ;;and State of Nebraska, to-wit: <br /> i' �y unaivided one-h�,lf interest in The Center One-tni�rd (�-) to-wit- <br /> ;; <br /> ` �'wenty-two (22 ) �'eet, of Lot Eight (S ) Bloek Fifty-Yive (55 ), of trie original town noW .�ity of <br /> ,� <br /> j�rand Island, Nebraska. <br /> �; Thi� deed is made to confirm tne referees deed Por �aia �remises in trie suit of Lena Wilkins, eta <br /> �ys. Mar,y Lambert et al in District Court oP Hall County. <br /> f� � <br /> i <br /> ; <br /> �i _ - - J <br />