• � � . ; --
<br /> ���� �a�e 2 � �'
<br /> Q�,9,��g�� DEED OF TRUST 9� � : . ��.
<br /> L.oan No 435fl81 (ConUnued) ��, —
<br /> �_
<br /> Mqafher+rrfth eD r9nsw&ts,mctensions�modiftcatlo�r re�rtanang��a d tsubst�Auho�sPo l the No�te.t The mat�un"ry�ofrtthrs Os3d ot Trust is • ` ',`_ _
<br /> S6ptamb�r 13.1997. `''-�`
<br /> � :r-
<br /> p�so�t8)p�oaetty. The wcrds'Personsl Property'mean all equ�pment, fixtues.and other artiUes of peisonal property now or hareaftar �a
<br /> owned by Trustor,and now or hereaf4er atfached or affixed to tha Real Property:togethar with uil aocess�ons.paAs.and additions to,a11 e �
<br /> rc�laosmpnls Gf,and 89 subsfitutions for,any of such property;and togelher v�nth a�i proceeds pncluding without Iim�taUOn all insurance �
<br /> • , proceess antl retunQs ot premtums�trom any sale or oiher disD�tion ot ths Property �
<br /> psopOrty. Th9 wOrd'PropOft�tneens to�lectivBty the Reel Property and the Persortal Property : -
<br /> �pr�yp��y,Tho wprds 9�es1 propeAy'mean the properly,interesis and nghts dsscribed ebove m the'Conveyanoe ar�d GranY secbon. �` —
<br /> Ret�ad Doeumanta. The words'Retatsd Oocuments' mean and intlude without Iimitation sil promissory notes, credit agreements, loan _
<br /> __ . �������y�g�,,g�amnL�eS,58curity agreements,mortgagas,deeds of trust.8n0 aU othar instrumenis,agreements and =
<br /> documer�ts,whether now or hereafter e�tlr►p,executed�n connecdon vrith the Indsbtedness. �`
<br /> pettts, The word'R�entS'mearu aA PreSent and future renis,revenuss,income,issuss,royalties,profits,and other Denefits derived from the ,. ,
<br /> �e�Y•
<br /> TntateY.The ward?rnsteer means UNI'fED N�AASKA BANK and eny substihtte or suaessor trtstees. � �
<br /> Ttustat.The word'frustor means any and aU pe�sons and enti�es�cecuting this Daed ot Trust,indu�ng wiihoul ltmiffitlon all Tnutors namsd ' _
<br /> . above. � -
<br /> ' ON Ti£FOLLOWING TERMS: • .. . .
<br /> PAYIAF3�1T A1iD PE3iFORW1A[�It�. �Pt�atnd in�aetlm�ei dmanneh erform a11 o�nut�o s obi g I o�s�aerin(V'ote,tt�fs peed of Trusf,and ths � � '��
<br /> �
<br /> • Of TNS!�s 1My beCOrta due,and Shall stricUy Y P r�,s '#
<br /> Re�aUd QoCUmants. , `, ';--:�'�`' --
<br /> ' �� ppgS�Sgtp�q MI�t11AtNYENIUiCE OF TFiE PROPERTY. Trusror�re�that Trustor's passession and use of the Properry sl��tse govemed by F . ;;` .=r
<br /> f the faYOwlny provisiflrt� � . .
<br /> � �..
<br /> i ppst��(pe1 ind Use. Unt7 the oxurte+�ce o1 en Evertf of Oefault,Trustor meY (al remain in P�uion and coitrai of the�mpeAY. (ti)use. .. --, �. .�—.
<br /> ' opAr4te or manaye the ProyertY.and (C)ca�a�y Rents from the Property. .�: , � ,
<br /> ,.�.x,_.
<br /> p�y�p��t. Tnutp��ha�i mgin}ain the P.-r.,�eAy in tenantabie condition and promPtly Pa�arm all repalrs.ra�lawmer�t5.and meintena;.aa I '!�_..;,;f���.
<br /> ' . n�ry to prec,erve its vafLe. � .`�
<br /> , �' I�Qpus Sup�nC�s. Tfta�'ha�dous waste,"'ha�ardous substanoe,"dispos8l;"release,"and lfireatenes retease.'as csed in tttis i . ,_•ir��' .
<br /> ' ppod ot Tn1si,stialf hsve lhe same msanings es se►forth in the Comprehensnre E�vfronmental Response.Compensation,and Uab7ity Aet ot :'.'��.: , , �.
<br /> � iggp,ag amended,42 U.�u.C.Section 9601,et seq.('CERCLA'�,the Superfund Amendments and Reaulhorliatlon Act of 798&,Pub•L No. . �..,; ; �
<br /> � gg.{gg(�gAliq',thg Ha�rdous Mstertais Transpatatlon Act,49 U.S.C.SecUon 1801,e1 seq.,the Resource Conserv8tlon and Recovery A�t. , " .
<br /> � 12 U.S.C.Sectlon 69D1,et seq..or other applicahte state or Federal Iaws,ru�s,or rapulatians adopted pursoant to any of the Mrapdnp. The . . '��' '• ; {
<br /> tirrt�s Tazardous wasie'and�rdous subsiance'shail elso inciude,without IimilaUon,petroteum and petroleum by-produds or eny fracti0n ' •.�„ .
<br /> (tMrepf and asbestps, Tnr�tcr.3Dresenls and vrairar�ts to Lender that (a)During the pe�lod of Trustors owneoship of the Prop�ly.lhere has , : f-
<br /> • ���.{�neragon.mnnufachee,storage,treatmenL d'ispasai.release or threatened relea.se ot any hesardous weste a sudstanee by any - �:,: _,., r �
<br /> on undar abaut ot from the Prop�ty; (b)Tr►utor h3s r.�knowtedge of.or reason to believe that there tws been,excePt as previousiy �...� .+��. .
<br /> D� �
<br /> �sdosed to a�!adcnawledpsd by Lender in wci6ng� p)eaY usa 9erteration,manuftteture.storaye�treatment,d�spasai.release.or threateaed . `°�'':�. �:
<br /> .� tep�sa of¢rry I�rdous weste a subsinnce o��under,about ar��m ihe PropeAy bY�Y P�or owners or occupenis of the Property or (ii)efi' • � t�,� �.
<br /> � �t�pr th�'�ns0 Iitiyatlon pt claims ot a�y k:nA by any persan relating to such matters:and (c)Except as prevlousfy Q1sclosed to and �
<br /> � adcnawledysd by LerWer in wrfUng, p)neitiier Trustor nor arry tenar�,car�actor,aper�t or other authaSzed user ot Ihe Properly shall usa. ��� -
<br /> . gotwrato.manu(adure,stare.treat,dispose ot,w retease any hamrQoua waste or subsffinoe on,under,about or from the Property and fif)anY . �4 � --
<br /> suCtf acdtiity shail De conducted In compfiancs wlth a11 applicable fedaral.state.and lacal iaws.regu�adons and ordinaneas.inNudira9 wrthout - ,
<br /> prNmypn tApsg laws,cesutatlons,and ordinartces de5cribed above. Trustor autharizes Lender and its agents fo erder upon the PropeAy to � '
<br /> m a k�s u c h t n S p e c U o n s e n d t e�t s.a t T n�s t o r's e�ense.as Lender ma y deem appropriate lo determine compiienee ot the PropeRy with this • f���`�
<br /> S�Ctlon of lhe Oeed o}TNSi. Arry irrsPeCUOns a�S�S m8d8 by lender shall be tor Lenders purpos9s only Bn d S h 4 U no t be c o n s tr u e d t o C r e 8 t 0 . '
<br /> �- �^.'.��.
<br /> any�ppnsibility or Itab&ty on the parl o f I.E n d e r to Trus tar o r t o a n y o t h e r p e r s o n. Th e r e p re s e n t a t i o n s a n d w a rt a n U e 3 c onffiine0 herel�ere , f".'
<br /> • bafad on Tnutors dw df►pence in imastlgat�g 1he PropeAy tor herardous waste and ha:erdous sunstnnoes. Tn�stor heretY (a)re�ases e�d . _
<br /> watV�s any future Cfaims a��st Lender for indemni 1 y w conMDulion In the event Tnutot becomes liabte fM cfeanup a other C�ls under nrry . .`�-', 'T
<br /> E u c h y w y,a n d (b)a p r e e s t o i n d e m n i t y an d hold hnrmless Lender apainst any and ail ctaims,tosses,IlabifiUss,damapes,penai8es.and • ,�,..
<br /> 3E`.�-_r� . -
<br /> �wtYch Lender may dlractly w�ndirectly sustetn or sutter resulUnp trom a breach o t t h i s s e c t lon o t f h e O e e d M T r�l o r a s a � �''�`�
<br /> conaqwno�af ury usa,penerallan,manuhcture,starage,disposal.retease or threatoned retease occurrinp pdor to Tn�tofs ownershtp or �
<br /> ��Nt�st�o the proputy,wtiether a not tta same was or Shoutd have been known lo Trusta. The proW�lons o1 this secUon ot tha Dsad of Tnat, :��(�_„_:.
<br /> It�ciudlrp the obAyaUOn to Indemnity,shaA SWVWe the paymeM of the Indebtedness and the saUsfscUOn and reconveyance ot the Nen o9 tt.�s _ .`.•_.—.__
<br /> ' ONd of Tnist and shaD no!Ae aflected by Lenders aequisiUOn of any interest in the Property,whether by farec asure ot otherw►se• . . . ., , `,:.,,
<br /> , 1luis�neo,Wa�. Trustor shaD not eause,eonduct or permit any oulsance na commit,permit,or sutfer any stripDl�O o1 w waste on or to the ' �s--.
<br /> � � prpperty pr any portlon o!the PropeAy. Without Iimttinp the peneraliry ot the torepang,Trustor wiu not remove,or�ant to any oth0r paM the :
<br /> dpht to wmove,arry dmber.minerais Qnduding oU and gas),soil,gravel or rock praducis without iha prior w�(tten consent o}Lender. ..�. �^�•
<br /> ROnWVM o1(mprovemente. Trustor shall not demdish or remove eny Improvements from the Real PropeRy wit�out the Ddor written consent
<br /> of LsndYt. As a eonf9tlon to thB removal 01 any Improvements,Lendar may require Trustof to mak9 enecr�yerrtents sellstactory to Lender to .
<br /> rap{�a sucb Improvemenls wtth Improvements ot at least equal value.
<br /> Lst�dN��qlqht 1p Entv. LenAer and its apenb end representaUves mttY enter upan lhe Real Property at ell reasonabie Umes to attend lo . .
<br /> Lpndefs irneresb and to insyocllhe ProPe+h��a V�D�o�Trustors compiiance with the terms and condi8ons of this Oeed ot Trust. •: � .-
<br /> � Compil�ce+rilh GoYHnmenLl REqutrsrtNnTa. Trustor Sha11 promptly compty with all laws.ordinanogs,and regufaUons,now a hereafter In , ' , —�-�
<br /> � KNet,p1 a�l Qpvgmrtlental ButAoritle!apDNeable!o the u59 or oCCUp&nCy ot the Properly� inCludinp witttoul IlrNtatlan,the AmedCans�bilh
<br /> pfsappN,3es Ast, Trustq msy Cordest In peod fallh any such law, adinance,or reyulallon anC wtthhdd comp0ance duriny any proceeC:.�p. , • � �
<br /> . IrKK;tuudnp q�propAate eppaals.50 lonp as Tnistor has natiNed Lender In wriUng prla to doing so and so lorp as,in Lercder's sole op�n�on,
<br /> L�n��lirterssls in ths PropeAy ere nof jeopardi�d. Lender may require Trusta to post adequate sec�stty or a surely bond,reasonabry .
<br /> stHsf�;tory to lends►.M protecf Lenders Interest �,
<br /> Quty b Prot:N.Trustor e9rees neHher to e4andon nor leave unattended the Property. Trustor shall do al other acts.In sddiUan to those acts
<br /> set forlh above in this sectlon,whtch hom t�e character and use ot ihe Property are reason9D�y necessary to Drotuct and preserve the Prope�ty.
<br /> • p�pN g�_�p�cQ�gy Lp�pEp, Lenff2r may,at its apifon,deGare immediatety due and payabl9 Eil sums secured by this deed of Trust . �-:9
<br /> upon the S�IY or transiet,without the Lendefs pAOr wdtten cansenf,ot all or any paA of the Real PropeAy,or any mterost in the R881 Property. A
<br /> '"Sey p�trt�S1gP mgflrtg the cOnveyBnCe of Real Properly or any dght,titie or interest therein;whether legel,Cenefldsl or equftebte;whBther voiuntary
<br /> or imrafunl8tyr,whether by outright sete,deed,instaliment saie contract.Iand contruct,contract!or deed.IeaseAold interest wilh e term greater than
<br /> three(3)ya4rs, IeYSe-oPBOn cont►�tCt,w by Sale,esslgnment,or transfer of eny beneficlal Interest in or to any land UY�st hotding lltte to the Real . .
<br /> ' PrOp�Ry W by 8ny Other mgthod o}conveyBnCe of Reai Properly fnterest. If flny Trustor is e Corporation,paAnership or��mited liability Company, �
<br /> trgnStYr a150 Inciudes anr Chanpe in owne�s�lp of more than iwenty-five percent(25%)of the voting stock,purtnershtp interests w Ilmited Itability .
<br /> nst r
<br /> comparry Interest9�a91he case maY be,ot Ttustor. However,this optlon shall not ba exerdsed by Londer if such exercise b prohibited by federal
<br /> � Iaw a by Nebraske law.
<br /> TAXEB AMD LIQiB.The(dlpwtng ptOVi5lons r6foBng�0 the taxes and liens on fhe Proporly ere e p8t1 of this Oeed of Ttusl �
<br /> � Paymint. Trusta shaii psy wtwn due(end ir.atl B�JSn�pr�cr!o dc,�r.Guancyl 2!I L^xes.sA�'"a!taxes.ASSassments.charges(InCluding weter + __
<br /> • and sower),flngs and Imposiflons levled against or on account of the PropeAy,and shail pay when due all Gaims for work done on or for t
<br /> servkes renQered or materiai furnished to the PrOperty. Trustor shail mamtain the Property hee of att liens�having prlortty over or equsl to the
<br /> ioterest of Lender under thts Oeed ot Tru51,except(or the Iien of taxes and assessments not due and exC8D18s ofhervrise provfded�n this Oe¢d � �°`
<br /> � � olTrusl. � ;:.,_y_:.
<br /> Ripht To Contest. Trustot may vvfthhotd payment of any lax,assessment,or cia�m m conneCUOn wlth a good feith dispute ovar the obligaUOn ��
<br /> . � , - : . �'�_,-_
<br /> , --- =c_ ----�---'—^_""'_`'.��::-;
<br /> = . , � -�-----^ . . - . . . ' .
<br /> . . . • . ..
<br /> , ._ . . �. .. �. -
<br /> . ,. . .. . . _ _ _._ .. ... .�. ... ' • •? . � �
<br /> ' ., � �. � , , . � . � ' . ., :i: . ,..
<br /> . . . .. ,��- � . . . . . • ,_ .. • ,. , . , . -.. , . � _. , _._ .. • � • . . . . .
<br />