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��� <br /> � EED RECORD NO . 54 <br />__ �___rv_- _ �_,_- ��_� ... __ ._ ___ _ _ ___. __. <br /> + State �f Nebraska, ) ;� <br /> i (ss. �n this 27th day of July, A.D.1917, t�efore me, the uncier$fgned, a No- I <br /> � Ha7.1 County } <br /> ; <br /> tary Public in and Por said county, gersonally came Bayard H.Pain� and �� <br /> �Grace �3entle,y Paine, his wife, �no are personally known to me to be tne identical �ersons v�rn�se ;� <br /> names are affixed t� tne above instrument as gra.ntors and th�y �everally aeS�no�rledged the said in-,� <br /> `strument to be their voluntary act and deed. ' <br /> �: <br /> �i <br /> WITNESS my hand and Notarial seal, trie date aPoresaid. �° <br /> John Al1an. . . .Notary Public <br />� (Seal } <br /> 'My cammission expir�s Jan.�,191�. <br /> , ,; <br /> Filed P�r record tne 31 day of July, 1g17, at 10 :15 o�clock A.Bd. ���� � " <br /> Regi�ter oP Deeds ' <br /> -O-0-0-0-0-0-0-O-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-O-�J-O-O-O-O-O-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-O-O-fl-O-O+�- <br /> " �ARRANZ'Y DEED'- <br /> • KNOW ALL �iEN BY THEiSE PRESEI�TS: Tnat The =J�ood River Cemeter� Association oZ Hall <br /> ' County, and State of NebrasKa in consideration oP tne sum of Five (5 )-- - -Dolla,rs, in hand paid,b�r� <br /> N. C. Burkerd of Hall C�unty, and State oP Nebraska do hereby sEll and convey unto th� said N. C. " <br /> � Burkerd the PollowinF described premises, situated in the County of Hall and Sta�e of Nebrasica, <br /> ;; <br /> �, to-wit : <br /> 'All oP Lot No.115n in Row ��9�� accordin� �o the Plan on file witn trie County Clerk oP <br /> r- <br /> Hall Co. � Nebraska. � � �i <br /> 'And we nereb,y covenant witn trie said N.C.Burkerd tria� we hold said premises by good and perPect � <br /> title; that we riave ��ood ri�rit anci lawful autriority to sell anci convey trie sam�; tnat tney a,re ij <br /> i'ree and clear oP all liens and ineumbrances wnatsoever. And we covenant to warra,rlt and dePend tn��� <br /> aaid premises against the lawful claims oP all persons wnomsoever. '. <br /> 'i <br /> � And trie said - - - - nereby relinquisries her rigrit of dower fn and to trie above described !� <br /> �remises. �, <br /> Signed t'riis 26tn day o�' June A.�. 1SS0. � <br /> In presence o�' J.H.�urX�ny Chm Treas. <br /> �i <br /> - - - - - C. �. Towne Glerk '� <br /> �Sta,t� �f Nebraska, ) 'i <br /> )ss. On this 26 day of Jun� A.D. 1St30 before me, Jas Jacks�n a Notary Public �; <br /> Hall County. ) '� <br /> witriin ana fcr said County, per�onally came J.H.Bdurphy & C.E.Towri� �er- !� <br /> ±sonally to m� known to b� tne identical Fersons wtlose names --- aPfixeci. to tne above instrument as .!, <br /> - li <br /> �Grantors and severally acKnowlec�ed tne execution oP trie same to be trieir voluntary act and deed, j! <br /> ,�i <br /> ;�'or tne �urposes tnerein expressed. �� <br /> In Tuitnesa W�ereof, I h.ave hereunto subscribed �y nam� and aPfixed my oPPicial aeal, at Wood �' <br /> i! <br /> !River Neb. on tne date last ab�ve written. <br /> Jas Jackson ;� <br /> (Seal ) - - --- - - `�; <br /> - - - - 'i <br /> � � :i <br /> �i1ed for record the 2 da,y oP Au�ust, 1917, at g o'cl4ck A.M. <br /> - O ' <br /> � Register of Deed ;; <br /> ;; <br /> �--�-0-0-0-0-0-4-o-o-O-0-O-0-o-O-O-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-O-O-o-O-O-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-O-�-o-k <br /> ; ,� <br />� � ;� <br /> � � <br /> ! � � � i; <br /> � <br /> ; <br /> li <br /> n <br /> i! <br /> li <br /> ��� <br /> r, <br /> ',' <br /> i i� <br />� <br /> I � �� . <br />